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Everything posted by therealmjl

  1. Actually checking the huddle for updates instead of discussion/banter when there are better feeds (such as, you know, Twitter or Panthers.com live feed) is your first mistake. I’m unhinged. I’ll take 5 and re join this thread.
  2. Go complain about it if that’s what gets you off. I’m ready for war.
  3. Hurt his hand on a tight Corral spiral
  4. Checking a practice thread for updates whining about posters having fun at 10AM when practice doesn’t even start til 10:30 lol
  5. Then rejoin once practice actually starts
  6. Practice hadn’t even begun yet. Go cry about it in another thread.
  7. Oh cry me a river. Practice hadn’t even started yet.
  8. Wrong, Corral gave Jeremy admin rights to the site.
  9. I can agree with this. I literally need someone to list step by step what to do and I'll follow it. Makes it easy and takes the thinking and mental roadblocks out of it. I've done a full P90x once, and some other Beach Body offerings here and there. That's why, for the past few years - I've literally just ran 3 miles 2-3 times per week as a means of maintenance. It' simple, takes under 30 minutes and I can do it by walking outside and taking off.
  10. Rhule probably at home fangirling over that. He loved the guy.
  11. I ordered a used Mayfield browns jersey off eBay I’m so in it for the Bake show
  12. Just pulled up and Matt Corral brought over a box of coffee and 12 donuts. What a guy.
  13. Our secondary has the opportunity to be every bit as good as our DL is bad.
  14. What a stupid way to run these quarterbacks. Leave it Rhule.
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