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Everything posted by bobcat91

  1. I haven't seen a pass from you of any distance, but I want to. I want to see if your shoulder is healed and you are close to being back to what you used to be. You have touched the ball twice and there are two touchdowns. No one has questioned what you have left as much as I have. No one is hoping more than me that you are once again Superman. I still have doubts. I hope you prove me dead wrong, because this would go a long way to making us a contender again. Take this job and don't look back. It is plain to see the team is showing excitement like I haven't seen in a long time. Im pulling for you.
  2. Lol. He runs because we don't produce a pocket.
  3. Well yall wanted Cam back, and so here he is. Can't wait to see us going to the SB. What a joke
  4. Whats funny is expecting a different result. The same terrible lines that ruined Cam here, just got Darnold killed. Cam will have the same issues and he isn't the savior. What a clown show this whole site is.
  5. I'll take show me a Bama OLman that has been successful in the NFL for 500. They dont work out. Hard pass
  6. All of this just shows how little most know. Rhule came in with a bottom 5 team that was filled with older players past their prime or never were that good. He has turned over most of the roster, gutted by Chico and Gettleman/Hurney and has the defense as a top 5 unit. The special teams are in Flux at punter, but it looks like we have fixed the mistake of keeping Gano and letting Butker win Super Bowls at KC. The offense needs attention, but anyone thinking we are winning this year isn't sane. The OL is the worst in the NFL. There are no trades nor draft capital left to fill the holes. This is a draft and FA issue that will happen next year. Agent 89 said plainly this week that you can't judge Darnold by his play behind this OL. QB may be another position that needs to be fixed, but he literally broke bones behind this group. The skill positions are good, but we could use an upgrade of speed at WR and still don't know what we have at TE. We need depth everywhere. Anyone not seeing the issues is blind and it takes more than 2 years to complete a total rebuild.
  7. Charles Cross is a prototypical LT. Size, agility, power and a mean streak. Would love to get him or the Iowa Center. Cross would be first because you can find good centers, but LT are very hard to find.
  8. He got trucked by Mike Davis early. He punished him the rest of the game. Brought a smile to my face
  9. Sam played well and we won the game: thats all that matters. I hope he is fine and gets back soon, but as was said, the NFL is a business, so take care of yourself. Lastly, thats the exact reason most teams don't use a run option with their qb. It gets them killed
  10. This is how we won the first 3. Great defense and efficient offense. Go get offensive linemen and we are a playoff team
  11. I lol at every post of Watsonmania. He has played less games in the past 2 years that CMac, who everyone seems to want to jettison. I have zero interest in having an alleged serial rapist being the face of our franchise. Fix the offensive line with all the picks yall want to throw at Houston. That's what a serious team should do instead of looking like a desperate guy playing Madden. Hope Miami makes the deal so all of this stupidity will go away.
  12. We are on schedule. To honestly believe we have 2 top 10 picks, and are simply poorly coached is a huge reach. We had top ten picks because we had a severe lack of talent. We have addressed the defense well in the past 2 drafts and in FA. A DT, MLB and FS are still needed along with depth. Our WR are good, but not spectacular. We need more speed. I hated the Arnold trade because he and Darnold were developing good chemistry: so far Thomas has been a bust and Tremble has just been ok. The OL is the worst in the League by far. Outside of Morton at RT, and maybe a couple of rookies, this group is trash. There aren't even good backups on the team. Making this group just above average would pay dividends. Darnold would be fine with any help at all, but when he has to carry the entire load, with this OL, its not happening. CMac is top 3 when healthy, so we need him to be back healthy. This is what a total rebuild looks like and why we have 11 rookies on the team. The defense is very good. They were mainly fixed by the draft, FA and trades. Next up is the offense. With our #1, I want the Iowa Center or an OT, either from Texas A&M or Charles Cross from Mississippi State. Any of those three start immediately and are there for 10 years. Next, get more OL using our cap room in FA and continue to add pieces. I think Fitterer and Rhule work well together and contrary to what most of the board thinks, Ruhle is damn good. Those moves alone get us in the playoffs next year. That is what a 3 year rebuild looks like.
