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Posts posted by heel31ok

  1. 1 hour ago, bigjohn said:

    No need to do anything about QB next year. We need to build for the long haul.

    Next year gonna be a big bag of suck as well.

    Keep Brown and Luvu if at all possible. Lean on our defense and run game.

    Through the draft and free agency, focus on WR and OLine. Don’t trade away any draft capital.

    If Bryce sucks again next year, draft a QB or sign one in free agency— after next season. We need to build the core best we can, so when we are ready to grab that QB in the first round, he has something to work with.



  2. On 12/7/2023 at 11:47 PM, Future of the Funchise said:

    No way we bring him in. Tepper wanted him gone while he was a minority owner in Pitt. If we did I would lose my poo. Sign me up right now for all the reasons you listed. We need someone who can come in under him and be to Bryce what Norv Turner was to Troy Aikman.

    Lol...so we need an Aikman as well.

  3. Just now, Selltheteamtepper said:

    Disagree, we would have lost a year of development, the reset would have needed to wait another year and you just don’t get much time in the NFL. We should have just drafted a kid who’s pro ready with legitimate NFL tools and developed him. In an alternate universe where we just don’t make any trades the past 2 years we could have Levis, CMC, Moore, Thielen, and be in a position to draft MHJ and have the most explosive offense in the league for the next 5 years. 

    the qb's in this draft at 1 are much better , further developed walking in the door. Combine that with keeping Moore and our picks.

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  4. 37 minutes ago, restNChrist said:

    I say it every year and every year it proves true.  We are only as good as our O-line.  I know we need receivers and corners and a whole lot of things… but if we truly want to know if we have something with Bryce we must use FA and draft to build up the line first.  

    The only problem with this strategy is I don’t trust our front office to scout the right O linemen.  Ex. Ickey!  

    What a novel idea.The geniuses will never go for such an antiquated approach.Quick question.So possibly it could have helped us to take best Olineman in draft at #9 and then the best qb or multiple picks in a trade this coming draft? 

    • Pie 1
  5. 6 hours ago, BY9Franchise said:

    Crappy first season you can't really call him a bust at this point... a disappointment no doubt but given what he's working with meh..... the following quartbacks all had as bad or worse rookie years Aikman,Manning X 2, Elway,Lawrence,Goff,Smith,McNabb just to name a few...


    As much as the clown posse wants to write him off it's far too early.

    He is none of those qbs ...

  6. 17 minutes ago, Brent Gregory said:

    He seems to fit the narrative perfectly for one of those pompous thin skinned owners who could move when he's burned all the bridges with Charlotte and the surrounding communities. Actually he's well on his way to destroying a fan base as I type this. 3 more years of this and  they'll be lucky to get 35k to show up for a game. In the meantime he'll probably start the we need a new stadium to compete crap as well. I just get a strong feeling this relationship is going to end with irreconcilable differences. 

    That's my concern as well.

  7. 4 hours ago, Proudiddy said:

    I know the dysfunction is evident across the board, and Bryce is not responsible for that, nor is he responsible for the position he has been put in.  But it just hit me - when is the last time a rookie starting QB got his first year HC fired in year one?  I don't recall any if it's happened.

    And that led me to think further...  I mentioned in another thread, despite having a shitty QB hand dealt to him in Indy, starting with Luck retiring, Reich showed well for himself overall there.  I said at worst, he is likely an average HC, so what happened here is a clear sign of how dysfunctional out organization currently is - and yes, it all falls on Tepper - but, I was thinking, if Reich and McCown couldn't figure out how to utilize Bryce with their vast experience as pro QBs, then we must prepare ourselves for the possibility that maybe he isn't salvageable.  And also, his chances of success just practically were chopped in half 11 games into his career, because it is proven that new staffs/FOs typically don't give much runway to QBs (and players in general) they inherit.  They aren't beholden to them, so if they're clearly not part of the solution, they are quick to be put on the chopping block.  Furthermore, as many, including myself, have been saying, we are now The New Old Browns...  look back at their QB carousel over the years and look at how much turnover there was between QBs and HCs.  It's not coincidental...  their ownership wanted to win and win now, so they went through top pick after top pick after stop gap after stop gap after HC after HC.  The synergy is there - if I'm a new HC and I didn't draft this guy, hr is on a short leash, and if he doesn't perform, my chance to really put my stamp on things is by bringing in my own guy.  If he fails, I'm fired and then he'll be traded or released in a year or so too.  We saw it time and again...  that's where we are now.

