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Everything posted by t96

  1. Love TD but he doesn’t know poo, not tuned in at all with this admin
  2. The blitz/pressure numbers are interesting as Stroud gets a lot of criticism on that front.
  3. I think both are equally good overall just in different ways. I like Stroud's pros a bit more than Young's pros and a bit more concerned about Young's cons than Stroud's but both have a pretty equal number of pros/cons in my opinion. So I do slightly prefer us drafting CJ and voted for that however I really am good with either, will be every bit as excited if we choose Young as I would've if we chose CJ. Both are legit 15+ year franchise QB prospects and I think we're well positioned for either one of them to have success here.
  4. I don't think this is true. The dude can make all the throws consistently. His arm talent is better than any outside of Lawrence in the last several years. Young has other skills to make up for that gap but Stroud is the best pure passer in this draft and it's not particularly close.
  5. I wouldn't read too much into the timing with the combine. We were most likely negotiating with the Bears for a while before the deal got done. And regarding Reich and height -- it's such a small sample size that it really means nothing. He only had control over who his QB was in Indy as HC and he inherited Luck/Brissett. Then when did he really even have a realistic chance to acquire a legit short QB? Rivers made sense and did well there. Wentz was with him in Philly and made sense to take a shot on and same for Ryan. What short QB did he pass over for those guys? Wilson? Didn't seem like ownership/front office was too interested in investing a ton in the QB position those last few years and Reich is on record saying he has always liked Wilson.
  6. If they are dead even in our evaluations and we truly can't decide then maybe. But if it's a 1a/1b you 100% just stay at 1, don't fug around, and take the guy you like a bit better.
  7. Yeah exactly, this is why I don't see any chance at all that we even try to trade down, probably just "reports" to continue to drive interest in the draft and all the media coverage surrounding it for the 6 weeks leading up to it. Also I don't really buy that we don't already have a guy in mind. No reason for us to tip our hand so we'll say otherwise but I think we're already pretty damn set on either Young or Stroud.
  8. Appreciate what you do, definitely one of the good ones. But no one is perfect in draft season lol
  9. Young and Stroud both excite me a ton just in different ways. Both have a few concerns too, neither is a can’t miss prospect. But I think with our OL, free agency and coaching staff whichever it is will be well set up for success. I still think we take Stroud, who I do slightly prefer, but I’d love Young too if that’s who it is. Natalie has been hit or miss, generally pretty good but I’m not buying this as gospel at this point.
  10. Lol what a ridiculously stupid topic. We have the 1st overall pick and are taking a QB with it to start day 1. End of story.
  11. He carved out a relatively amazing career for his size as a CB. Always liked Captain
  12. Jones is trash for sure but I wouldn’t use GOAT coach as an argument. Mac did have some of the worst offensive coaching I’ve ever seen last season
  13. lol at Hooker in the same tier as Young but otherwise the order isn't too far off. But yeah give us Stroud and I'm happy, so he missed on Corral whatever, Stroud is legit.
  14. I bet the Panthers are better than the Vikings this year and going forward.
  15. BPA, should be able to get a really good player at 39.
  16. Why are people upset with the contract? He’s still better than guys like Lazard, JuJu and Meyers and making less than them.
  17. Let’s fuging goooo! Stroud gonna revive his career here. 1200 yards 13 TDs in year 1 here
  18. Just depends who is on the board. I absolutely don’t think we’ll intentionally avoid drafting a TE because of Hurst. Reich used multiple TEs in Indy. But the draft may not fall in a way where we do get a TE
  19. You’d be surprised. It’s misinformation season and everyone everywhere is trying to get a tiny leg up on other teams with a grasp of accurate information, and I do think teams get spooked out by certain reports/tweets, or at least are aware of them and trying to figure out what other teams’ plans are.
  20. why? lots of minority owners are just waiting in line to become majority owners when a team goes up for sale. Tepper was a steelers minority owner for a long time waiting to buy a team.
  21. Best Hornets news in years. Winning the lottery or at least moving up to 2 to get Scoot would top it. Jordan great player but it literally could not get worse as an owner, what a mess he's made with this team since he bought.
  22. That and his mom dying totally ruined his career. Really a bummer. He was a stud in the playoffs his rookie year too, was going off against the prime legion of boom
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