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Everything posted by t96

  1. Allen and Burrow are much closer to each other in that 2nd tier than either is to Mahomes. That has been crystal clear to me for several years now.
  2. There are 53 players on a team along with a coaching staff of several dozen, you’re gonna put team success all on the shoulders of 1 single player who was literally voted the best player in the entire league 4 times? Lol. And before you bring up regular season vs playoffs take a peak at Rodgers’ career playoff passer rating vs Brady’s. Hint: 1 is significantly higher than the other and it’s not the guy most would expect. Again, he has more than earned his arrogance. You don’t have to like him but he’s one of the best NFL players of all time period.
  3. Yeah they are legit but we can’t completely dismiss the O concerns especially after only putting up 10 on a bad Falcons d
  4. Wow Josh Allen sucks ass. And Burrow. Is Mahomes the only 100% legit elite franchise QB in the league? (yes I know week 1 overreactions)
  5. Lol he hardly failed with GB… that team let him down plenty, dude has 4 MVPs to his name, more than “goat” Brady. Hate him all you want but frankly he’s earned his arrogance. The injury sucks but that’s football
  6. yeah I'm thinking of Bengals fans recently. For years they sucked and always knew it and it was just business as usual. Then they get Burrow and make the Super Bowl beating the Chiefs in the process and expectations/hopes are as high as possible. Now a loss like today for them and even in the playoffs last year kill them even though they should be used to it. Being really good but not winning it all is a bit of a curse. I still take that every fuging day over being irrelevant but it draws you in to care more so losing hurts much more.
  7. Nope. Used to borderline obsess over it and get upset if I missed a single snap in any game and especially when we lost. Also used to know the roster like the back of my hand, from starters to practice squad. Now I still follow really closely relative to most casual fans but we have players on the team I don't know and I have no issue missing some plays and or games later in the year when we have sucked early and are out of the playoffs. Even back in 2016 when we sucked I watched pretty much every snap of every game. Bryce/the new staff have given me new hope but still nowhere near to being back to how much I cared back in like 2019 and prior. Covid and the team sucking along with getting older and just having other more important things in my life were probably all factors, and if we do get really good again ever I will get more into it, but probably never like I was before. I did go to the Falcons game today which was my first game since 2018 and despite the sh*tshow today I enjoyed watching the team live again.
  8. yep. Also 6-2 in 2018 I believe then the Steelers game and the season went off the rails. And 1-3 in 2013 looking completely finished with Rivera likely to be fired but we rattle off 11 wins of the next 12 to finish the season. 1 game in we don't know anything about this NFL season, that goes for the Chiefs, Bengals, etc. who lost their first games.
  9. I'm not a fan of Fitts, he should definitely be on the hot seat after this season if it doesn't go well. But I'd give him at least the start of 2024. Rhule tainted his start and Bryce/Reich paired with him deserve more than 1 year.
  10. still 10-7, it's a marathon not a sprint. It'll take another month+ before I change my thoughts on that, no matter how bad we may look the next few games.
  11. Tough game but gotta give it a few months before we take anything at all away from it with a new staff and rookie QB. Hopefully we can come out of the first 8 games around .500 then start clicking.
  12. Chark healthy honestly would’ve helped. No one else has any speed to stretch the field and keep the D honest. Not that Bryce would be accurate downfield anyways but still…
  13. Lol most obvious incomplete pass ever they call it a fumble and try to get away without a review
  14. Game is already over but bad sign for the coaching staff there: running to get the first makes sense but you gotta get another play off before the 2min warning, they did a substitution which made that impossible. Need to have both play calls ready with the same personnel there. Stupid coaching
  15. Never. Maybe some bullshit rule change this off-season that no one was ever told about. Or just made up on the fly by dumbass refs
  16. That has always been a replay the down not fuging cancelling out. What bullshit
  17. D already on the field it was a fumble unfortunately
  18. See I differentiate high picks who suck from high picks who are really good but get injured. The former I consider busts, but never really the latter. Otah was an absolute stud but injuries derailed his career, I don’t view that as a bust because talent wise it was a good pick. You can’t really predict injuries. Horn when healthy is a top 10 corner so can’t fault the pick, even with Surtain and Parsons picked later. It’s unfortunate but injuries are unpredictable.
  19. Hamstring/doubtful is wayyyy better than several other alternatives. Hopefully Jaycee can still contribute for us down the stretch this year. Soft tissue sucks but at least it’s not foot again or ligament
  20. I can’t believe how empty this stadium is for a home/season opener
  21. DL really showing up, we should just pay Burns what he wants now, he could get 20+ sacks in this scheme honestly.
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