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Everything posted by t96

  1. Lol we'll probably still win but what an embarrassing drive from the D here
  2. We'll see how he does the rest of the year but I think his leg is took weak to really be the best option. I'd try to get a kicker in the draft or bring Zane back. But Eddy could prove me wrong over the course of the season. Been solid so far but all short kicks.
  3. so is Laviska our 2nd best WR pretty clearly and he hasn't been playing for some reason
  4. Maybe Laviska should've been playing all along Fhule??? lol let's go
  5. we are gonna lose this game still aren't we. lol. if we do that should be it for Rhule and everyone else
  6. I know the Aints suck and this is likely fools gold but I’m really enjoying it. fug them
  7. McCall and Luvu what great pickups. Arguably the 2 best plays of Rhule’s tenure have happened today. Not getting my hopes up this season but really enjoying today
  8. Sure, for 2 firsts and 2 seconds. Anything less and I just keep Chinn.
  9. I haven’t listened to him since early in year 2
  10. under Rhule this doesn't mean what you think it does, unfortunately... Seriously though I do think we win this game. I think everyone's jobs in this organization are already on the line and the team will be playing like it. I don't think we'll turn our season around but I think we'll get 6-8 wins (yes brutal purgatory where we easily miss playoffs but also miss out on a top pick).
  11. You are blinded by your bias. He can occasionally throw darts but far too often for an NFL QB he has throws that have nothing on them. His shoulder is completely done. He would be wise to look for a Taysom Hill type role as he can still excel in that role, but his days as a starting QB are 100% done.
  12. Didn't listen yet but I don't agree that we're in horrible shape in terms of roster/assets. We're in horrible shape because Tepper is a meddling moron, but IF he's able to remove himself from the process and hire a Sean Payton or Jim Harbaugh type proven head coach (or hit on a young offensive minded HC) I think that coach would have a lot to work with. Baker isn't great but is a fine stopgap plus we can take a QB high next draft. Other than that we've got a promising OL, McCaffrey, Moore, Robbie (for now) is a solid #2. On D we have several core young players in Horn, Chinn, Burns, Shaq, Donte. Just need good coaches to get the most out of these guys.
  13. Odds are it won't but I don't think him being under contract with a division rival matters much. He will ultimately coach where he wants to coach and for a long term play like a HC sending compensation to a division rival will not matter one bit.
  14. The players and coaches shouldn't put a sh*t product on the field for 5 years running and should be held accountable.
  15. Cam has been washed for several years now dude. It's absolutely brutal but Rivera and Shula ran him into the ground and got his shoulder destroyed
  16. Numbers are bad. Eye test isn't quite as bad, although he has missed more easy throws than he should be missing. Either way barring something drastic this year I think it's clear we'll be drafting a QB high next draft.
  17. He’s basically a rookie, hasn’t been perfect but I don’t see any reason to complain about his play.
  18. I honestly forgot Higgins was on the team the last few weeks, has he even seen any snaps? He had great chemistry with Baker in camp, and with Shi dropping everything our slot WR position is wide open. Just more stupid poo from Rhule
  19. Imagine if we had our core of players that Rivera had but instead had Sean McVay... We may have 3-4 SB wins right now honestly.
  20. I tend to agree although we have seen interim coaches come in and do better, as recently as last year with the Raiders. Neither Wilks or McAdoo are Rhule guys and both have previous HC experience. Something like McAdoo HC with Snow and Rhule gone then promote Wilks to DC. I don't think there's a chance in hell regardless that we turn our season around but that would be better than what we've seen so far with Rhule and would be some progress. Plus then you have an early head start on the coaching search for next year.
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