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Everything posted by t96

  1. Donte was honestly incredible. Some really really nice PBUs
  2. Agree with him. I wasn’t a fan of Reich in the first place but to only give him 11 games is completely ridiculous. Also Tepper preached a 5 year plan with Rhule and didn’t even give him 3 years. It takes time to build something but Tepper expect it to happen overnight which is indeed lunacy
  3. He didn't "pull himself from consideration" with the teams he did interview with until it was clear they were hiring other guys. Maybe something changes this year but I don't think he has any interest in coming here.
  4. Well the big difference is Al Davis was a football guy, was a moderately successful HC well before being an owner and was also a successful GM before owning the Raiders. In his older age he got pretty crazy and bad as a GM but much of his career as GM/owner he was actually pretty good. Brought the team 3 Super Bowls with 2 difference HCs...
  5. In hindsight we gave Mike Shula too much poo as he’s easily been the best OC in team history and I’d gladly take him back over what we have right now. But that’s still not saying much and yeah to get the most of Cam’s time here we really needed an offensive minded HC. Imagine him in place of Hurts on this current Eagles team. Hurts is solid but man Cam would be absolutely unstoppable and probably have multiple MVPs in that offense.
  6. Goff has a much better arm, I don’t think McVay could even win with Bryce
  7. Tepper is gonna force the next staff to be all in on Bryce which will set us back multiple extra years. Probably won’t have a winning season in the next 4-5 years at least
  8. Hopefully this will be like the report the day before Frank got fired that he was safe
  9. No reason to pick Payton over Harbaugh given the choice between the 2, we didn't want to go that route and Tepper hired the "safe" and "stable" choice in Reich which obviously was a disaster. But if we were gonna go the route of high risk/high upside with big character/ego HC it would've been Harbaugh not SP. Especially because we would've had to give up a ton of draft capital for SP and none for Harbaugh.
  10. He played like 2 full seasons after his last concussion, I don't really think that had a ton to do with his retiring. A factor sure, but the main reason, doubtful. I think he's just like Calvin Johnson and Barry Sanders and didn't want to play super long and wanted to move on to different things. Luke is a huge outdoorsman, he was at the grind for so long and football season interfered with hunting season. He only lasted 1 year as a pro scout for us because he didn't even want that level of commitment, and that's way less than required from a player especially one who works himself so hard to be the absolute best in the league. I don't blame him for retiring. A bummer as a huge football fan who got so much joy out of watching him play and would've loved to see him get a ring, but it's his decision to make
  11. Yeah really. His NFL track record with subpar QBs speaks for itself. Dude can win in the NFL
  12. I'm no fan of Josh McDaniels, was absolutely thrilled we didn't hire him back in 2020. But I'll give him some credit for his work with Mac Jones. I felt going into that draft that Jones would never come close to being a franchise QB and would be a disaster for whatever team took him. Well that wound up being true, but McDaniels got 1 pretty damn good rookie year out of him while making the playoffs and then when he left Jones has gotten worse every single year. There are other variables but that is pretty notable. All that said, I do not want McDaniels or any of the other Pats guys here in any capacity.
  13. Wishful thinking. Kraft and York “early years” included several playoff seasons and a SB appearance… Tepper 6 years in already has yet to even come close to a single .500 season, and almost certainly won’t in year 7, and probably won’t in year 8.
  14. Player leadership is obviously huge, don't get me wrong. But yes a GM like DG absolutely has an impact too. With a GM like Hurney who would hand out big contracts to any decent player like he's Oprah the guys absolute got complacent to varying degrees. DG came in and got rid of guys like Smitty and immediately set the tone that there was going to be a culture of accountability from the top down, and that guys who slack off out there will be gone. Leaders like Cam, Luke, TD can be in the room and get on guys who might want to slack off but none of them could really threaten their jobs, which really will get all the guys bought in. It's another aspect of Belichick's long tenure that I'd say was a reason for their success. If you slacked off there, no 2nd chances, you're gone. Our players under Rhule and Reich (and Hurney, Fitts at GM) haven't given a poo at all but know there's no repercussions. Burns is a great example. He talks a big game acting like he cares but this year he just flat out has not shown up on the field. And he knows he can get away with it and still get handed a huge contract because Fitts and company will not hold him accountable. Especially after publicly turning down the Rams' offer and saying he's gonna be here long term. Stupid things to be saying from a GM. DG had it right when in a situation like this he'd say things like "all players will be evaluated and need to earn their roles." DG had plenty of issues and took things too far with his big ego like the Norman situation, but there's no doubt he helped establish a culture of accountability here for our core under Rivera.
  15. DG was an unlikeable douche and pretty poor at drafting in the end, but he helped set a good winning culture here and helped hold Rivera accountable in ways Hurney never did. He was a perfect hire for our team at the time and with those 2 we actually did build a pretty consistent winner around our core of Cam, Luke and others. It all blew up on us with Cam's injuries but if Cam could've stayed healthy and DG never got replaced by Hurney pt 2 I think our run of success would've lasted longer. Completely agree we need someone like that to come in here and fully reset the culture. Harbaugh is a douche too but I think he could actually be a good choice.
  16. People will still complain about it lowering our 2nd and 3rd round picks. Honestly
  17. I'm strongly against Belichick for various reasons, but one thing that could make me get more onboard with the potential move is if he could lure Dante Scarnecchia out of retirement. Scarnecchia has never put a below average OL on the field, and there is plenty of talent on the OL here to work with. I'd argue he's the greatest non-HC coach in NFL history. That would help Bryce and the offense significantly. But he's 75 and retired 3 years ago so it's a huge stretch.
  18. lol brady didn't do poo in the first 3, or the last 1 To the topic: Cam's opinion is interesting in that he's one of the few common links between Tepper and Belichick, having played for both of them. But it is still just his opinion. The connecting of the dots makes some sense, but I disagree with Cam's take that "Tepper will give him everything he needs." The one thing this team and Tepper can't give Belichick is a roster that can be ready to contend within 2-3 years. It just ain't happening. Unless Belichick thinks the world of Bryce, which I kinda doubt based on film this year so far, this is by far the worst roster imaginable for Belichick to be inheriting, AND we don't have a 1st round pick to improve it next year. Even if he does think the world of Bryce, this is a bad roster. And Belichick at his age can't go through a long rebuild, which is where this team is at. He's shooting for Shula's win record and it could take him 4-5 years to get there here, and with a poor pace such that even if he eventually gets the record, Andy Reid could catch and pass him pretty darn quickly. He can claim he wants to coach that long all he wants but at that age frankly things can change pretty damn quickly. If he leaves NE he'll go somewhere with a roster ready to compete, and likely with a legit franchise QB already in place. Chargers make a lot of sense. Or Bills or Bengals if either of them want to make a change/splash.
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