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Everything posted by firefox1234

  1. Confirming what we already know, yet people still tried to defend the indefensible. Rhule has made several moves that should be sackable offenses. In my opinion Rhule has Tepper’s dick pics as blackmail.
  2. Folks need to accept that Rhule is the HC. Abandon all hope ye who enter.
  3. This won’t deter Rhule. He sees the progress but no one else can see it. Just him.
  4. Not a bad deal if it leads us to get a Kyler Murray the following year.
  5. True Burrow had better talent around him but he was still playing in a tougher conference, so if he was not up to snuff he would be found out and he wasn’t a game manger like Mac Jones was at Bama. Pickett taking 4 years in a lesser conference seems more likely to be a big fish in a small pond.
  6. First three years of college burrow pretty much didn’t play at OSU. He moves to LSU and starts playing then balls out his second year there. Cam basically the same. Didn’t play at all at Florida balls out at Blinn then balls out his first year at Auburn. Pickett was at the same program for 5 years started 4/5 of those years and it took him till the final year to do something in a conference you can’t compare to the SEC burrow was in. There experiences are pretty far apart.
  7. You don’t need to look on the Huddle to find more info on Darnold….
  8. Throw the kitchen sink! If I can I try to get a blue chip OL and a QB in the first round even if I have to give up the teams future. The owner has given me a $62m contract and I’m in a make it or break it year. Might as well put all my chip in this one…
  9. It didn’t take Burrow 4 years as a starter to do anything relevant in College. To me it reeks of a big fish in a small pond….
  10. I'll be getting serious John Fox/Clausen vibes if Rhule takes Pickett at #6....
  11. Buy the Panthers. Give Teddy a big contract then trade him to the Broncos. Then buy the Broncos and have the Panthers pay Teddy’s contract. That is quite the master plan.
  12. Yup. I felt like a room full of businessmen in a dark room had come to an agreement after that play and Cam and co. could only play ball.
  13. I have never felt so jaded about professional sports let alone life after that play.
  14. Lol same here. This place would be fire. Also if Rhule does go CB at 6 him getting the can will be set in stone so win win win.
  15. I get the feeling all these mocks are deliberate leaks by Rhule to get the fan base comfortable drafting a CB.
  16. If we’re getting a new QB I would prefer to draft one. However, I think Rhule should be forced to stick with Darnold and get himself out of the mess he created. I don’t care if it’s a make it or break it year. He got himself in this poo so he should get himself out and not leverage this team’s future.
  17. Do you think Rhule can make a similar turnaround next season. Even if it’s not the playoffs but a winning record with one pick in the top 100?
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