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Everything posted by t96

  1. The meddling is Tep wanting to be in every meeting about football ops and injecting his opinion all the time. These decisions are made by "committee" of Frank, Fitt and Tepp (& Nicole apparently) but really we all know whose opinion matters the most (the one who's the least qualified)
  2. We'll see what his dedication to the game and work ethic looks like but he reminds me a lot of Tatum in Boston, Tatum was fine his rookie year and year 2 but nothing crazy special, he really worked on his game and exploded later on though. Miller could be similar if he can get there but I agree he's not going to step in year 1 as a starter and average 15-20+ points. He really does have all the tools in the world to be an elite small forward so that is exciting. I was a Scoot guy pre-draft but Miller has such huge potential and if he hits it would be a perfect fit with LaMelo and Mark as core pieces so it's hard to complain with where we're at. Just wish we had a better coaching staff since Clifford really ain't it. The roster is very exciting but the right coach is needed to get the most out of the young guys and develop them.
  3. There were a couple in the Lions game if you were watching.
  4. so glad the season is finally here to help me forget the panthers suck ass. isn't this game at 7 by the way?
  5. Mark is such an exciting player to have. He reminds me of Robert Williams defensively with even more offensive potential and hopefully a healthier player than Rob.
  6. If we're not gonna play Chinn then sure this makes some sense but I'd much rather we keep him and get a coach who isn't a fuging idiot and will use him properly. He has All-Pro capabilities in the right role. Jamal Adams lite. Also I like Chinn and wouldn't wish it upon him to be sent to that shithole Denver (not the city, the org.) w/ that douche HC.
  7. I made this same thread already, but yes this is the only way to success with Tepper as owner. Ain't gettin' my hopes up though
  8. honestly was kinda looking forward to watching him, I've seen a few highlights but man his stats are completely insane. over 10ypc on that big of a sample size is just flat out nuts.
  9. I think that's really the issue, I think QBs with a ton of talent can get ruined in their first 2 years by poor coaching, OL, weapons, etc. I truly believe David Carr could've been a top tier QB if he had gone to a more stable organization. Same with Darnold too honestly -- if Shanahan's Niners drafted him and sat him for a year or 2 I think he'd be viewed as a potential franchise QB. In theory if everything around Bryce sucks again in year 2 and he continues to struggle but we get a new staff and pay up for weapons, OL, etc. it's possible in year 3 he could turn it around and show he's legit, but we just haven't really seen that ever happen before. Highly drafted QBs who struggle both of their first 2 years never really turn it around. Only recent example I can really think of is Geno Smith and he's a rare outlier and didn't turn it around in year 3 but in year 10...
  10. Almost without exception a franchise QB shows it in some way by year 2. Plenty of great QBs have struggled their rookie year. I’ll give Bryce next year (especially if we have a new staff with legit offensive coaches) but if he still sucks then that’s it for me
  11. He will dominate somewhere else, dude is a stud we've just badly misused him since his rookie year
  12. he did have our biggest pass play of the game...
  13. Can't believe how trash this dude is. I would say he's maybe still hurt but his vision is just so incredibly bad that that isn't it. What a terrible signing by Fitts
  14. If they switched places Young would be doing just as well as Purdy and Purdy would probably be doing worse here than Bryce has been. That Shanahan system with all that elite talent is a QB's dream. I like Purdy, solid player, but purely a game manager within that system, something plenty of other QBs could do just as effectively.
  15. Probably a 1st and another mid round pick (between 2nd and 4th depending on the team trading)
  16. a few throws were encouraging but were cancelled out by both picks, a step in the right direction but not where we'd ideally be with our 1st overall pick we traded the franchise for
  17. Stroud has been great and I was a Stroud guy pre-draft, nice throw but that dude was wide open. hope they can hold on against ATL
  18. Patriots are 1-4, I'd trade Bryce for their 1st in a frigging heartbeat but no chance they would. If they had a good record and jones was the only one really struggling then yeah maybe but not when they're on track for a top 3-5 pick and the rest of the team sucks anyways. Giants are committed to D Jones for some reason
  19. I'm honestly starting to think Rhule could be a good NFL coach with another organization. This place is a dumpster fire and Tepper's stink rubs off on anyone who comes here.
  20. sadly I don't think any team would trade a 1st for him right now, maybe not even a 2nd.
  21. Tepper needs to listen up because there's only 1 way to go forward here and turn this franchise around. He needs to put his massive ego aside and realize he's well out of his fuging element. Every decision relating to football that has been made since he bought the team has been wrong. He thought because of his time observing the Steelers' success as a minority owner that he knows something about this sport but he doesn't know poo. His mistake from day 1 was thinking he knew everything and not trusting and relying on anyone who actually knows this sport and this league. The only way forward here is to blow up the entire front office and coaching staff, scouts, etc. from top to bottom and to use a well respected group of experienced advisors to hire a President/GM who then will pick his own HC and staff. Tepper cannot be involved whatsoever, neither him nor Nicole can have any involvement or say in who is hired. Leave it entirely up to the group of advisors and step the fug back and let them run the team. There is no other way to go. Any degree of Tepper involvement will just result in continued failure. Unfortunately this won't happen because Tepper is ass but maybe he'll read this and have an epiphany. It really is the only way.
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