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Everything posted by therealmjl

  1. Yeah - I still don't know what to make of these complaints. It's some pretty sketchy stuff and a pattern of poor judgement if all of this is true?
  2. What? you don't rush to carolinahuddle to provide information about your personal life?
  3. You may get those here momentarily; this sleazy lawyer is about to drop some "hard evidence". He's holding a press conference in the next hour.
  4. and you blindly defending him says a good bit about you...
  5. Surprised he didn't choose KC, but I guess 1 year and staying put is easier than picking up and moving to a new city, etc. for the short term.
  6. Alternative being just taking whatever we want ?
  7. Lawyer is holding a press conference today right? 2:30 CDT?
  8. Besides, literally all good lawyers have a bit of sleaziness to them... that’s kinda the point
  9. I mean I don't really want to believe this either - but the more this unfolds, the worse it looks.
  10. Or “cleared” by the NFL - which makes him untouchable at the moment
  11. No, he has never missed a game due to injury so that takes him off our list.
  12. You’re pushing the goalposts again. A large group of people would still qualify as multiple individuals....no matter how they came forward
  13. This is going to be a fast, fun, and hungry defense
  14. I'm in the same boat. Hulu Live TV kinda screwed me with the Fox Sports Regional deals not renewing.
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