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Everything posted by t96

  1. it's an idea but I'd be shocked if he was fired. Allen is more of an issue there than McD and even if they miss the playoffs, that's an awfully short leash for a coach who's had a ton of success for a team who before him hadn't made the playoffs in like 2 decades...
  2. That's the hope but the Jags got somewhat lucky that Pederson was available at the time and interested. What SB winning HC can we get to save us?
  3. technically bill belichick was with the jets for like a day
  4. Pretty sure he interviewed with Houston and Indy. Only declined to interview here. "Pulled himself from consideration" for the other jobs and said it was because he wanted to stay in Detroit and continue to build another year but everyone knows his agent had already gotten word that he wasn't going to get either of those jobs. The last 10 months certainly won't help us convince him to interview this go around.
  5. hopefully black Friday or sooner but I wouldn't be surprised if dumbass tepper actually keeps him around. he's really just a puppet for our actual GM -- Nicole Tepper
  6. meant to write "legit HC candidate." sure we can get plenty of scrubs like Rhule or Reich who just want a HC job but no way we get a HC that other, well-run teams would also be interested in.
  7. and to be clear, not defending Reich or saying he shouldn't have been fired. it just looks absolutely horrible for us. and it'll look way worse when Reich comes out and says that Bryce was Tepper's pick
  8. Knowing that a slow start with an atrocious roster could get him fired within 11 games. fug you Tepper
  9. I would say I can't believe it because of how absurd it is, but obviously rich dudes like Kraft are on a different level, but it's still crazy to me how that situation just got immediately swept under the rug. dude was getting rub and tugs from human trafficked underage girls and nothing ever came out of it. such bullshit
  10. Nope. JR wasn't a great owner by any means but he at least brought us occasional success, competency and a team in the first place. He was done dirty, and honestly if he had any interest in fighting for his team he wouldn't have been forced out. Kraft, Jones, Irsay, others have all done much worse than JR ever did. I was happy at first with JR going as he wasn't the best owner, but man since Tepper took over I've been wishing we had JR back. Or that that SC billionaire dude or the former 49ers owner bought it instead.
  11. I mean yeah this is pretty obvious but also Kunkel doesn't know poo. I think tepper waits until after the season to clear house. If we go on a tear and Bryce plays much better (lol) maybe Reich could save his job but we all know that ain't happening.
  12. I've had really zero interest in the NFL outside of us and I've had close to zero interest in us for about a month and a half now. For the first time in many many years I didn't watch a single second of football on Thanksgiving day. Sad state of affairs. At least the Hornets and Canes are holding my interest right now, although both have also been a bit disappointing so far.
  13. Bryce’s awareness is just so bad compared to what we were sold… Many of the times he’s been sacked this year he’s had plenty of time and held onto the ball too long. Not uncommon for rookies but for a guy without the physical traits of most franchise QBs who was considered to be elite in processing, he’s been absolute trash
  14. Lol Burns out in coverage on the sideline doing nothing on that play. Awesome coaching
  15. Burns might set an NFL record for near-sacks that result in big plays for the O
  16. Terry needs to come off the bench. His hero ball nonsense holds the starting unit back considerably. With how bad our depth is right now I’m fine with him dominating the ball off the bench but not starting
  17. Need to bounce back here with a convincing W and 3 good periods. Last game was rough so need to see how the boys respond. A string of bad games and I’ll be starting to wonder a bit if Rod has lost the room
  18. Whatever that play was it was bad design, not just the call. Scrap that one from the damn playbook
  19. lol wtf, we wouldn't trade Mark alone for lavine let alone adding Brandon and even Terry has some value too. what a fuging buffoon
  20. These games kinda suck. Night game may be ok but the others not so much
  21. Yeah HC is #1 priority to upgrade but also need to fix the depth and bench. Gordon will be gone, potentially could see Rozier traded too, Cody has some mystery injury that I don't know he'll ever return. Nick is ok but the other bench guys are not really NBA caliber players. We need shooters and defenders. I like PJ coming off the bench but if that happens we need a starter at the 4.
  22. huge to get the win but really never should've come to needing to have that big of a comeback. Melo and Miles are so damn clutch. Would be nice to see this team with PJ, Terry, Cody all healthy to come off the bench. Many of these young guys will only get better too. But CLifford is a problem
  23. Miles is absolutely a huge game changer. Him and Melo along with Miller and Mark is an incredible young core to build around. Need a coach and a bench though.
  24. yeah and despite not winning it all quite yet with this group, they've had the most consistent playoff success in this stretch. Longest streak of winning at least 1 playoff series at 5 straight years.
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