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Posts posted by heel31ok

  1. You do realize we had a draft last year, right? I ask because I notice you avoided the topic.

    Had one the year before that too. Both drafts went, ya know, rather well, especially this past one. Signed some solid undrafteds too.

    Had a 12-4 season in Gettleman's first season as GM after some good free agent signings on top of that aforementioned good draft.year and won the division.

    Won it again this year after going on a really solid late season run, largely thanks to rookies that were picked by....guess who?

    This has, in fact, been arguably the most successful two year period the franchise has had.

    Oh, but he cut Steve Smith so I guess none of it counts :lol:


    sorry but this 2 yr stretch is pretty much like multiple 2 yr stretches we have had.same old same old.


     Steve Smith has not been mentioned so you are now making up your own facts again.Funny how you call for facts then make up crap.

     But if you want to bring up Smith G-man messed that up too as SS said it was going to be his last yr and then that money against the cap would have gone away.another tactical error , gettlemagic!

     All that and I haven't even mentioned Shula.there is still time to redeem himself but until he does...





  2. You do realize we had a draft last year, right? I ask because I notice you avoided the topic.

    Had one the year before that too. Both drafts went, ya know, rather well, especially this past one. Signed some solid undrafteds too.

    Had a 12-4 season in Gettleman's first season as GM after some good free agent signings on top of that aforementioned good draft.year and won the division.

    Won it again this year after going on a really solid late season run, largely thanks to rookies that were picked by....guess who?

    This has, in fact, been arguably the most successful two year period the franchise has had.

    Oh, but he cut Steve Smith so I guess none of it counts :lol:


    the topic is G-man sucks, we sucked you said we didn't what else do you want to say?the draft ? if you want we can talk about that. we sucked at OT he totally ignored OT, that sucks." the o-line is fine", that sucks. He reached for Boston and traded up for Bene, losing a pick in the deal.then we took a player he had to cut so we got nothing for that.The deepest WR draft in a long long while and we come away with one after we gut our receiving corp. Benjamin was a no brainer Ealy was ok but we will need to go get someone else to take Hardy's place if he is indeed gone. I liked the Turner pick .  I admire your loyalty it is just the spin I have a problem with. I just hope that our needs coincide with BPA eventually.


  3. As difficult is this may be for you to comprehend, a GM is not judged on whether or not he signs your favorite players.

    Back to back playoffs for the first time ever, a steadily improving cap situation, two good drafts in a row, one of which produced the best rookie class this team has ever seen, a team on the rise and our first playoff win since 2005...These things are what you call "continuing to suck".

    That tells me clearly you haven't got a clue what you're talking about.

    And if you're going to give a rebuttal, at least attempt to bring something factual to the argument, something more intellectual than "he's fat and he sucks".

    I know I'm asking a lot, but you could at least try.


    he signed some bad players which is not even a question. He had to cut more than one of them before the season even finished. That is fact. sucking a little less than the big suck that was the NFC south is not something to be proud of. We had a losing record that is how you judge that is how we say continuing to suck, trending down. . That is factual.  Even the playoff win was tainted by the presence of a bad backup QB for the cards trying to limp them along.

     The cap situation just gave G-man an excuse to bargain hunt and bring in some really bad players=fact.

     Until G-man really does something the suck label stands.  So you can as a fan disagree and wear your teal colored glasses but that has nothing to do with fact. He has another chance but if we don't get better I am interested to see how you will spin it. So spare me the false superiority and if you were so worried about facts you would not have made any up.


  4. http://www.nfl.com/news/story/0ap3000000469366/article/are-carolina-panthers-finished-with-greg-hardy

    It's all but official now. I think this is a huge mistake Hardy was a huge part of what made our defense work. I got so much joy watching our front 4 dismantle the pocket. Hopefully we can find someone close to Hardys level.



    I agree but money talks and G-man sucks so this is our life from here on out.



    The following is a true story I thought I'd share.  Back in January I came out of a three year relationship and I've been enjoying my single life by indulging in dating apps like Tinder.  I'm not too into dating on Tinder for well, reasons just like this story, but occasionally a girl piques my interest enough to go on a date with her.  I'll never forget this girl.


    We chatted through the app and via text and she seemed normal, fairly cute, and interesting. She was studying at the local university and had a side job as a bartender at a music venue I liked.  Offers to get me into shows for free and for free drinks really swayed me to go out with her.  So after talking for about a week we finally decide to meet.  First off, she had a weird accent. I didn't want to draw attention to it because it could have been a sensitive topic so I waited for her to bring it up. We had a few drinks and a good conversation. We seemed to have a lot in common.
    Everything was going fine and as the night starts to wind down I go get us one more set of drinks before last call. It's like this girl flipped a switch when I get back...immediately when I sit down she says "So I have a confession to make" and I'm thinking "Oh God...." Long story short, she's from Ireland (explains the accent) and she's on a student visa that is about to expire. She's on Tinder looking for a man to marry to gain citizenship.  Apparently her home life in Ireland is less than to be desired and she has no interest in going back.  She offered me money (won't say how much but it wasn't enough) to marry her. All I said to her was "After one date?" to which she replied "My visa expires in 4 days. I need this to happen now."
    I got up and left without saying anything.  This girl was crazy. She said we could have sex that night any way I wanted, then she'd pay me if we'd go to the courthouse the next day.  I won't lie, it was tempting, but I hope no poor sap fell for that.  
    tl;dr - had an Irish Tinder date proposition me for marriage for citizenship



    tell her to get a tan and a Spanish accent and she doesn't ever have to leave .


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