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Everything posted by t96

  1. We had 6 goal line to go downs and couldn't come up with a TD. Didn't think with a 1st overall QB and "legit" HC we'd be just as bad as we were in the red zone with Rhule and the revolving door of scrub vets at QB
  2. what's so absurd about that is Cam was 26 and in his 5th year lol it's not like he was a rookie. just some serious bullshit from the league
  3. you have to fuging call that personal foul, WTF
  4. Chark probably could've caught that too, good throw and poise in the pocket
  5. that looked like PI to me, not a bad throw at all and a better receiver catches regardless of PI
  6. Thielen's gonna have 20 catches today lol
  7. great series after the pick 6. now come on bryce, hopefully following the week off he's a changed man/qb
  8. If Bryce has like 2-3 TDs, 200+ passing yards, no turnovers, 65% + completion percentage, and 7.5+ yards per attempt today I'll be feeling so much better about him and this team. Still way too early in the season to write these guys off completely. Maybe just hopium though
  9. always laugh at dumbasses continuing their TD celebration well after it's obvious the flag is on the O and it'll be negated. Jefferson incredible WR but will never be a part of a SB winning team
  10. The most obvious point here is our guards being hurt but I don't think it fully accounts for how much Ickey, Moton and Bozeman have struggled after they were all 3 well above average at their positions last year. Yes having Corbett and Brady healthy would be a huge help, but I think it really boils down to scheme fit and the style of blocking within the scheme. OL play is really about how cohesive the unit is within a scheme and less so each individual talent (of course talent is critical but we've seen coaches like Belichick, Shanahan, Reid, McVay getting more out of their OLs than the sum of the individual talent. I'm no x's and o's expert but Campen with these same guys did an incredible job last year in a very different scheme and now they've been the worst OL in the league. Corbett is a big loss but I don't think Zavala is that much worse than Brady and guard is a much easier position to backfill than tackle, talent wise, so I don't think the injuries are the main reason for this significant of a drop off. Was the directive from Tepper for Frank to keep Campen a mistake if the way he coaches the OL doesn't fit within Frank's O scheme? I didn't follow the Colts super close with Frank but outside of Nelson being dominant I always thought they generally had a poor OL -- was that due to pure lack of talent there or is Frank's scheme not OL friendly? Of course there are more factors here like weapons getting open, QB navigating the pocket/cohesiveness on where the OL forces the pass rush to go before getting beat. I would tend to lean towards the problem being Frank's scheme more than purely the OL talent, Campen or some of those other factors but curious what others think?
  11. Yeah and KK’s short peak and then decline was a big reason our D fell off the last few years with Rivera while we still had Luke
  12. Nah. Either pay up for a legit bonafide star WR if one became available, or keep the picks and use them. Patience is a critical aspect of team building that we don’t seem to have… No interest in more reclamations, at least not for a 3rd round pick. 6th or 7th sure
  13. fug off. Nice stop. O needs to show something now
  14. It’s a catch but bullshit to change the call minutes later and not make them use their challenge
  15. Rough pass, Thielen’s route looked lazy though
  16. I think he’s just playing a bit timid/afraid to take shots at anything that isn’t wide open. You gotta let your guys make plays and attempt some “risky” throws, which he just ain’t doing yet. Hoping it’ll come as he gets more comfortable
  17. Need to start seeing some mid/long range throws man, so boring just dinking and dunking.
  18. Bent but didn’t break. Let’s go get a TD now
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