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Everything posted by gettlemanjack

  1. ProFootballTalk @ ProFootballTalk 4h Jim Gray: "We are going to keep the evening to what it was supposed to be. However there is an elephant in the room." Brady : "Where?"
  2. Vic Lombardi @ VicLombardi 4h Gray responds by saying, "Are you that slow a reader"? Brady keeps dodging the question. Most mobile I've ever seen him.
  3. Ian O'Connor, Senior Writer, ESPN.com "As much as Spygate belonged to the head coach of the New England Patriots, Bill Belichick, this one belonged to his quarterback. ... Brady deserves to be suspended for his actions, and four games sounds about right. You get caught tampering with the equipment and running a flea-flicker on the game's integrity, you have to pay a price. The good news? Brady gets to keep his fourth Super Bowl ring and his standing among the greatest quarterbacks of all time. He didn't need to cheat to beat the Colts or anyone else, but the evidence says the 199th pick in the 2000 draft -- the long shot out of Michigan who burned to prove everyone wrong -- couldn't resist the urge to seize a competitive edge. Tom Brady should go ahead and tell his fans the truth about that, the whole truth and nothing but. It would pump up a dynastic career that looks a lot more deflated now than any Patriots game ball." http://espn.go.com/nfl/story/_/id/12834679/tom-brady-sacked-never-deflategate-findings
  4. Boston Herald Jeff Howe @ jeffphowe 4h When will Brady address it? "Hopefully soon. ... I'll certaintly want to be very comfortable in the statements I want to make."
  5. The Boston Globe @ BostonGlobe 3h "It’s only been 30 hours, so I haven’t had much time to digest [the report] fully," Brady says
  6. if you like more than a handful and you like Brazilian women, youtube Miss Bum Bum, now that's hot (annual beauty pageant of scantily-clad and very sexy Brazilian women that crowns the best ass in Brazil) As for supermodels, other than the money, that's a poor choice for your girl. Not only do they look like they are on crack, but there are very likely to be so stuck up and pampered they aren't going to be very interested in making you happy. For example, Brady says he has to "throw fits, pout and whine..like a young, immature child would" because Giselle doesn't give him enough attention. http://nesn.com/2014/09/tom-brady-admits-he-throws-fits-pouts-to-get-giseles-attention/ Brady would have been much better off marrying a nice girl who was raised a huge Patriots fan with a great personality, gorgeous face, smoking hot body, completely awesome in bed, etc. Brady wouldn't be having to beg her for attention
  7. even scrub NFL players should be able to get a girl much, much more attractive than Giselle to me, like 49er FB Bruce Miller's girl here:
  8. me neither. I'm happy for Brady that he thinks she's gorgeous (and all that matters is what he thinks), but beauty is in the eye of the beholder and Giselle is a pretty girl in some pictures, but not pretty enough for my tastes. I'm more attracted to every girl I've been with than I am to Giselle (and I'm talking about at first sight, not as they got more and more attractive to me the more and more i liked them as a person). And there plenty of NFL players have wives that I think are really really pretty, like Romo's wife here:
  9. Dez Bryant is a free agent after this 2015 season. I'm guessing that they won't be able to afford to keep him
  10. 35-yr-old Tony Romo says he plans on playing until he's 40: Drew Davison @ drewdavison 12m Tony Romo to Jerry Jones last night, per Jones: "I plan on playing five more years. What we’re putting together here will allow me to do it." Rubis @ john_rubis 20m My God imagine if a Romo had this OLine 6 years ago, he'd have a few rings by now. Rob Phillips @ robphillips3 3h Not sure Tony Romo could ask for more around him - meaning the guys in front of him - in his age 35 season. Cowboys Nation @ CowboysNation 3h Romo now plans to practice his golf swing when he drops back to pass. The MonStar @ DCB_MonStar 4h Romo will have enough time to make a sandwich, eat it, wipe his mouth, and wash his hands before he throws the ball. Big Head Sports @ BigHeadSports 4h Tony Romo 's gonna have more time in the pocket than my first condom.
  11. David Helman @ HelmanDC 1h Collins says his Wed. night meeting with Jerry, Tyron, Romo , etc., had one of the biggest impacts he's ever experienced.
