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Posts posted by Steves89

  1. 2 minutes ago, Brooklyn 3.0 said:

    Well then you better pony up the big bucks so you can name it after a former player.

    I’ll gladly pay $88 for the “Karl Hankton Thunderdome”

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  2. 3 minutes ago, NAS said:

    What's a real name? Almost every stadium name has a sponsor

    Yeah, and every stadium has a crappy name.  By the same token everybody poops and all of it stinks. Just because every stadium does it doesn’t make less gross. 

     I know every stadium has a sponsor and I know there’s no chance, but I’d still like the home of this thing I’ve cared about for a quarter of a century to actually mean something.

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  3. It's tough I think the greater need is ILB but OLB is a more valuable position

     I'd love to upgrade OLB but I think Haynes is actually pretty underrated. He had 5 sacks last year coming off the bench. I think we roll with Burns and Luvu on the outside with Haynes as a back up edge rusher. Not great, but we could get solid production and improving the middle of the line will help.  My bigger concern is the ILB where Shaq and Chinn are both pretty undersized. I like what I see from Campbell as a big body who can play close to the line of scrimmage but also has experience off ball.

  4. I can't say I love or hate the hire. It's an assistant position and he's never coached before so I don't have high expectations, but it's also low risk. I will say there are a heck of a lot of former players I would rather have than the guy who got beat like a drum every time we played him but I wish him well and hope he succeeds here.



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  5. 16 hours ago, SCP said:

    Listen, I love this fuggin Panthers team more than I should. Lord knows I’ve spent thousands of hours on toilets around the world reading Panthers content. My twig and berries have been crammed into Euro toilets so tightly that I had to wipe the backside of my balls after pooping and I was still digesting Panthers content. I have season tickets. I go to a road game or two every year. I pay my dues like all of y’all do. At least 4 of my hemorrhoids are a result of The Huddle and the other 3 are because of Twitter and I’m considering filing a lawsuit against Igo for emotional damages to my brown eye. I am also an unapologetic Rhule hater. He’s a buffoon who should be coaching at my alma mater, WCU, not in the NFL. But he is the out of shape hand we’ve been dealt. His first two years were like that first sh*tty car you owned as a youth. That 1998 Pontiac Aztec with 300K miles, bald tires, rusted doors and the gotdamn missing pop-out tent that Pontiac always advertised so you could watch people smoke meth at the KOAs across America. But here’s the deal, nobody had that tent and no matter where your road is taking you, you always have to stop to poop. And sometimes the only place you can find is a franchise Exxon with an exterior restroom, a locked door, a single key attached to a coxsackievirus (Google that poo) laden toilet plunger handle, and a toilet that hasn’t been cleaned since 1964. The question you need to ask yourself is do you poo or do you hold it and risk dysentery?

    My point is, Matt Rhule is our dirty toilet. As much as I dislike him, I am going to grab that key from the cashier, risk catching campylobacter (Google that too), hover my hairy ass over that Jackson Pollock toilet seat, and pray to the lord that my turd doesn’t come out sideways.

    I think we have a pretty damn decent roster. Am I an idiot? Sure. I thought Deonte Brown was the next Larry Allen and I am wrong 100 times more often than I am right, but I think our roster can compete and as much as it pains me to say this, I think our coaching staff has a chance to not get out-coached this season as long as Rhule doesn’t get in the way.

    Tom Brady is looking like Magda from Something About Mary, the Saints are 40 Jamie’s INTs from being .500, and the Falcons roster is more embarrassing than that time Matt Ryan literally crapped himself and had a skid mark in his game pants on national TV. 

    If the stars align and Fitterer makes a few moves over the next few days, we could be looking at 12-5 or 16-1. 

    if you’re not a Panthers fan, f*ck your team.

    This is great. Does it come in audiobook?

    • Poo 1
  6. Thank you for posting an actual topic.  Anyways,

    JC Horn - Agree. Loved what I saw last year and I'm a big fan of Wilks. I have have high hopes for this guy. If we get a little pressure on the quarterback, he'll be outstanding.

    T Marshall - Hero of preseason. Didn't show much during the season. Then again, not exactly in a great situation. I imagine he will improve and his production will as well. But hard to be other than disappointed when you had three running backs on the team with more receptions than he had. He might also be competing with the tight ends for catches more than our receivers typically have in years past

    B. Christensen - mid round pick finally got a chance and looked serviceable at a position of dire need. offers good depth this year. As you say, I wouldn't be surprised to see him start somewhere, just don't know where. High value

    T. Tremble - Big fan of this guy. I think a change of scheme could be huge for his production. Could be huge for Ian Thomas too for that matter.