  13. And that 2 minute drill against Minnesota showed what he is capable of. Im not writing him off
  14. And thats the problem. We have a ton of issues on the offense it it isn't all on Sam. Hell, Troy Aikman was terrible behind a bad line and limited weapons, but we want something that has never been seen before: Super Bowl play from a QB with no line and limited weapons. We are going to start Sam the rest of the year, so why not see how this is going to look when CMac is back and the line has a few healthy bodies.
  15. If anyone is believing anything coming from Coward, the most uninformed talking head in the business, its your problem, not his. Joel Klatt? Lol. Next
  16. If Cam could help a team win, he'd be signed now. Cam was done the day he took the hit in the Pittsburgh game. Why do our fans have a hard time understanding he is washed up and finished.
  17. It is hard to believe how short sighted most of this board is. They think we are a player or two away from being a SB contender when nothing is more from the truth. We haven't had back to back top 8 picks because we are ready to contend. Actually we are in a rebuild mode and it will probably take two more years to get where we need to be. We need a LT, C, G, DT, DE, MLB, FS and considerable depth. Most here want a new QB, so I'll throw that in. We have close to 40 million in cap room for next year and a first rounder, but our trades have gutted out 2022 draft. We can do a lot to fix the OL with FA and the draft, but that isn't going to make us a serious contender. We are at least 2 years away.
  18. Check the stats. Through 3 games, he completed 68% of his passes, averaged 300 yards a game and had a passer rating of 100. Then he lost CMac and had injuries on the OLine.
  19. My defense is he has zero help. Not on the line. Not at skill positions right now. We drop almost as many passes as we catch. I think he has talent and can win, but not with this OLine and not without CMac taking away the all out rush he gets every play. His situation here right now is not really different than the Jets.. The RB position is a mess. We get little out of the TE spot and Anderson hasn't done a thing since he signed his contract.. Watson not only costs 40 million a year, which destroys the cap, he causes us to cut starters and denies us draft picks. And until his legal matters are resolved, he won't take a snap no matter what team he is on.
  20. Most knowledgeable football fans realized he had no offensive line, terrible skill position players and was Coached by Adam Gase. How about seeing how we finish? Worst case scenario is we get a shot at the top 2 to 3 QBs in the draft and not get gutted in the Watson deal
  21. Its nice to see a fan base tee off on a guy before giving him any chance at all to succeed. When CMac was not injured and starting, Sam was 3-0, including a win over New Orleans. CMac gets injured, several OLinemen get injured, and all of a sudden we are playing musical chairs with the lineup. We haven't had two weeks in a row with the same starting lineup. Now he goes 0-4 and the fan base turns on him. Soon we get McCaffrey back along with some injured O Linemen so let's see what we have. I am not a fan of trading for Watson, giving up multiple 1st round picks and becoming the Jaguars. He would destroy our salary cap, cause us to have to trade or cut numerous starters and handicap us from being able to build through the draft. Time to concentrate in FA and the draft to fix the OLine. I think Sam will be fine if we build around him. No one can win behind this line, not even Watson. As far as CMac, here's a suggestion. Emmitt Smith used to bulk up and hit the weight room hard as well. He began to have some hamstring issues each year until be began Yoga. It is essentially stretching exercises. I think it would be very beneficial for him and his ability to stay on the field.
  22. So you destroy a teams ability to put together a winning franchise by gutting your draft picks. Hell no. Rebuild the OLine in the draft and FA, get McCaffrey healthy and roll with it.
  23. We have the worst OL in the league. Period. CMac disguised this, but he can't stay healthy. We were never going to be a playoff team with this line. We will have a top 12 draft pick and we should run to the podium to select the Iowa Center. We will have 30 million or more for Free Agents. Go get OLine starters. We can be a playoff team next year with the OLine fixed. But trading pics constantly for a quick fix will kill a franchise. Do it the right way and we will compete for championships. Listen to fans who only want to rush the process and you become the Jets.
  24. Maybe the worst take ever on this site. No, actually it is.
  25. Its not just the plays he makes, its the things he takes away from the defense even when not targeted. With him in today's game, there is no way they bring that all out rush and that opens up the field since their LB can't drop into coverage.
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