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About KushMcDieselson

  • Birthday 08/07/1986


  • Favorite NFL Team
    Carolina Panthers

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  1. Trevor Lawrence didn't get Urban Meyers fired, Urban Meyers got Urban Meyers fired lol. He was such a douche.
  2. It be fair I think this was to almost cause a rub or pick type of play and confusing the DB's and I'd guess one of them was probably not in exactly the right space, but either Sanders really sucks or he was smart enough to pull up on the ball knowing he wasn't the target on this play, either way, good thing AT does exactly what we brought him in here to do moving the chains.
  3. This. There was only like 15 years of film of him being one of the biggest trash talkers, they had to know who they were hiring lol.
  4. Rodgers wasn't a #1 overall pick that was acquired through trading away a bunch of assets. Trading up to 1 to take your guy and letting him sit for a year is asinine...unless he's a generational talent.... but then you wouldn't need to bench him for a year. At that point you might as well just suck for another year and potentially take someone else at the top of the next draft. This screams of a GM realizing he needs to make some splashy moves because he no longer has a lame duck coach to pin the troubles on and he needs to show some results ASAP, and I guess he suckered Frank to go along with his plan? I mean unless we have officially become the Browns Frank would have surely gotten more than one year to show some progress on the rebuild without trading away everything to take Bryce, but I'm not so sure Fitz would have the same leeway at this point.
  5. The play calling is absolutely poo. Look at 2:48, two receivers come out from the bunch and run the exact same route from left to right, then you have the RB and TE check and release to also basically run the same route, they basically ended up with two people in the same area on opposite sides of the field at the same time....who the fug is drawing up these plays?
  6. So the rest of us in NC have to watch the fuging browns and Steelers or we have to jump through streaming hoops? What kind of poo is this?
  7. Watching TD treat Graham like the little bitch that he is was always my favorite part about those Saints games
  8. BMW wouldn't be a terrible choice as I believe I read somewhere that the blue color in their logo is a also variation of the pantone process blue the the Panthers use.
  9. Is it more ignorant for him to talk and act that way and not carry himself as a professional or for people to call him out about it? When you talk about how ignorant his rants on social media are, is that not speaking to his perceived maturity? I ain't even a Robbie hater, I saw he had some potential when he was on the Jets and after his 1k season here had some real hope for him, and then the organization became trash and he started going off the rails on his social media rants that made zero literal sense and his sideline outbursts put him firmly in the locker room cancer category. While Rhule put up with that from a sub par receiver, Wilks did not.
  10. You have been in all the Anderson threads going to bat for the guy, but the fact of the matter is RA is not as good as he thinks he is. Just like Shannon Sharpe said he is not good enough to act that way on the side lines. UFA, never cracked a thousand yards, comes here and gets his first 1k season and they give him a stupid undeserved contract extension that blew his head up even further. As far as his mental aptitude, there is a reason he was academically suspended from Temple....he wasn't smart enough. Even then Rhule had to go above and beyond and helped get the college to change their rules to get him back in school and on the team, because for whatever reason Rhule has always believed he was more of a special player than he actually is.
  11. Wait, so being shitty at snapping the ball doesn't ding a center's PFF rating? Feels like that should be pretty high on the list of important things for a center to do well.
  12. I mean I have seen d lineman do a surprise drop into coverage, but to put a pass rushing specialist in the slot to cover a receiver is pretty dumb, and dropping him into coverage 38% of a game? That's a special kind of stupid.
  13. Hey he got rid of the NFL shield at midfield and put the Panthers logo, but that's all I got
  14. They came back because like the agent source said, there are a lot of Baylor and Temple players on the team that wouldn't make a roster anywhere else....so what's working is the fact that it's their only shot at being on am actual NFL team.
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