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Everything posted by t96

  1. I don't like JSN enough to do that trade whether we had Stroud or Young, and I'm less likely to do it if we take Young. Really just need to go BPA at 39.
  2. definitely trying to go to Jax, waiting for schedule release to confirm it's a date I can do. Nashville would be a blast but not sure if I can swing it. Been spending a fair amount of time in FL for work and will try to line it up to be able to go to all 3 road games in FL, also would like to go to the home game vs the Vikings with some family (who are all vikings fans). Haven't been to a game since at Tampa in 2018 which is a joke as I was going to 2-3 every year before then. Guess that's what covid, not living local, and the team sucking ass will do to a fan
  3. He's not a Cam or Mahomes or Allen and never will be but he's got enough arm strength to keep defenses honest (unlike guys like Mac Jones, Kenny Pickett) and as much as a Brady or Burrow. Different ways to skin a cat. Would I love a do it all guy with elite arm strength too, absolutely. I've long slightly preferred Stroud for various reasons, arm strength being one of them as I think he has that potential to be more of a do it all guy like a Mahomes. But Bryce can absolutely become an elite QB with his accuracy and processing. His arm strength won't hinder him in the NFL it just won't ever be a strength on its own. Which is fine.
  4. More often than not the issue with translating college success at QB into NFL success is mental rather than physical (some exceptions like The Golden Calf of Bristol who just never had an NFL arm). Young doesn't have those concerns, in fact he absolutely excels in that area and it's his biggest strength.
  5. Excited about either Young or Stroud and yes it's looking like Young is the pick. Only thing I'm not excited about is all the bama fans we'll have flooding the huddle
  6. I truly don't consider anyone in the NFC a lock. The NFC's QBs really aren't very good on the whole compared to the AFC. So yeah I think Bryce Young has a great shot, especially with guys dropping out. Even Hurts could be a 1 year wonder like Wentz was. Lack of weapons may make it tougher for him to put up the counting stats to get media hype but with our elite OL and hopefully great coaching I think he'll be one of the top 3 QBs in the NFC (low bar though).
  7. Yeah 99%. That said, and I don't think this will happen just spitballing, the question of 1st overall pick has dominated the headlines for over a month now, what is another week of it really going to do? If anything, announcing Bryce tomorrow would actually in my view bring more interest and intrigue to the draft as then it becomes what do the Texans do at #2 and what do teams after that do? Waiting until draft night for 1st overall to be revealed means you have 10 minutes each to discuss those questions. Why not give it a week to hype up all the other prospects and teams picking and get some fresher reporting here? Not gonna happen, I don't think a pick has ever been announced ahead of time, but logically it could actually make sense for the league to let the Panthers do it if we wanted to.
  8. it's crazy how out of the loop the Rhule regime has made me when it comes to the NFL... Had to look up who Stingley was and see he was the friggin 3rd overall pick last year. Lol in the past before Tepper/Hurney/Rhule extinguished my passion for the team/sport I would know like every 1st round pick let alone top 3. Probably also because we took Horn the year before I didn't know crap about the corners last year, just Sauce after the fact because of how dominant he was and always in the news with the Jets. Seemed like we were locked in to OT pre-draft.
  9. At this point I'm not in either of those camps, I view them as being pretty even, just different. I had slightly preferred Stroud for a while and I still really like him but if we take Young and Stroud falls it won't change my opinion. I think both players are legit prospects with serious franchise QB potential but who also have some (mild) concerns. NFL teams do dumb poo all the time so seeing the Texans trade down or take a defensive player or something wouldn't surprise me nor would it change my opinion on either QB. The Texans should take whichever one we don't take. If they don't, it won't change how I feel about whoever we pick 1st at all.
  10. hopefully with a SB win or 2 by then! We've got 5 years of him (or Stroud) on the cheap, gotta make the most of it.
  11. The tweet is missing Russell Wilson too at $49M/year
  12. He had a good year but man that's gonna hamstring them building a team around him. So envious of the Chiefs not only having the best QB in the NFL by far but having him on an absolute steal of a contract for a decade. He's already down to being the 6th highest paid QB in the league and is signed through 2032... By the last 5 years of that deal he'll be making less than journeyman vets lol Oh and btw, Bryce Young will be better than Hurts and 5x cheaper
  13. I could theoretically see us maybe slightly preferring Young but liking Stroud pretty much the same, taking Young 1st and then Houston panics as they thought we’d take Stroud and while they’re on the clock at #2, trade us that pick and quite a bit more for Young, then we still get Stroud who we like as much as Young but pick up some valuable draft ammo too, whether a 2nd rounder, #12 or 2024 1st I don’t know. Still think it’s not gonna happen and we just take our guy at 1.
  14. Nah I just go BPA at 39. There will be a really really good player there at a position we could absolutely use help at. Whether it’s TE, WR, CB, pass rusher, OL
  15. Cool, good depth competition for camp and possibly 4/5 receiver during the season. He's carved out a real solid career as a former UDFA.
  16. Those are bigger names than talents at this point. I would say they'll hover near .500 but I don't see them as a threat to win the division, certainly not with their QB situation which isn't getting fixed this year.
  17. Just ignoring the reality that Stroud and Young had by far the best film the last 2 years of anyone in this draft. AR and Levis are pure upside picks
  18. This is the most elaborate and far reaching smokescreen I've ever seen! You damn genius Tepper for orchestrating it so we can get Houston to trade us 12 overall and a 1st next year for #1 and we still get our guy Stroud at 2! (sarcasm)
  19. It’s not gambling if they don’t like anyone but Bryce and we want Bryce, just another potential option for them.
  20. Most likely not but it really depends. A locked in franchise QB could go down early and that team could tank. I honestly think the Bills would be in contention for 1st overall pick next year if Allen went down week 1 or preseason. And they'd absolutely take the haul of picks and keep Allen.
  21. "And of course, Young dominated this test too. In fact, he's been doing so since high school." The quote implies that he dominated it since the first time he took it in high school. If he got a 98 or even a 95 or whatever a bit lower the first time he took it in high school that tells you it wasn't just high due to preparation. Also my understanding of the S2 is it's not really something you can prepare/study for to do significantly better like the SATs or ACTs. It's more of a processing test that you either have or you don't. Taking it multiple times can give you familiarity of course but I don't think it's the difference between an average score and an incredible score like Bryce. But I also don't put a ton of stock into a test like this in general.
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