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Everything posted by t96

  1. We all should’ve expected this. Beat one of the best teams one night, follow it up by getting blown the fug out by one of the worst teams in the league a few nights later. Clifford needs to fuging go, yesterday
  2. blow everything up entirely. I don't want to see a single player from this year's team still here come 2025/2026
  3. MVP caliber play over his last 8, averaging like 32/8/7 on nearly 50/40/90 shooting splits
  4. and another drop lol. Chiefs really blowing their elite D by not giving Mahomes a single weapon. They definitely should've traded for a WR at the deadline, plenty of futures they could've traded. Also Kelce has not been the same player this year, whether that's because of his girlfriend or injuries piling up, idk, but definitely a concern for the Chiefs. Would be much less of one if they didn't have WRs as bad as ours.
  5. MVS is terrible lol just lost his team the game on a perfect throw from Mahomes. Reminds me of Ginn
  6. lol Melo couldn't be much worse and it was a joke... Mark was fuging +33 tonight with 18/16 in just 32 minutes (should be playing more minutes, especially with Nick hurt). Dude is a monster.
  7. LaMelo would be a better NFL QB than Bryce, honestly. I think it was 1 or 2 games ago but he had an absolutely absurd perfect half court alley oop with defenders in the lane. Seriously the dude's passing and vision is outrageous. Imagine if he ever gets the calls he should be getting. Only had 1 fuging free throw today lol, he easily should've had 10+ getting hacked all game.
  8. very enjoyable win and fitting for Miles to get the steal to finish the game off. and so nice to see how damn happy LaMelo was after Miles hit that 3. Dude just keep your head on straight from here on out and you and Melo will be crushing it together
  9. and refs attempt to hand the game back to boston, shocker. Hayward didn't even touch him lol
  11. LaMelo is so fuging good. Please please please new owners get us a legit coach for this young talent we have. And spend up to bring in some NBA caliber role players.
  12. if not for the refs reffing (plenty of examples but celtics apparently went the entire 4th quarter without committing a single foul! lol) this would've been a regulation win. happy regardless of outcome honestly. obv want the W but promising regardless
  13. I wish I could say this reffing is unfathomable but it’s just par for the course for a Carolina team vs a Boston team. Come within 5 feet of that whining bitch Tatum and it’s a foul. LaMelo and Miller get hacked by 3 guys and nothing. Such fuging bullshit
  14. Panther version is Ryan Kalil and I'd love that. Don't want any of Tepper poo to rub off on Luke
  15. It's really incredible and indicative of how bad a job Reich has done. Nearly the same players on OL (Zavala instead of Brady only change) and same OL coach (highly regarded) and go from above average to by far worst in the league. Coaches need to 1 work with GM to get players that fit your scheme and after that 2 adjust scheme to fit players you do wind up with on the roster. It wouldn't have made any sense to gut the entire OL that had success last year so Frank needed to adjust his scheme to work with these guys, which he hasn't at all.
  16. I know we all hate Rhule but I do kinda wonder if he could’ve been a successful NFL HC in a better situation and not working for Tepper and with Hurney/Fitts at GM. He was terrible here, but I think now it’s fair to wonder if that was a Rhule issue or a Tepper’s Panthers issue
  17. Lots of analysts also had Stroud being better, I and many others here preferred him too. Biggest thing is when you’re trading up to 1 you have to get the decision right. Fireable offense to blow it this bad. Unfortunately we have no one to fire the owner though, as this is his doing
  18. Tre wasn’t perfect on the field but it’s cool how much he still loves the Panthers
  19. Chiefs D is outrageously dominant considering they also have the GOAT QB and an elite offensive minded HC
  20. Yeah if you’re average 5 yards per attempt like him you shouldn’t be throwing any picks let alone 4 pick sixes
  21. And Stroud on pace for over 500 yards and 4 TDs
  22. Going fishing and not watching. Will be a much better day than my Sundays in Sept, Oct
  23. Yeah Hayward needs to go. Rozier could stay but not as a starter, but also happy to move on from him too. Need defenders and shooters. A super exciting young core but now we need a GM who can build around them with players that actually complement them. Seriously though I'd keep LaMelo, Miller, Mark, Miles and PJ and overhaul the rest of the rotation entirely. And most importantly is a coaching change, just truly atrocious coaching this year.
  24. Everything has been bad which typically will indicate the scheme and coaching are to blame. There is plenty of talent on this offense, especially at OL. No excuse for the struggles to be this bad throughout the entire offense. I had serious hesitations on Reich for this very reason. His scheme is archaic which can be a disaster in the modern rapidly evolving NFL. Steichen really would’ve been a much better choice.
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