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Everything posted by heel31ok

  1. you'll find out if we loose a bunch of games.LOL!
  2. who holds Shula's job in his hands? who is protecting him?
  3. well there you go the perfect proof Cam is the answer.
  4. people make up crap all the time, they go by impression when they don't know.This just means this Norris guy didn't pay attention to Funchess until he had to make a comment.
  5. that was the only route they needed against us, he is quick and we need some speed so if he can catch it, good.
  6. gman sneezes and nfl thought he said funchess,they replied quickly, no take backs.
  7. technically filling a need makes you better.
  8. I don't count on it but I wouldn't be mad about it.
  9. that sounds more likely than him just walking out with something on his own.Still not smart but it does have the ring of truth. The question is, was the employee going to pay for them? that is doubtful.
  10. I see a loss to the Hawks and Pack, the rest are very beatable , adjusting for the wind I say we go 12-4 .
  11. cam and Luke are our key players so it is not as much a risk and we could see whether weapons around Cam is the answer.
  12. it shouldn't matter as Jameis will take all the negative spotlight for a while, this is the time...
  13. Timmy still has time,it's not over till we say it's over, was it over when the Germans bombed Pearl Harbor ?
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