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Everything posted by therealmjl

  1. It’s also funny nobody is talking about the joke of a position coach who went after him before wilks got into him. That dude sucks. His resume is also a joke.
  2. sounds like the team is holding him back from playing then
  3. Listening comprehension is difficult. He said no such thing. He said a job with a great QB is the unicorn and referenced Green Bay…
  4. This is a terrible idea. We also have Jacob Eason. embrace the tank
  5. No because I felt the same when Ron was canned and the man who hired Rhule is still in charge.
  6. 1 target, overthrown and he plays 4 total snaps
  7. I’d keep Morgan around but tell Fitt to kick rocks
  8. Cheers @ladypanther these are dire times.
  9. absolutely embarrassing. the only player on offense that deserved to run out with that flag is CMac.
  10. Not even close to true. During our Cam highs we had a legit home field advantage. Changed the culture. now, lol
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