    C Hubbard - I don't know about this guy. ok production at a position that is easy to have a lot of production in. Willl be tough for him to see the field behind Cmac and Foreman. But he is great depth and that ain't bad for this late in the draft

    D Nixon - Might get time because we are thin at DT. Would like to see more from him.

    D. Brown - He really ended up being great value for where we got him. Should be good depth. I still like this pick. I would love to see him start, but I think he is more of a backup

    S. Smith - doubtful we see too much from him this year unless injuries or he proves himself on special teams. I think there is too much competition at the skill positions

    T Fletcher - Pro Bowl

    P. Hoskins - like Nixon, I think he'll see decent time as a rotational guy. Solid late round pick. At the very least he's got a great Hogmolly name.

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  7. On 2/16/2022 at 4:11 AM, AU-panther said:

    For those saying RR, he had prime Cam for 9 years and never had back to back winning seasons.  For that to be true one of those two has to be severely overrated.


    This is a good point. I went with RR, and I gotta admit, that could be some bias because I just like the guy. Of the two,(Ron and Cam) Cam is clearly the undisputed talent who covered a lot of shortcomings on this team. I might have to change my vote to Fox.

  8. 5 minutes ago, DaveThePanther2008 said:

    Only Changes

    DC Jack Del Rio

    You didn't list OC and mine is Dan Henning

    Almost put Jack Del Rio except he wasn't here very long. I didn't list an OC as, well, to be honest I don't have a lot of positive associations with this team and offense the best ones that come to my mind being 2015 and 1999 neither of which can be attributed to Henning, but he did do some solid things during his time, and his competition is pretty bad.

  9. Every offseason, someone usually posts a topic which is a variant of what your all time Panthers team is. I have never seen anyone post your all time Panthers Coaching Staff. This may be an unpopular opinion, but I actually think this past year's Panthers team had a good amount of talent (I think Bitterer could be good), enough to maybe win closer to 9 games. The issue is really the coaching staff. So I wanted to ask, who is on your all time Panthers coaching staff. I don't know my full staff yet, but the guys I like are

    Head Coach: Riverboat Ron Rivera has the best win percentage of any coach we have had, is well respected in the community and is largely beloved by his plays. People have been knocking on the idea of "culture" but culture is really important and this team was known for having a great locker room culture during his tenure aided of course by some great veterans like TD, Luke, Cam, and Greg. But it starts with Ron. 

    WR: Ricky Proehl was a player and a big part of both Super Bowl panther teams, first as a player and then as a coach. He helped a lot of players surpass their potential - I am thinking of Philly Brown's performance in the NFC Championship game and the Super Bowl. Basically had nothing to work with and made them part of a really potent offense.

    RB: Jim Skipper Who else could it be? He was here forever, survived multiple HC firings and gave us some amazing running backs through the years. A no brainer.

    Defensive Coordinator: Sean McDermott oversaw two an excellent defense here and is now a very successful head coach in Buffalo. 

    DL: Eric Washington: Unlike Proehl, he had much more talent to work with, but getting pressure with a four man rush was a huge part of this teams success for much of its history. He had solid success in Chicago and and is kicking but in Buffalo with McDermott. 

    LB: Sam Mills (duh)Was the heart of the team when it went to the playoffs in 1996, when it went to the Super Bowl in 2003. Might be the heart of the team still. I hope this team gets back to being at a place where it is deserving of his legacy. 

    DB: Steve Wilks This might be some 2015 bias, but he made some good things happen with pretty mediocre players. Coached Thieves Row that had a lot of takeaways and made Mike Mitchell look good.

    Curious to hear what other coaches folks liked from past Panther teams.

    Happy Offeseason!



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  10. Mac Jones is the answer to the question "What if a hemorrhoid fugged a boat shoe?"

    Mac Jones looks like a Trump supporter after they've had 4 happy meals for breakfast instead of 3.

    Mac Jones looks like someone took the face of a giant, stupid baby and stuck it on the body...of a giant, stupid baby.

    Mac Jones looks like the Michelin Man who just decided to pop his collar. 

    Now that's done, ready to focus on Arizona today. 

  11. 2 minutes ago, t96 said:

    Great news. Still don't want to rush him back but glad it's not a very serious injury. I think we can win 2 out of 3 against Cowboys, Eagles, Vikings without him, or even all 3.

    This. Cowboys might be tough but after that we have a very winnable stretch of games. If Hubbard is half decent, we should easily come out of the next three games 2-1 and the two after that are the giants and the falcons for goodness sake. I don't want to count chickens, but if we can't beat Atlanta and NYG without Him, we aren't playoff caliber team, so if he needs time, we need to give him time.

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