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Everything posted by Snake

  1. Boy the delusional fans just won't give it up. Like we suck ass and we just got beat by a turnover machine at QB. Yet we are positive not delusional cause we can still make the playoffs guys!!!!
  2. I think the offense and defense has pretty much been the same as the beginning of the year. We just have slightly better coaching.
  3. Talk about early failure. This man just might be the biggest loser in NFL history. That's been a 150 mill L all in 4 years.
  4. Biggest thought of the day for me was I'm glad I turned the game off.
  5. If I'm Chicago I'm questioning taking another QB.
  6. If Elon Musk owned this team Wilks would be gone.
  7. I'm pretty sure TB is going to win today and snuff out our chances of playoffs.
  8. I really expect you to defend him today. Consider me surprised and impressed.
  9. That's because we do the same thing every year.
  10. @Gerry Green @Asaria Yalls bitch asses disappear faster than a baby daddy when we get embarrassed. Come take your lumps.
  11. Perfect example of why you need a HC who excels at something.
  12. Well how about win a game that important and winnable. This is why I say you guys sound like . This was an important game and we got dominated. My vote is clear. Do not want!
  13. He's always been that way. Wilks got out coached and now the scheme fails.
  14. You really think we are going to beat one of the best offenses in the lions next week? They are one of the hottest teams right now. I totally expected us to roll this joke of a team yet we are getting blown out. Yeah that ain't happening.
  15. Bro it's 21-10 and you think Darnold is going to score. Don't put your faith in a
  16. I mean this is so the Panthers. Lose out on good draft position and then poo the bed on playoffs. Can't make this BS up.
  17. That's totally on Tepper. McAdoo has more success as a HC than Wilks does. It's like the Colts giving the job to Saturday.
  18. He would be better served taking a DC position because his Defense sucks.
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