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About therealmjl

  • Birthday 01/08/1988

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  1. Interesting, I expected Butterfinger would have come calling after last season.
  2. Well if we are comparing him to the guy we drafted with our first rounder last year - actually reliably catch the ball
  3. Oh wow he just came back like nothing happened lol
  4. Was watching it live and was embarrassed for him. Just cringe all around:
  5. Clown behavior Lets hype up a shirt that a grand total of 4 people will buy
  6. yeah definitely we are great at drafting receivers in the second round give me the proven commodity any day over this nobody
  7. don't talk about bricks like that
  8. No one: Panthers: hey Adam we would like to pay you more money
  9. Cincinatti is stupid. This will blow up in their face.
  10. if we're being honest, he's probably the loudest and most obnoxious scout in the room amirite
  11. I think we'll still look to add a RB through the draft. Rico's signing just seems to be a placeholder while Brooks rehabs.
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