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Everything posted by t96

  1. I just got around to watching a lot of his film. What stuck out most to me was his field vision. It's absolutely amazing on punt returns and when he has the ball in his hands. If we can't get Ginn or Jones and we end up drafting Agholor, I'd be confident with him back there returning for us. Fielding a punt is a lot different from college to NFL, but seeing the field and using your blockers isn't that much different. He'd be a guy with very good home run ability on returns that would help us immediately. Also he looked very good and balanced running many different routes and has deceiving and sudden acceleration. Could be good YAC, but what bothers me is he is kind of like Ginn in that he always tries to avoid contact. I think he could step in opposite KB and be an immediate contributor. I'm thinking he would be a fantastic 2nd rounder for us if we could get him there,
  2. You keep saying "he was found guilty, then he paid her off" yet you then say you don't know whether he paid her off and that the NC law which was why he was found guilty is irrelevant. Wouldn't expect anything else from you, my friend.
  3. Please, try your hardest to give me a reasonable explanation of why and how he made them look bad. I'm not saying they won't punish him based on that, given how Goodell and his minions have shown how they respond to these types of things. I'm saying any punishment would be outrageously unfair. And people should cry about it, because anybody who believes in fairness and doing the right thing should want Hardy immediately reinstated.
  4. I'm not saying he won't get punishment. You were arguing that he isn't innocent and you used the original guilty verdict as part of your reasoning behind why he isn't innocent. So that NC law means something based on what you said.
  5. Absolutely young for switches. Peterson was 100% wrong. I'm just saying he shouldn't be labeled as a child abuser because intent clearly wasn't to harm the child. In his mind, it was in his kid's best interest long term to be disciplined for doing something wrong. That is how he was brought up. I can't blame him.
  6. I would consider punishment, but here's another argument supporting it not being punishment. Missing last year likely added another year to his career.
  7. I don't know how old you are, but it was common when I was a kid to get whooped with a belt or switch until your ass was red as the fuging devil. Peterson grew up that way and that was how he learned to discipline his kids. Once again I'm not saying it's no issue, but to crucify the guy because of him not ever knowing better is pretty ridiculous.
  8. It does when you're citing the guilty verdict as "evidence" that he was guilty.
  9. Maybe the way you think it would be dumb, but it would show a lot of things. First of all, he would have another opportunity to show his worth to teams and get a bigger contract. No way he'll get as big of a contract now as he would've last year if we didn't tag him. In addition, it'll show other possible suitors how good of a teammate he is and that he can stay out of trouble. And maybe he is a good enough person that he realizes that the team and mainly his teammates and brothers got fuged over because of him and he'd make it up to them with a year for less money. And maybe he actually likes the Panthers and his teammates enough that it's not just about money for him. If he's confident in his abilities then it would actually be very smart to sign for less this year to stay in Carolina and have huge success and then get a massive contract on the open market next year.
  10. The guilty verdict is completely irrelevant if you've listened to any of the lawyers discuss that, and how it works in NC. And if you followed the case at all you'd realize that it was completely outrageous to begin with.. And it's never been proven he paid her off at all. IF there was a case to begin with, they wouldn't need her testimony to go through with it. Pictures of any supposed harm to her would've been enough to go through with the case. And they have pictures. They clearly don't show any injuries supporting her testimony from the first trial or they would've gone through with the case and used that testimony in addition to the photo "evidence." I use the term evidence lightly because there was literally 0 evidence at all of Hardy being guilty. Just a coked up bitch's word.
  11. I know you've shut it down a million times, but the best case scenario would be for us to keep Hardy for a year on a contract way below his market value, then let him walk and get a 3rd round 2017 pick.
  12. Why would that matter? Vick was on the exempt list after getting out of prison when he wasn't signed by any team.
  13. Not even close to comparable. The guy straight murdered his other son. Peterson disciplined his child and just took it a little too far. I'm not saying Peterson's actions weren't wrong, but you can't possibly compare him to a murderer.
  14. Too bad the public is ignorant as fug and doesn't understand Hardy's situation whatsoever. If they knew he was getting fuged over and is likely innocent (instead of them just blindly thinking he's a "wife beater" like Rice), then there'd be a fuss about how the league is screwing him over. And realize this... If he gets a 2 game suspension, the league is saying being accused of something but never proven is the exact same as being guilty of a crime with video evidence. If he gets more than 2 games, then being accuses of something that is never proven, is actually WORSE than being guilty with video evidence. The league will fight their hardest to keep Hardy off the field for as long as they can, but they won't win the fight. And this bullshit may eventually cost Goodell his job.
  15. Well now the league is appealing the Judge's decision. I'll take back what I said about Hardy, they'll do everything in their power to try to suspend him for 6 games or more. It won't be successful for them, but they'll try.
  16. Him hitting FA wouldn't take him off the exempt list...
  17. Goodell will want to put up a fight, but he and his advisors know he'll lose. I'm certain Hardy will get reinstated.
  18. fug man we should get a judge to force the NFL to give us our damn money back.
  19. Hardy will become immediately eligible soon with no punishment, and no one will bat an eye.
  20. Peterson was suspended indefinitely, not eligible for possible reinstatement until April 15th I believe (might be another day in April). And I believe the last few games of last year were unpaid for him.
  21. I'd love him for a fair price in FA. I don't think he's within our price range though. Definitely would not trade for him, that contract is horrible.
  22. Easily. Fighters now are such pussies. Sugar Ray fought more than 20 times in a year. And I'm not talking about Leonard who I refuse to ever call Sugar Ray because he ripped off the real and only Sugar Ray, and is nowhere near as good as him.
  23. I'll be at the bout. Looking forward to it. Not going to be nearly as good as other fights I've been to, but this should be a very good matchup. I hate Mayweather but he truly is an amazing technical fighter and defender. Pac has the power and bursts to possibly get a KO on Mayweather. If it goes to a decision I doubt Pac can get the points to win it. Mayweather does it so well. I hate his style so much but he's a great fighter. Not a big Pac fan but I'll likely be betting on him, since Mayweather is favored. Just gotta say neither Pac or Floyd is in the top 25 pound for pound fighters of all time. Can't believe some people actually believe Mayewather is pound for pound the best ever. Disgrace.
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