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Everything posted by t96

  1. I'd love a TE but if we choose Stroud and can get JSN even if we need to trade up a bit from 39 I would do it. Gives us a potential #1 WR and Stroud already has a guy he's comfortable with and has chemistry with. If we go Young I wouldn't force that issue
  2. Ehh, I disagree, he's nowhere near polished enough as a route runner. Great physical traits, very good contested catch guy, but I don't see him being a guy who can go out there every play against double coverage and still put up 1200+ yards -- that's what I mean by alpha WR1 ability.
  3. bro @top dawg made this thread for people to come together about Young and Stroud, this is where the people who would be happy with either hang out.
  4. Yeah plus we still don't have any potential alpha #1 WR for this season. We could get that at #39. Thielen is a slot guy, Chark is a downfield threat as a solid 2nd WR but we still don't have that do-it-all #1. If the draft doesn't fall that way we can absolutely go BPA but if there's a WR sitting there with that #1 potential we absolutely will seriously consider him. Even if we take a guy and he doesn't turn out to be a #1, like you said both guys we signed are more stopgaps or prove-its, if we draft a guy who doesn't work out as #1 he could still be our longer term #2 or #3 option.
  5. Well there was the report about the Bears being open to Brown or Burns instead. I think DJ was the right go to trade but we could've moved Brown too and kept DJ. Burns was a non-starter unless we were keeping 9 and next year's 1st only giving up him and some 2nds.
  6. I honestly think there's a decent chance both QBs wind up being rock solid franchise guys. Stroud is a bit of a safer pick but he still has insane upside too. They're just different, both are great prospects and you can't go wrong with either here. Time will likely reveal one to be better than the other but that will also be dependent on the situations they land in. If they go 1 and 2 whoever we take is in a much better spot to start his career than whoever Houston gets. I can see us getting Stroud and him getting close to Burrow level in the situation we have here, although his stats may not look quite as good without us having elite starting wideouts right now. And with that I can see Houston getting Young and him being a better version of Kyler, who many forget was in the MVP conversation for half a season 2 years ago.
  7. Dov called it. Has he made any comments on Stroud vs Young? Maybe we can get the early scoop from him there too
  8. Someone ask him who we’re taking 1st. Love this addition especially on a 1 year deal. Grab best WR/TE/pass rusher available at 39 and this roster looks fuging amazing. Just gotta nail the QB choice
  9. only 1 more month of this dude actually wait no we'll be hearing this poo for years especially if the guy we don't pick winds up really good
  10. watch us win it all and Rhule come out of the woodwork like "I built that just needed 1 more year and 1st overall QB"
  11. LaCanfora thought we were getting Watson, I don’t put much stock into his “reports.”
  12. Lol good luck with that. There's a damn good chance we don't see anyone come close to Mahomes' level in the next 2-3+ decades.
  13. Yeah but really just because of a fluky terrible division, many here wanted to tank and even with that run and nearly winning this trash division was anyone really truly excited about a potential playoff berth? We'd have just gotten smoked round 1 and probably wouldn't have been able to trade up to 1st overall and still wouldn't have a QB. And we may have kept Wilks which would've been a setback and not very exciting.
  14. I do that in a heartbeat. Arizona doesn't even consider it though.
  15. Team stat, 22 guys on the field This isn't tennis or boxing lol QBs head to head means absolutely nothing
  16. Brady didn't do crap in the early 2000s except game manage for an elite team who was oh by the way cheating the entire time. Brady's later career statistical dominance came ultimately in the same offensive era as Mahomes has been in and Mahomes has surpassed Brady easily. Any time Brady had poorer weapons he struggled, whereas Mahomes last year had Kelce and no one else and proceeded to be the only QB in NFL history to win MVP, throw for the most yards and TDs and win the Super bowl and SBMVP all in the same year. I've watched both players extensively. Mahomes is just flat out a better player than Brady ever was. Not meant to be a knock on Brady either, Mahomes is a step above any QB to ever play the game.
  17. Obviously we all have playoff hopes and I'm pretty confident we'll win the division over the Aints and Falcons. That being said, there's of course a chance that there are some growing pains with the staff, roster and rookie QB and we wind up struggling a bit early on. The past 3 years come November/December we've pretty much been out of it and had nothing to root for or be excited about later in the season except for the draft. And then came all the bickering about tanking/not tanking. This year even if we struggle early and playoffs look out of reach later in the season it's still going to be significantly more fun to continue watching our rookie QB's development later in the year. I'm probably not the only one who turned plenty of games off these past few years or went fishing or whatever instead of watching that crappy team. I can't see myself not enjoying every game this year as we get to watch and follow along a young exciting rookie QB and his development, even if he and the team do struggle early the upside and room to grow will be there. Something we haven't had at QB literally since Cam was a rookie.
  18. Yeah we really are a great situation for a 1st overall QB. We had 7 wins last year despite atrocious coaching and cleaned house and hired an extremely experienced and well respected staff. Not a perfect team outside of QB by any means (few holes on D and of course offensive receiving weapons) but nowhere near the absolute dumpster fire most teams picking top 2-3 are.
  19. Mahomes is already better than Brady, he could retire tomorrow and be better. Longevity is literally the only area Brady is better than Mahomes (for now).
  20. lol reading through these last few pages, man people are turning on Young and gotta love the short jokes. Some of you are almost as clever as Will ripping on Carlton's height. I think it was fairly obvious his combine weight was an asterisk, I'm also pretty sure the Panthers have more info than just combine/pro day weigh-ins. He's small, not just in height but in frame/weight too. That's reality and a part of the equation. I still think he's neck and neck with Stroud for best QB prospect this draft, I've always preferred Stroud and this doesn't change that but I would still be thrilled and excited if we pick Young. Some of y'all need to stop overreacting
  21. nah I'll take Scoot or the murderer for bama, if we don't get a top 3 pick then we're fuged. well we're probably fuged anyways it's the hornets lol
  22. Being a cocky douche isn't the reason for Burrow's success at all lol. He could easily not be a douche and be just as good and even more well respected by teammates. If Stroud can play like Burrow on the field and not be a douche then we've struck gold (assuming he's the pick which we have no idea still).
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