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Everything posted by gettlemanjack

  1. Slim chance she goes into labor during the game, but if so i would think the easy decision would to go be with her. Who would fault a father for being there for the birth of his 1st child (a boy that he he already decided to give the initials “R.K.S.” -- which are Sherman’s initials)? But then i remembered how crazy fans could be. If the Seahawks lose because he was with his gf giving birth to their son, then how many 12th man fans are going to forever view his gf and son as "the mother and son that cost us a SB?" If his gf goes into labor during the game, it might be best for Sherman to finish the game and then go straight to his gf ...unless things don't go well / complications arise, which would mean Sherman would have to leave the game and go straight to her Hopefully Sherman gets his wish and his child comes a week or two after the game and all Sherman has to worry about missing would be, at most, the victory parade or the team visit to the White House
  2. SB is the only football game in the next 7 months After SB: Feb 17 - NFL Combine Mar 10 - free agency begins Apr 30 - NFL Draft
  3. Writer for the Tonight Show starring Jimmy Fallon, Mike Drucker @MikeDrucker Tom Brady feels a new emotion. It's strange to him. Sadness. Yes. This is how the normals must feel. ... It is an unpleasant emotion.
  4. Gus Ramsey @ GusRamsey Col. Brady , did you order the PSI? PR person: Tom, you don't have to answer that question. Reporter: Did you order the PSI??!! SportsNation @ SportsNation 21h Eventually all of these questions will lead Brady to doing this...
  5. Matt Leinart: “Not once did a head coach ever have any input in that. It’s strictly a quarterback-to-equipment-manager thing and that’s pretty universal. Those are the only two guys that have any part of that process. “You go through the whole bag and you literally handpick them and say, ‘This one is good, this one’s too hard, put a little bit of air in that one, take a little bit out. … It’s a full 20-minute process to make sure on Sunday you have the exact football you want to be throwing. Quarterbacks are very, very picky about how they want their ball and that goes on everywhere.” http://nypost.com/2015/01/22/ex-players-react-bradys-cluelessness-unbelievable/
  6. Pro Football on ESPN @ ESPNNFL 4h Almost the entire country doesn't believe Belichick and Brady . Except one particular region
  7. quotes from Brady's presser addressing his balls: "When I pick those balls out, at that point, you know, to me, they’re perfect. I don't want anyone touching the balls after that. I don't want them rubbing them." "I don't think anyone knew there was an issue with the balls." "When I felt them, they were perfect. I wouldn't want anyone touching those. I would zip those things up and lock them away until I got on the field and had the opportunity to play with them." "Everybody has a preference. Some guys like them round, some guys like them thin, some guys like them tacky, some guys like them brand new, some guys like old balls. They're all different. ... It's a very individual thing." "I'm not squeezing the balls. That's not part of my process ... I don’t sit there and try to squeeze" Jerry Thornton @jerrythornton1 Brady should end this with "I am Iron Man." Comedian Benari Poulten @ BenariLee I think this was all a conspiracy to get Tom Brady to spend 45 minutes talking about how he handles his balls . Rylan Forester @ ForesterRylan Breaking News: Gisele says she has conducted a very thorough investigation on Brady 's balls http://www.foxsports.com/nfl/story/new-england-patriots-tom-brady-deflategate-football-ball-quotes-012215 http://www.slate.com/blogs/the_slatest/2015/01/22/tom_brady_press_conference_ball_denial.html
  8. ex-QBs call Brady a liar: Fran Tarkenton said Brady "[knew] exactly what was done to the ball or what wasn't done with the ball as every other quarterback in the National Football League is. I thought in the press conference he was very uncomfortable because he knows that he knows." Mark Brunell: I did not believe Tom Brady...there is not one equipment guy in the NFL that would take it on his own initiative to deflate those balls without the knowledge, without the instruction, without the direction of the starting quarterback of that football team." Troy Aikman: "It's obvious that Tom Brady had something to do with this." Phil Simms said he could "absolutely" differentiate between a properly inflated ball and an under-inflated ball. "I'd be shocked if I couldn't tell," Simms said. John Madden: “That would have to be driven by the quarterback,” Madden said. “That’s something that wouldn’t be driven by a coach or just the equipment guy. Nobody, not even the head coach, would do anything to a football unilaterally, such as adjust the amount of pressure in a ball, without the quarterback not knowing. It would have to be the quarterback’s idea. ... “He is the only guy. I heard some of the pundits saying the ball is easier to catch, but that would never, ever, ever be done for that unless the quarterback wanted it. You wouldn’t do something for a receiver to catch the ball if the quarterback couldn’t throw it. So it’s going to be done for the quarterback.” Belichick: “Tom’s personal preference on his footballs are something he can talk about in much better detail than I can possibly provide.” http://www.washingtonpost.com/blogs/early-lead/wp/2015/01/22/john-madden-tom-brady-to-blame-not-bill-belichick-for-patriots-deflategate/ http://www.nj.com/super-bowl/index.ssf/2015/01/is_tom_brady_lying_about_alleged_new_england_patriots_cheating_nfl_players_analysts_say.html#incart_story_package http://www.nj.com/jets/index.ssf/2015/01/new_england_patriots_cheating_scandal_phil_simms_e.html#incart_story_package
  9. Phil Simms: "I think the penalty is going to be severe," Simms said http://www.nj.com/jets/index.ssf/2015/01/new_england_patriots_cheating_scandal_phil_simms_e.html#incart_story_package
  10. "I received texts from about a half-dozen current and former team officials, and they all mocked Belichick and Brady. Not a single, objective soul believes them. ... the NFL needs to suspend Belichick for a season, the way Sean Payton was, and Brady for half a season." -B/R NFL National Lead Writer Mike Freeman previously of CBSSports.com, New York Times, Boston Globe, Washington Post, etc and author of several books on the NFL http://m.bleacherreport.com/articles/2339195-is-the-nfl-going-to-let-brady-and-belichick-play-it-for-a-fool
  11. Sports Illustrated: "What kind of punishment should be doled out, if someone on the Patriots is found to have tampered with the balls? One veteran GM in Mobile said, “I think they’ll be hit hard in the draft.” ... one AFC general manager thought that if Belichick is tied to this latest incident—and several coaches I spoke to felt that Tom Brady would be more likely to be at the heart of this matter—it would affect his Hall of Fame candidacy." http://mmqb.si.com/2015/01/22/deflategate-reaction-of-nfl-coaches-bill-belichick-press-conference/
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