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Everything posted by gettlemanjack

  1. Bob Stoops and Oklahoma are about as prestigious as you can get in college football. "No way he takes DGB hurrr"
  2. Great post making Cam sound like a total moron. Pro tip: Cam is from the big city, not the boondocks. Cam went to college and went on to dealing with the best minds American football had to offer and is doing good! Nuts that we got guys like you thinking he is too dumb to talk to a handful of local Panthers beat reporters in an April presser at the Panthers home base, where even Michael Freaking Oher went up to talk
  3. Good-to-decent reply, but i believe you really need to re-consider your theory that Cam Newton, one of the greatest football players of our generation, is afraid to talk to the media. You're basically calling him a pussy
  4. simple answer: Cam has shown he has a vastly superior brain than you do. So SHUT THE F UP about Cam
  5. Pleeeease quit making Cam out to be a pussy. For the love of God WTF is wrong with you? Do you really think Cam is so retarded? Look, I've seen pretty much every teammate Cam's had from Luke back to Auburn say Cam is a total clown. And we've seen it with our our eyes with all the silly videos, pics, etc of him being silly. Sure, Luke Kuechly is a General. But if your whole locker room was a bunch of Lukes, it would suck. You need some jokers like Cam to make it not suck. But that doesn't mean Cam is too dumb/silly/retarded to give interviews or press conferences. It is thoroughly humiliating to the Panthers that you or anybody else thinks so Fortunately, it's just a few of you message board idiots that think lowly of our QB and soon-to-be locker-room-leader-on-offense once the 30-years-olds (Olsen and Kalil) have moved on...and they mentored Cam...we ARE IN GOOD HANDS
  6. Do you really think Cam is a weak little bitch that doesn't? F U if so. Dead serious. We are talking about a great person here.
  7. note that CJ is a higher-ranking team leader and the highest-paid player on our team (3rd highest in NFL for this season) and he didn't speak today, yet no one is bringing that up: Team Leaders per our head coach: Offense 1. Kalil (spoke today) 2. Olsen (spoke today) 3. Cam (didn't speak) Defense 1. TD (spoke today) 2. CJ (didn't speak) 3. Luke (spoke today)
  8. A question about whether he wants OT or WR would be fascinating. We have a whole thread speculating on what he'd answer. That’s a good question. Sure, like our team leader on offense, Kalil, he might start with "I trusts the guys upstairs." But Kalil finished with: "please sign some more OL to give us a chance." Question about Oher and Martin: nobody would hire Cam to be even a high school OT coach, so yeah, not a good question As for the contract, that's the least thing I want to know about. That's what he pays his agent for. That's all you got to ask if you met Cam?
  9. I disagree. Cam does a Superman thing (Superman is arguably the greatest American icon ever) as his move in the NFL when he scores on running plays. Dude is not afraid of the press/publicity. If he ever becomes this shy "aw suwks" guy like the New York press dogs on Eli for, i would be saddened. Cam is the ultimate warrior. He fears NO ONE. Especially not the lowly guys writing articles instead of beating people's asses in on the field.
  10. , What Bartin is saying here is: "If I, Bartin, was asking questions in the press room when Cam spoke, i would realize they would ask him a lot of questions about his contract (so I'd let the others do that so i don't have to), i would ask him about him graduating, I'd ask him about Ginn, and maybe I'd ask him about his health. Other than that, i can't think of any good questions"
  11. Your .02 makes Cam sound dumb, and that's not cool. Obviously, if Cam was smart at all, he'd be able to give interviews without saying or doing anything dumb. And Cam is fully capable of that. Here's the heavily-respected New York Times starting off an article on why Greg Cosell is so respected by giving a whole story of how Cosell said Cam is smart when it comes to press conferences: “Newton did exactly what he needed to do: say nothing, really well.” http://mobile.nytimes.com/blogs/fifthdown/2011/07/13/greg-cosell-unheralded-maestro-of-n-f-l-matchup/ (good read on Cam, click it) Cam not talking today had nothing to do with him being too dumb to talk to the press. He probably wasn't feeling well, had more important matters to attend to (still in meeting with Gettleman about his on-going contact dispute?, showing a young fan with cancer around the facility?), etc, etc
  12. Nate Wimberly WBTV @ NateWimberly 5h Olsen: this is where I want to finish my career.
  13. Nate Wimberly WBTV @ NateWimberly 4h J Stewart: ever year I have the mentality of being the #1 back.
  14. TE/FB Richie Brockel @ RichieBrockel 56m Great first day back working out in Charlotte. Feels like the first day of school. #keeppounding
  15. Panthers beat reporter for ESPN David Newton: "I still like a speed wide receiver in the first round, because I believe you can find a comparable tackle in the second round" http://espn.go.com/blog/carolina-panthers/post/_/id/13198/panthers-mailbag-are-the-panthers-super-bowl-ready
  16. note when Thomas Davis was asked what defensive needs are for Panthers, he said: "Do we have a need?" while Kalil said: -I would love for us to draft as many offensive linemen as we can. Gives us a better chance. -He would love to see the team draft as many OL as possible. Give a better chance
  17. Black & Blue Review@ BlackBlueReview 11m And that’ll do it for interviews today. So no Cam, but again, he is here.
  18. Steve Reed @ SteveReedAP 12m There will be no Cam Newton press conference today. We are all done with players.
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