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Everything posted by firefox1234

  1. True. However, imagine you are Burns or DJ and Tepper or Fitt tells you to wait as we evaluate HCs. I don’t know how you could believe in anything this regime says.
  2. That’s the issue though. We can’t score with a hall of fame potential like CMC and now he is gone. If you were Burns or DJ , what is stopping you from coming to Tepper and Fitts and asking for your own moves?
  3. I wish I could believe in this current regime but frankly I just don’t.
  4. This is the important part. If I was Burns or DJ I’m talking to Tepper and Fitts for my moves.
  5. Fair point. But like I said what is the end game here. We are 2 years(if we are lucky) to 5 years of being a competitive team. What is the end game?
  6. True, teams are smart unlike us and will wait the situation out. So our choice is to trade Burns for cheap before we re-sign him or trade him for even cheaper once we give him all that money.
  7. I don’t know man. CMC is literally as close to a hall of fame ability we have had in this roster and now you are saying we can get a first for Burns after we pay him what he wants? Make it make sense.
  8. Unless we go ham to resign Burns why stay when free agency would be his best career path?
  9. As I said already to what end? We aren’t serious contenders for at least 3-5 years assuming we make the right moves.
  10. He is probably the only player we may be able to get a first round pick from right? And seeing CMC go there is no way he will sit idle. Please tell me we can’t screw this up!
  11. You are right. But if you don’t mind, could explain what this organization has been doing/going the past 5 years?
  12. Yup. Whether they are Fitt’s moves or Tepper doesn’t matter. Embrace the tank and move on.
  13. True. Fitt is gonna take the fall for these moves.
  14. Good chance he trades DJ too, who he gave all that money too. Fitt gotta go.
  15. Gotta trade DJ now. I don’t know how you just his contract if you have shipped CMC.
  16. Fitt knew he needed more 2023 picks to have a chance of keeping his job.
  17. I think CMC wanted out and when your best player’s head has been turned you gotta start thinking before it becomes a disaster.
  18. Might as well trade DJ. Burn it down!
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