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  1. It didn't involve Carmelo Anthony. It was Fab Melo receiving improper help with school work. Also 5 basketball and football players received $8000 from the local YMCA.
  2. He was a head coach at Syracuse awhile back.
  3. " According to the video surveillance, the man was speaking to a woman before the events occurred as he described. After Kamara pushed the man, one of Kamara's associates punched the man in the face. Then Kamara lunged toward the man and punched him approximately eight times -- including three times after he had fallen to the ground. Three others from Kamara's group then began stomping the man in the face, chest and legs. One of Kamara's associates stomped him approximately 16 times, according to the police report"
  4. Police report - Video evidence supports allegations against New Orleans Saints RB Alvin Kamara (espn.com)
  5. It's not just this. Look at last year and how long it took him to get Lamelo minutes when almost everyone could see he deserved more minutes. Besides just Lamelo's minutes his player rotation was terrible. This year has been better, but still not very good. Many times leaving Plumlee in at the end of the game when the other team is just going to foul him because he can't hit a foul shot is just one example. I'm not saying he should be starting and/or playing 30 minutes a game, but I think Bouknight has played well enough as of late to earn some more minutes. He definitely also could have been given a handful of minutes in some games earlier in the season too. It doesn't appear that his coaching is doing the defense any favors since he's been here. It's also not like he has this team running like a finely tuned machine. He is currently struggling for a playoff spot in a poor division. I realize part of this is they need a center, but in my opinion I haven't been impressed with his coaching.
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