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Everything posted by therealmjl

  1. Right. These tickets were sold weeks ago. Once they’re sold, you can’t reclaim them.
  2. And unfortunately I’m not making that up. I made a thread about it.
  3. Yes I bought a Baker jersey off eBay from his meth addicted cousin who lives outside of Cleveland
  4. Of course you can. Gamecock TE Austin Stogner was acquired via portal last year, and is in portal now.
  5. https://twitter.com/CBSBrenton/status/1599922139468963840?ref_src=twsrc^google|twcamp^serp|twgr^tweet
  6. quitting his job as a short order cook
  7. 8D chess by Fitt. Let San Fran claim him, their season is then derailed and the CMAC return is higher.
  8. He’s going to have a good day and follow it up with a horrific performance next week.
  9. We didn't up until yesterday. He may end up staying another year honestly.
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