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Everything posted by therealmjl

  1. Exactly. Just like Payton said on the Herd back when we canned Rhule and they started trying to link him here.
  2. According to who? Not one other vacancy has been filled yet.
  3. He's a fine OC, but just that. He isn't HC material.
  4. Kellen Moore will also be done after the 49ers dice Americas team up….but I don’t think anyone wants him anyway.
  5. Oh yeah, it's losing steam - but, assuming he doesn't accept a job over the weekend and works with us to reschedule - that bodes well for our chances.
  6. As low as I think of Payton as a person, I would be floored if he didn't reschedule with us. You'd have to be an awful person to outright cancel a previously scheduled appointment because one side couldn't make it due to a death.
  7. I don't see how this impacts the Payton decision. They will reschedule and still interview him, just like the other 2 candidates we were meeting with this weekend. It's the human thing to do.
  8. Just because Russell Wilson called him? yeah, no
  9. Gotcha haha. I thought you were trying to get Dalton or Jameis included in the trade lol
  10. evil man sean payton coming on a covert operation to destroy the beloved panthers from within
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