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Everything posted by t96

  1. Very disappointing, thanks for the heads up as I was gonna order one once available. Now I'll have to decide whether to shell out for the Elite or just get a cheap regular game jersey. The old Nike Limited were perfect, no annoying sleeves like the Elite, embroidered name and numbers, reasonable price, high quality all around. The game jerseys are ok but nowhere near that and really not worth $130. And not sure why anyone would even buy the Limited then...
  2. Wait are “Limited” jerseys really not embroidered names and numbers any more??? That’s such bullshit. The last jersey I got was a white McCaffrey Limited in 2018 and it’s such a great quality jersey for the price, the screen printed ones suck. Was planning to get a Bryce limited one once they came out but if they’re not embroidered fug that
  3. I too am waiting on a stitched one, not shelling out for the $300 pro one but will get the Nike Limited once it’s available
  4. Summer is rough for sports as a guy who doesn't consider baseball a sport. Been getting more into tennis lately and wimbledon was nice to watch but yeah still a really rough stretch.
  5. not much news about Thielen this camp so far. Hear more about the other receivers so easy to forget about him. I think he'll be a bit better Cotchery for us, and Cotch really was solid in his role (and he caught it). I bet Thielen gets similar yards but way more TDs.
  6. D Allen isn’t “unproven.” He’s proven to suck ass. Care is an upgrade but we saw countless Carr-led Raiders teams suck, I don’t think he’ll be the savior the Aints hope he is. But until we do see Bryce in real games Carr does make the Aints the division favorite. If Bryce shows he’s the real deal early then it’s us.
  7. I'm a literally scholar and I do not concur
  8. I didn't see any video but I thought I read that it was a miscommunication? Obviously you don't want to release the ball if there isn't a receiver there but miscommunications happen a lot even with the best QBs. Not necessarily 100% on Bryce is all I'm saying.
  9. yeah really good question that I have no answer to as I also haven't followed as closely in recent years as I did when we were actually relevant. Deion was great in the Dan Quinn era, overrated a bit by Falcons fans (I remember some talking him up like he was better than Luke or TD lol) but definitely a top 10-15 ILB. Even if he just winds up being solid depth this is a great signing. If he can get back to being even close to what he once was, what a damn find for this deep into the summer. Really no idea why he's been sitting available
  10. Agreed, we certainly aren't giving up on him. But worth noting he had great camp last year and then struggled in the regular season. Certainly better to hear good things than bad things during camp and I'm much more confident in this year's coaching staff, but I personally am tempering expectations for him a bit until we see the success translate to the field in games that matter, consistently.
  11. lol. at least TJ could be Terrace Jr or something... where the fug did Donald come from
  12. yes Jones is an ILB and I would say is completely unrelated to Haynes as an edge rusher
  13. My initial thought after the draft was Zavala (with both Brady and Corbett coming off injuries last year) but with his injury I don’t think he’ll win a starting job this off-season. So I’ll go with Mingo. Small class to choose from…
  14. t96

    Hey gang!

    So for the people who claim they have no time to post, what the hell do you do while taking a sh*t? 99% of my posts are while sitting on the crapper
  15. When somebody at my house orders their steak or burger well done I ask them politely, yet firmly, to leave.
  16. Hate the Aints but always liked Trai despite his struggles after the extension. Really feel for him but that probably is the end of his career at this point.
  17. Admittedly I fell into the trap of wanting a "proven" HC, preferred Harbaugh but I have since done my repentance. Can't believe I flirted with the devil on that one. So glad we have Reich and not SP, although I'd still love to have Harbaugh.
  18. attention wh*res, pardon my french
  19. You’re the man and are greatly appreciated. I know others have said it but it can’t be said enough. Thanks bro
  20. Incredibly (in a bad way), that like 4 or 5 game stretch from Allen to start the season is the best QB play we've had since a healthy Cam. Not sure what happened to Allen down the stretch that year but the wheels really came off lol. Thank god we finally got aggressive to get Bryce.
  21. Tremendous news and glad we got it done so soon. Was hoping for 9.5 but 9.75 is still gonna be a steal as the cap goes up. Good value right now and he could easily get 11-12 on the open market if he hit it. Glad he'll likely be a career Hurricane
  22. you have nearly 20,000 posts on a panthers message board and you're taking issue with people going to training camp? lol
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