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Everything posted by gettlemanjack

  1. Sporting News @ sportingnews 1h This fall, the University of New Hampshire will offer a 400-level, four-credit course on Deflategate.
  2. St Louis Post Dispatch: If you violate a rule, it’s forgivable. But Brady keeps walking deeper into the mess by feigning innocence and having his lawyer-agent go on talk shows to spew ridiculous claims. Among the intelligence-insulting items from the agent, Don Yee , is the suggestion that the Colts and NFL conspired in a sting operation to trap Brady and the Patriots. It’s downright kooky. Brady could have taken much of the air out of this controversy. But he’s still refusing to deflate his ego and own up. With a chance to smooth the damage to his rep, this normally smart quarterback stubbornly continues to run the wrong play, and it may be too late for an audible. http://www.stltoday.com/sports/columns/bernie-miklasz/article_ede04bcb-1914-5626-b00a-b9e680703152.html#.VU0L3EHCafQ.twitter
  3. Former NFL quarterback Chris Simms, who was on the Patriots' coaching staff in 2012, said: "I don't see how you don't suspend him," he said. "This is the face of the NFL, one of the all-time great quarterbacks. He tried to get a tactical advantage. It's against the rules. There's no denying that and, yeah, I think he's in big trouble. I think he's going to lose a number of games this year. ... I'd think it's going to be a six-game suspension and it's cut down to four. ... I think he's got to make a stance here, Roger Goodell, because of his relationship with (Patriots owner Robert) Kraft." Simms adds that this also tarnishes Brady's legacy. "There's going to be a semi-asterisk next to Tom Brady's name forever now," he said. http://www.cbssports.com/nfl/eye-on-football/25178400
  4. SundayNight Football @ SNFonNBC 6m Sources: Patriots fear lengthy suspension for Brady: "Sources with the Patriots I have spoken with tell me they are fearful of a lengthy suspension, perhaps in the six-to-eight-game range, for Brady in the aftermath of the Wells Report." http://www.csnne.com/new-england-patriots/new-england-patriots-fear-lengthy-suspension-for-tom-brady
  5. 1. Brady lied to the NFL investigators which is against the rules so he's going to be punished for that on top of using a non-regulation football. Had Brady just come clean, it wouldn't be as bad 2. As for punishing Brady for using a non-regulation football, if you getting caught breaking a rule, then you're going to get punished. It doesn't matter if you benefited from breaking the rule or not, all that matters is if you broke the rule. For ex, say you took a class in college where your grade came down to one test at the end of the semester. The test is 3 hours long, so they break it into two halves: 1.5 hour half followed by a short break, then the other 1.5 half. You get caught cheating on camera during the first half, but the camera shows you didn't cheat during the second half. Turns out you did much better on the 2nd half of the test without cheating than you did on the 1st half of the test when you cheated. You're still going to be disciplined for cheating. Or say a baseball player used a modified ball or bat that was against regulation. Halfway through the game someone tips off the officials that the player is using that modified ball or bat, so they take it from him to study and give him a regulation one. The player goes on to do much better with regulation ball or bat then with the modified one. Doesn't matter: they are still going to punish him for breaking the rules by using the illegal ball or bat. 3. This isn't just about the Colts game, they showed that Brady has been using doctored footballs the whole season. And of course people now suspect he has been doing it long before that 4. Brady is likely looking at a fine plus suspension for X number of games. As for stripping the Patriots of wins, I don't think the NFL does that. But the NCAA does. For ex, Reggie Bush received impermissive benefits. Didn't effect his play on the field but USC was still stripped of their National Title because Bush played in that National Championship Game as an ineligible player, and any wins you have with an ineligible player are forfeited. Again, I don't think the Patriots have to worry about having wins stripped. 5. Pete Rose was declared permanently ineligible (which is why he's not in the HOF) for getting caught betting on Reds games, then lying about it to MLB investigators. The Dowd Report said, "no evidence was discovered that Rose bet against the Reds," (and Pete Rose, in his 2004 autobiography said he never bet against the Reds) but the MLB rule that Rose violated prohibits any bet on a game the bettor is involved in, making no distinction between betting for or against one's team. I don't think Brady will or should be declared permanently ineligible, but it just shows how much trouble you can get into when you break the rules and then lie about it
  6. AdWeek: "talk radio has been abuzz, calling Brady a liar and a cheater ... sports marketing expert Jeff Howle, Senior VP at Erwin Penland, said: "If the league rules to suspend him, it will definitely hurt his sponsorship value/endorsements ... Brands will have to closely evaluate their relationship with him and could back out of their sponsorship deals. Nationally, he'll be vilified; however, his local reputation could rebound much quicker based on the die-hard 'us against the world' mentality of the New England fan base." Another sports marketing expert, Lionel Knight, Senior VP at Upshot, said: "On the national and even international stage, I'm sure this will affect Tom Brady's commercial standing," he said. "At the very least, it's going to make any brand hesitate before tying themselves to a figure who—in some people's minds, at least—is forever tarnished." http://www.adweek.com/news/advertising-branding/tom-bradys-brand-too-big-fail-after-deflategate-164608