  12. Jordan Ross @ TheJordanRoss 4h Jerry Jones is doing a hell of a job defending his NFL Executive of the Year crown. Dan Turner @ dtsturner 4h Jerry Jones is the only person on the planet who could convince the best OT in this draft class to play LG. NFL_IRONMAN @ LFletcher59 29m Jerry Jones can sell water to a Whale! Clarence Hill @ clarencehilljr 4h Cowboys, Jerry Jones get their man. The best salesman in nfl Ben Rogers @ BenRogers 4h Jerry Jones is a closer. Dammmmmmnnnnnn. John Owning @ johnowning 4h It's like Jerry Jones put in some bizarre cheat code the week before the draft
  13. Belle Es You @ SouthernbeLLSU 8h So Jerry Jones wined & dined La'el Collins at his house and told him he wanted to build the "greatest OL ever". Even Romo was there to beg. Sam Morton @ TheSamMorton 4h Jerry Jones was never going to let La'el Collins walk out of his house without signing. Wow. Bags Montana @ BagsMontana 25m BREAKING: #LaelCollins ate dinner at Jerry Jones ' house, and every course was great, until @TonyRomoNFLQB fumbled dessert at the end... Brandon George @ DMN_George 28m So Jerry Jones didn't invite Ron Leary and Doug Free over to dinner last night to meet with La'el Collins , too? Wonder why. (the other three starting OL, all All-Pros, were there) Clarence Hill @ clarencehilljr 36m Lael Collins and the Cowboys at that difference making dinner at Jerry Jones ' mansion. Romo, Jason Witten, 3 oline, Jason Garrett
  14. Darren Rovell @ darrenrovell 10m Dinner at Jerry's House: Jerry, La'el Collins ' mother, Jason Garrett, La'el Collins
  15. presser over Bill Jones @ CBS11BillJones 1m couldn't be more impressed with La'el Collins at his press conference. Glenn Guilbeau @ LSUBeatTweet 5m Hats off to Dallas Cowboys front office, media relations, to have a press conference so quickly. One of best I've heard. Great job. David Helman @ HelmanDC 9m Press conference adjourned. If La'el Collins plays half as well as he answers questions, he should be just fine. Gavin Dawson @ gavindawson 2m Epic press conference from La'el Collins . Strong in every way. Brobert Chilliams @ TheCrazyRob 52s That La'el Collins interview was one of the best I've ever heard. Hard to believe he's 21. Ben Rogers @ BenRogers 23m La'el Collins appears to have been raised by exceptional human beings. Sounds like a man of exceptional character. Going to be a MONSTER.
  16. Mike Leslie @ MikeLeslieWFAA 9m No two ways about it - this is how you "win" a press conference. La'el Collins was incredibly impressive today.
  17. i remember Matt Barkley saying he'd make the teams that passed on him pay in his presser. Yeah right Barkley. 3rd string for Eagles now. The Golden Calf of Bristol might beat him out
  18. Joe Trahan @ JoeTrahan 4m If La'el Collins plays pro football like he handled this press conference - look out. Impressive. Joe Trahan @ JoeTrahan 9m "He is driven to success. He's going to show it." -Jerry Jones on La'el Collins
  19. Rainer Sabin @ RainerSabinDMN 4m Hard not to be impressed by La'el Collins. He has won this news conference. Rainer Sabin @ RainerSabinDMN 7m Jerry Jones said La'el Collins' mother told him her son is driven to succeed and that "nobody better get in his way." Rainer Sabin @ RainerSabinDMN 21m La'el Collins said "this is something greater than anybody can see." "I chose to be here," he added.
  20. Glenn Guilbeau @ LSUBeatTweet 15m "The moment I sat in Mr. Jones' home, I just felt something that was indescribable," Collins said. "I knew this is where I need to be."
  21. Glenn Guilbeau @ LSUBeatTweet 11m "I feel sorry for whoever I've got to block," La'el Collins said.
  22. Glenn Guilbeau @ LSUBeatTweet 8m La'el Collins on playing teams that passed over him: "Everybody has to face me," he said. "And they WILL feel me."
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