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  1. Yeah we were stoked to get him back for another year last year, I thought for sure the NCAA was gonna deny him
  2. For real tho!!! How long has he had this one in the drafts?!?!
  3. ESPN/538 just released a list of the best NFL WRs according to analytics…granted it’s based on last year but DJ is WAY DOWN the list…I’m not saying he sucks by no means but go down this list and say to yourself would you rather have the WR listed or DJ? I think most would be surprised … https://projects.fivethirtyeight.com/nfl-receiver-rankings/
  4. Right?!?! ESPN/538 just released a list of the best NFL WRs according to analytics…go down that list and tell me if you’d rather have the WR listed or DJ?!?! https://projects.fivethirtyeight.com/nfl-receiver-rankings/
  5. I agree, I have no problem with Tepper…he wants to win at all cost and is gonna do what he thinks necessary to accomplish that
  6. They could have avoided all this by prioritizing James Bradberry over Shaq Thompson a couple of years back
  7. I thought the Panthers wanted Grant and he was taken the pic right after the trade
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