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Posts posted by heel31ok

  1. 3 hours ago, Kick said:

     Mr. Tepper

     Mr. Fitterer 

     Coach Reich 

    As a Fans I am pleading with you to give us a Franchise QB and not rejects from other teams to lead the Panthers to a winning season.  Some of the current players (Corners) need to review last year's tape and explain why more effort wasn't put forth.  If that was the best, it wasn't good enough.








    Reich is a reject from another team.

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  2. 3 hours ago, Kick said:

     Mr. Tepper

     Mr. Fitterer 

     Coach Reich 

    As a Fans I am pleading with you to give us a Franchise QB and not rejects from other teams to lead the Panthers to a winning season.  Some of the current players (Corners) need to review last year's tape and explain why more effort wasn't put forth.  If that was the best, it wasn't good enough.








    Not possible this draft no matter how many letters you write.

  3. 13 minutes ago, CPcavedweller said:

    We can't trade for the Number 1 pick now because we need draft picks for defense. Our list of holes on that side of the ball just got bigger. Now you probably should take BPA to build out the core of the team as best you can, or trade down if you're sure you can get who you want, and develop those guys while probably not being great. I just, I don't understand the scheme transition while you're looking for a new QB and only have five draft picks. 

    That pretty much sizes it up.

  4. 2 hours ago, stan786 said:

    Sure, but you don't ignore good process just because a coach is new. If the head coach likes a QB and the team needs a QB you go get the QB as that's the most important position in the sport.

    Being new means trust hasnt been earned.Im not ignoring good process , I am stating what   I consider the good process.

  5. 11 minutes ago, stan786 said:

    You'll wait for what? We dont get to make any of these decisions. Reich was hired so he could fix the QB position. If he doesn't he'll probably get the axe like most coaches who fail at what they were hired for. He definitely wasn't paid to draft a LB with the 9th pick and skip QB because the internet doesn't like a certain one.

    Trust is earned

  6. 19 minutes ago, stan786 said:

    Who said we would draft a bad one? I trust Reich to decide who is good and bad over people on this board. If we draft them then we clearly think they are good enough to be our QB of the future. The report says Reich and Company may like Levis the most, I may have other opinions on Levis but they were hired to fix the QB situation and if that's the way they decide to do it great.

    End of day drafting a QB unlocks a plethora of benefits including the ability to bolster other positions by leveraging his Rookie deal, along with the majority of the time QB stability for at least a few years as he proves out his abilities. Reich was brought in to fix the QB position, I'll trust him until he screws it up.

    I'll just wait til he earns trust.

  7. 3 hours ago, stan786 said:

    Sounds like how most teams fail. QB the most important spot. I trust Reich to identify and develop a good one. Having a stable QB on a rookie deal let’s you build depth and talent because you aren’t sending picks and overpaying for bad QBs like us and the Colts have done for years. If the guy isn’t it you’ll know by year 3-4 but the plan isn’t for him to fail necessarily.

    Hell the Eagles got panned for taking Hurts when people still thought Wentz was good but they know good process and understand until you know a guy is the one you’ve always gotta be panning for gold.

    Very few teams QB purgatory and stay relevant for large periods of time.

    Yes most important which is why you dont draft bad ones.Building the rest of the team with good players is how a team wins and builds longterm success.That isnt how most teams fail at all. 

  8. 1 minute ago, mrcompletely11 said:

    Yeah how about just be patient a d develop someone 

    This draft offers a multiple top position picks and a deep pool at several positions if need.Namely LB,CB,even TE.lets not sacrfice a top pick to a philosophy of keep drafting a qb til one sticks...which is pure stpidity.

  9. 1 hour ago, TLGPanthersFan said:

    Maybe. We have no idea. Saying we have less competition right now is misguided when there is a good chance we will have competition next season. 
    Also everyone was saying this years class was good and now look. Same thing will happen next off-season. 
    I guarantee it. It is a vicious cycle. 

    This yr has zero to do with last yr...its just a bad qb draft

  10. 5 minutes ago, Kentucky Panther said:

    I think if we trade up it’s for Stroud, personally. If we sit tight, the only QB available at 9 is probably Richardson. 

    Always take news like this with a grain of salt in February. Long ways to go. Lots of teams nervous they won’t get the guy they want. 

    Dont trade up...and take bpa at 9...which wont be a qb.


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