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About therealmjl

  • Birthday 01/08/1988

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  1. Predictable. Especially with miserable OP.
  2. https://www.nbcsports.com/nfl/profootballtalk/rumor-mill/news/report-issues-remain-in-bill-belichick-north-carolina-talks
  3. Congrats on the hire. Pretty awesome. signed, the better at football south Carolina gamecocks
  4. I would be happy to just not be the doormat for a change.
  5. Came here to say this. It’s not hard to tell who is actually watching these last few weeks and who is just stat checking.
  6. SMU doesn’t want to play because they know a pissed off Clemson team is going to spank them.
  7. Just stopping in to say I hate the CFP and go cocks @CRA
  8. These are senior finalists. Not the modern era player finalists.
  9. I get the sentiment but how is working for UNC Charlotte “doing just fine”? I mean if you consider like showing up and collecting a paycheck a win, sure. There is a reason he isn’t working in the NFL.
  10. I have a feeling my gamecocks are going to be over emotional and dare I say, reckless. It’s been a good run and at least we’ve turned a bit of a corner with Sellers; so this season is already a win for us. Clemson just beats us plain and simple. Maybe we can muster up some magic but it’ll be tough.
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