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Everything posted by therealmjl

  1. herein lies the reason why michael jordan still has a place on our roster
  2. IKR. This makes no sense whatsoever.
  3. what's funny is since he announced it to panthers hot mic twitter yesterday we get a clear picture of how long it takes this dolt to come up with a 5 paragraph article
  4. control f, "michael jordan", no results
  5. goodbye eric rowe. we hardly knew you.
  6. I think they’re going to give Zavala every opportunity to win the RG spot until Corbett returns, but if Jenson develops as a solid depth guy, that would be huge.
  7. Never saw Peoples as anything more than a camp body/PS player
  8. I know he isn’t the power back we need, but Blackshear deserves more looks with the first team. He’s going to make the team on special teams alone, but I think he can make an impact as a 3rd down back.
  9. I think it’s more a surprise to hear reporters candidly and casually talking trash about a player
  10. He just asked questions about it and played it cool but you could tell he was super uncomfortable. A team rep/someone who runs these ultimately came into the room and let everyone know (I guess he was also listening from like a media room or something) and explained why they leave them hot. It sounded like standard procedure so idk how the reporters didn’t know this was the case.
  11. Yeah it was super awkward when Mike Kaye found out. You could feel the tension in there. A team rep finally came in and mentioned it’s always hot in between interviews and has been like that since 17/18 season.
  12. Yeah exactly. If 6 of those 7 wins are divisional games then we could be NFCS champions.
  13. it was actually hot way before Icky ever came on. It was like a solid 15 minutes of them rambling nonsense.
  14. Icky up talking now. Say something to him David.
  15. Yeah they are. Mike Kaye walked out of the room lol.
  16. mike kaye is like getting scolded over this "always remember that mics are in the room"
  17. mike kaye feels some typa way about this
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