  7. New York Post: "AMHERST, N.H. — The potbellied pinhead who took the air out of Tom Brady’s balls, and ripped the star quarterback in text messages to a colleague, was in a fighting mood on Thursday as he emerged from his New Hampshire home. “Get off my property!” Jim McNally, the self-proclaimed “deflator,” shouted to reporters outside his house in Amherst. “I’m not talking! You can sit there all day. You’re wasting your time.” http://nypost.com/2015/05/07/tom-brady-cheered-in-first-appearance-since-deflategate-report/
  8. Boston Globe: "From coast to coast, they’re calling the champion a cheater [and a liar]. ... The damage has been done to TB12 and endangers a brand that has made him millions in endorsement income. ... “In the short term, a dirty bomb just went off right above Brady’s fancy house and he’s going to be radioactive for the next four to six months,’’ said Darren Marshall, executive vice president of rEvolution, a Chicago-based sports marketing agency. “Potential sponsors aren’t going to take his call, and he’s just got to hunker down and get through this.’’ ... How Brady responds to this major public relations crisis could determine the quality of his image for years ... “Many athletes in the modern era have made mistakes and worse, and in a lot of those situations they have been able to rehabilitate themselves by showing contrition and telling the truth,’’ said Michael Gordon, the principal of Group Gordon, a New York crisis and communications firm. “If Brady holes up and pretends nothing has happened, it would hurt him more in the long run.’’ ... An April consumer survey by The Marketing Arm of Dallas showed Brady ranked relatively low in trustworthiness, though Matt Delzell, the company’s managing director of celebrity talent acquisition, said the results were most likely a reflection of the public’s generally low opinion of the character of players in the NFL. The firm’s next survey is scheduled for July. “Let’s pay very close attention to Brady’s trust numbers then,’’ Delzell said. http://www.bostonglobe.com/sports/2015/05/07/tom-brady-faces-his-first-major-image-crisis/C3hxia283WdlrHpPGIdZXJ/story.html?event=event25
  9. Miami Herald: "The last time a team other than New England won the AFC East was 2008 when the Dolphins won the division in a year Brady was injured the first regular-season game and missed the rest of the year. Even a lesser suspension for Brady could affect the division. New England's backup quarterback is second-year player Jimmy Garoppolo. Garoppolo has thrown 27 NFL regular-season passes." http://miamiherald.typepad.com/dolphins_in_depth/2015/05/tom-brady-discipline-everything-is-being-considered.html
  10. CBS Sports: "Brady's refusal to help the investigation could end up being one of the big reasons he's hit with a potentially big suspension. In the NFL's Policy on Integrity of the Game & Enforcement of Competitive Rules, the league notes that "Failure to cooperate in an investigation shall be considered conduct detrimental to the League and will subject the offending club and responsible individual(s) to appropriate discipline." http://mweb.cbssports.com/nfl/eye-on-football/25177527/report-tom-brady-could-be-suspended-for-up-to-one-year
  11. ESPN SportsNation @ SportsNation 25m ...looks like Tom Brady and Alex Rodriguez have become best friends.
  12. The Daily Show with Jon Stewart: The Fresh Prince of Ball Air http://thedailyshow.cc.com/videos/yyhnyn/the-fresh-prince-of-ball-air
  13. Keith Olbermann: Brady Needs To Be Given A Year’s Suspension For Stupidity http://sports.politicususa.com/2015/05/08/keith-olbermann-says-tom-brady-needs-to-be-given-a-years-suspension-for-stupidity.html
  14. Brian Gaar @ briangaar May 6 A tear rolls down Tom Brady 's perfect cheekbone and is quickly licked away by a unicorn
  15. Skip Bayless @ RealSkipBayless May 6 Saving the problems I have with the Wells Report for tomorrow's show. But, fair or not, Tom Brady 's legacy has been permanently tainted.
  16. Patriots writer at the Boston Globe Ben Volin @ BenVolin May 6 I said back in January that Brady should’ve flashed a sheepish grin and just own up to it. Would’ve made this whole thing a mere footnote
  17. NBC Pro Football Talk: "it’s hard at this point to envision Brady not being suspended. And it’s hard to come up with a good reason why he shouldn’t be — especially since he deliberately refused to fully cooperate" http://profootballtalk.nbcsports.com/2015/05/07/suspension-of-tom-brady-seems-unavoidable/
  18. The New Yorker: FOXBOROUGH, Mass. – In what football insiders are calling an unexpectedly severe punishment, the National Football League has sentenced the New England Patriots’ quarterback Tom Brady to a year with the New York Jets for his role in the so-called Deflategate scandal. The punishment drew howls of protest from Patriots fans and management, with many calling it the harshest in league history, but N.F.L. Commissioner Roger Goodell defended the decision as “a necessary deterrent.” “We need to send the message that this league has zero tolerance for cheating,” Goodell said. “We believe that a year of playing quarterback for the Jets sends that message loud and clear.” Brady was reportedly in a state of shock when he heard the news of his punishment. He later met with reporters in a hastily called press conference during which he frequently seemed on the verge of tears. “I am going to fight this decision with every fibre of my being,” Brady said. “This is America. You can’t force a person to play for the Jets.” At a sports bar in Manhattan, the reaction to the impending arrival of the Jets’ longtime nemesis was muted. One Jets fan observed, “Look, Brady’s a dick, but even he didn’t deserve this.” http://www.newyorker.com/humor/borowitz-report/n-f-l-sentences-brady-to-a-year-with-the-jets
  19. Here's a story, of a man named Brady , who was busy deflating three balls of his own í ¼í¾¶...
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