    And so, that being said, I really got to thinking why was it so difficult, if Bryce was touted for having these otherworldly traits, to get the offense looking even just functional? And I thought back to guys like Canty, Olsen, etc., who have brought up how the offense is really hindered by our inability to get under center at all.  So, what if Bryce just really can't do it?  That would explain why Reich didn't want him, but tried to make the best of it.  It would explain why the offense, no matter what adjustments they tried to make, just couldn't find its footing.  It's why the offense didn't look much different between Reich's and Brown's versions.  Perhaps that's why they even had Dalton sub in earlier in the year for the sneak because it was whispered at the time that Bryce couldn't even take the snaps under center to do that.  And if that is the case, man oh man,  this is really just the beginning...

    I said earlier in the year, we were likely at the very bottom of a very deep hole and it was going to take a long time to dig out of it as a result of the capital traded and the amount of flubs we made with personnel, but boy, it just keeps getting deeper.

    Looking at the situation as a whole a change may be the only chance Young has to be successful.I think it's a Longshot but it's a shot just the  same.Hoping he proves my opinion of him wrong.

  8. 1 hour ago, SetfreexX said:

    I personally felt Anthony Richardson had the most NFL upside (See Cam, Lamar, Hurts as casual projections given his skillset), I was ok with Stroud though he lacked some of the athleticism that is my preference. Bryce was my 3rd choice, the size was a hard sell for me (pretend I used a Druski gif here)

    However, I see a TON of people acting like Bryce is the primary issue, or the OL, or the lack of weapons...the OL and weapons have underperformed....but why is that?

    Chark has a pro-bowl and a 1,000 yard season to his name with Minshew in JAX

    Sanders just came off a 1,200 yard rushing season with PHI and to the ''PHI has a better OL'' folks, please remember that with this SAME offensive line save the injuries we had TWO running backs at / over 5 ypc -- our run game ''literally'' got better in the absence of CMC, now I don't agree with the trade per se, but we did improve running the ball.

    The two things ANY rookie QB needs is, first a good defense, and believe it or not ours ranks relatively high (through Week 11 - we are 7th) -- https://www.foxsports.com/articles/nfl/2023-nfl-defense-rankings-team-pass-and-rush-stats -- Let that sink in as you ponder the absences of guys like - Shaq Thompson, Justin Houston, Jaycee Horn, YGM, Von Bell, and even Xavier Woods for stints at a time each. 

    Secondly you need a good run game, that was the ONE thing we all thought we had after Wilks was not retained with our OL returning...instead Reich scraps the power run / PA game in favor of a primarily Shotgun based approach where we routinely leave our OL that is best suited for a run first approach (as CURRENTLY constructed) and ask them to pass pro 30+ times a game. We all saw the ground success (under center down hill) vs DAL and even just this Sunday the 22 yard PA pass to start the game. 

    A coaches job is to maximize what he has, and look to build off that via FA / draft, IMO Frank tried to do what he's comfortable with versus maximizing what we have, and 1-10 is the result. 

    Bryce will be out in 3 seasons or less.

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  9. 1 hour ago, demcj said:


    he might not have a choice.

    a shitty roster, suspect qb, zero draft capital, and a meddling owner...why would any of the names being tossed around actually want to come here?

    the next head coach is literally hamstrung for the next season or two.

    the only thing that can be corrected at this point is the team's attitude and mentality. everyone has seen wilks do it. let him come back and re-establish it, then move on from there.

    Same can be said for Wilks...

    Why would he want to come now?

    • Pie 1
  10. 8 minutes ago, jamos14 said:

    I think you are choosing to only see his faults and arguing wildly with anyone that does the opposite.

    He has faults but he also has strengths and I've pointed them out.     

    But sure, just insult; No reason even attempting to have a rational football conversation with some you.

    its still funny...I am sure of that.



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