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Everything posted by t96

  1. Financially no it makes no sense for Rhule to quit. But I guarantee you he's already thinking about his next job, which will certainly be college. If a specific college job that he really wants opens up he may decide to screw the money and go for it and quit for it. If he stays until he gets fired he could miss out on his next gig. Also, the longer this goes on the less college teams would be interested in him in theory, as it's clearly a disaster. Again, I'm not saying this is what is wise for each party. Tepper should just fire him now to prevent more losing. Rhule should stay as long as he can until he's fired to keep his money. But the reports of Rhule looking at college gigs last year came out for a reason, and I expect it'll come up again here this year. Maybe Rhule is leaking reports of his "interest" in various college gigs to make Tepper think that he would quit so Tep wouldn't be on the hook for the rest of his contract, getting Rhule to keep his job longer and have a longer leash. I'm not ruling anything out considering the people we're talking about here. Tepper and Rhule are both complete fuging morons. Nothing would surprise me with these two.
  2. I think this is still definitely a big concern, that Tepper is hoping Rhule will jump for a college job before being fired so Tepper won't be on the hook for the rest of his contract. This was reported last year when Rhule was linked to college jobs. We could have an old fashioned stalemate here with neither side budging and us fans suffering in the meantime...
  3. lol wtf is that really how the team entered the field yesterday?
  4. Young or Stroud? Or neither? I don’t follow college ball
  5. Lol Ravens that’s embarrassing allowing 6 TDs to Tua
  6. All indications are he will meddle even more. I hope that doesn’t happen but that’s how it’s looking to me
  7. I would not be surprised. He’s not going to get a stadium with taxpayer money here that’s for sure and then he can “justify” moving us
  8. The point is Rhule’s inevitable firing won’t change anything. Unfortunately.
  9. Rhule sucks for sure don’t get me wrong, he needs to go ASAP. But he’s just a symptom of the real problem. Replacing him with someone just as bad is what will most likely happen. Tepper can’t run a football team to save his life. Hasn’t done 1 good thing since he took over.
  10. We lost to the Browns at home who just blew a 3 score lead at home against the Jets with Flacco...
  11. Yes Rhule sucks but the real issue is Tepper who has run this team into the ground since he bought it. Wrong decision after wrong decision after wrong decision for him. Rhule getting fired will not change a damn thing as Tepper will just replace him with another loser on another wrong decision. By far the worst state this team has ever been in and it’s all because of this pompous douche who thinks he’s a genius. Until he’s gone nothing will get better.
  12. See I would be hopeful about replacing Rhule but fact is Tepper will just pick another fuging loser so why bother. This team will never do a damn thing with this tool as owner
  13. fug Gano this prick couldn’t hit a kick when it mattered for us and hits that poo
  14. The Ioannidis signing got some poo because of Temple but he’s actually a really solid player. Nice sack
  15. still not working for me and appears a ton of others having the same issues. glad it's working for you
  16. Can someone please send me a stream link. sunday ticket is trash and not working
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