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Everything posted by t96

  1. All those guys just had such short peaks/shelf lives. And to your point they were just "solid" not anything special. Gettleman was better at depth and pieces to fill in a roster but he couldn't get us a superstar or anything near it to save his life outside of McCaffrey. KK may have come closer if he didn't only have 1 good season. Hurney was definitely very hit or miss but his hits actually turned out to be superstars and he hit consistently in round 1 while still having some hits outside of round 1, both in terms of legit talent and depth. Non-1st rounders by Hurney: Foster, Witherspoon, R Manning, Wharton, Evan Mathis, James Anderson, Kalil, Charles Johnson, Gary Barnidge, Munnerlyn, LaFell (better than any DG wideout), Hardy, Norman, Donte Jackson, Chinn, YGM (jury out). Several guys way better than any by DG and plenty of others who were solid like DG's "hits." DG had less useless busts but no stars, both had some solid players. Which was better outside of the 1st round depends a bit on what the state of the team is -- DG's getting solid players was better while we had the elite core we had his entire tenure as GM here but that elite core was built by Hurney. As we saw with DG in NY he couldn't build any elite talent from scratch. Hurney's drafting would be much better for a team that just needs a talented core to start with and build around. Kind of a pointless argument as both are out of the league as GMs and neither was a good GM overall in the end. I'd gladly take either back over Fitts and any other Tepper trash though
  2. Rhule had final say and was the fresh new hire by Tepper while Hurney's influence had already waned (fired later that year anyways), Hurney could've truly loved Herbert and wanted to trade whatever it took to move up to get him and it wouldn't have mattered if Rhule (and by extension Tepper) wouldn't sign off.
  3. I don't have a source but it was posted/reported here that draft year and Hurney was all over the Oregon pro day. Hurney's a classy dude and hasn't said anything since but I'm pretty confident in this one. Even aside from Herbert, Hurney has been the best thing this organization has had since Tepper took over and that's just pitiful
  4. I was a well known DG defender for a while there so I get where you're coming from, he did a great job at filling in the depth deficiencies on the roster that Hurney left and fixing some of the cap issues, but he did a horrible job of adding new legit franchise talent. Our most successful run was with DG and Ron from 2013-2017 but that entire core consisted of players that DG inherited from Hurney. A Hurney/DG combo where they could put their egos aside and both focus on their strengths would be incredible, but DG's flaws ultimately more than outweighed his strengths. Specifically regarding DG's 1st rounders, he had 2 of the worst busts you'll see in Butler and Benjamin. Star was solid but a little bit underwhelming for a top 14 pick and didn't last past his rookie contract. Shaq also solid but never a game breaker and took a while to go from mediocre to solid starter, that really hurt us 2015-2017 when we could've used more contribution from that year's 1st round pick. McCaffrey I'll obviously give him but taking a RB top 10 should be a hit, and we weren't really in a position where taking a RB made much sense which hindsight supports with the way it played out. And ultimately DG's track record after the 1st round wound up being pretty damn terrible, easily as bad as Hurney's, if not worse. DG was better with contracts, free agency singings (save for Matt Kalil) and navigating the cap but otherwise he sucked. Think about the core players Hurney brought us over the years: Cam, Luke, TD, Olsen, Kalil, Gross, Peppers, Gamble, etc. The only player DG ever brought in that came close to any of those guys was McCaffrey and he came at a time where that position had become so devalued that his impact couldn't touch those other guys'. Fitterer hasn't brought in a single player that comes close to any of those guys yet. Our best younger players right now (Burns, Brown, Chinn) even came from Hurney. Which further goes to show how embarrassing Tepper is as an owner since Hurney was objectively a bad GM overall in both stints, and yet he's arguably been the brightest spot of Tep's tenure as owner so far.
  5. Hurney wanted us to trade up for Herbert, which was in line with what our scouts wanted. Rhule and Tepper said no, ultimately these types of disagreements led to Hurney's ouster a couple years later and Fitts being hired. I never in a million fuging years thought I'd see the day where I'd say this, but I truly miss Hurney. It's gotten that bad that what looked like the worst mistake of Tepper's career as owner (keeping Hurney) may honestly be his least bad move so far. At the very least Hurney NEVER missed on a 1st round pick, the worst probably being Otah who was a stud just had injuries derail his career. Meanwhile DG and Fitts can't pick a halfway decent player in the 1st round to save their lives.
  6. our best way out of the tepper death grip may be for him to move the team and we get a different franchise/owner. will take time and we'll have a few years without a team which'll suck but it would be better not having a team at all than having the current Tepper Panthers
  7. being wealthy enough afford an NFL team and then fortunate enough to be chosen to be an owner by the rest of the good ole boys club is all he had to do to make that $ fuging douche
  8. Navarro was the hero this city needed. Real bummer that the NFL squashed his bid for Tepper
  9. There was 1 that drew a penalty that should've been PI but was for some reason just a 5 yard illegal contact, but yeah only 1 pass over 20 yards is egregiously terrible in this modern passing league.
  10. There isn't any convincing argument that the Bills are up there with the Chiefs, Eagles, 49ers. They beat the Dolphins at home, it's a divisional game, the score really doesn't mean a whole lot. Bills are in that 2nd tier of teams that could maybe contend but are by no means "favorites." Cowboys, Ravens, Lions, Dolphins, Seahawks, Jags, Bills all in that 2nd tier of maybe contenders. Chiefs are sole AFC favorites with their kryptonite Bengals struggling and 49ers/Eagles are clear NFC favorites.
  11. lol Bills are in no way SB favorites, they lost to Zach Wilson and consistently choke in the playoffs.
  12. Vegas and both LA teams are worse, unsurprisingly based on locations, but all 4 of those teams you mentioned have been in the league significantly longer than the Panthers and over time have built up fanbases consisting of lifelong fans and people who have grown up with those teams over decades. NC is a transplant area which hurts considerably and also a pretty young team so there are much less people who can afford season tickets that grew up rooting for the team. In 20-30 years it will be more equalized, assuming we still have a team here...
  13. lol fug off, the team has been trash since Tepper bought them the fans don't owe him or the team anything, team needs to earn it with the product on the field. BoA was electric with Cam and Luke in their primes 2013-2015, 2017
  14. The sad thing is there's a strong chance he gets hired somewhere else as HC while we stick with Frank
  15. Would be way better than this and not hamstring our future by giving up picks but the best play would've been to do what the Colts/Texans did and hire young exciting HC NOT a retread and take one of those 2 QBs
  16. Williams no, he's just their first overall pick but all the others yes
  17. Seriously they could get Caleb and Marvin Jr that would be outrageous. The thing is the Bears suck ass too so they could get both those guys and ruin them just like we would.
  18. whatever it costs it's that much more than it's worth. TEpper won't give a poo about a billboard, he knows he sucks but he'll just keep laughing all the way to the bank as he makes his millions from revenue sharing every year. https://www.statista.com/statistics/271939/operating-income-of-the-carolina-panthers/
  19. He won't sell ever unless forced out. The Panthers could go 0-17 every year for 10 straight years and he wouldn't sell or have any reason to. Honestly. He makes a ton of money off owning a team every year by profit sharing alone, other owners love owners like him so they can beat up on us every year. It's the sad reality. The hope is really just the slim chance that he has done or will do something really really stupid/racist/sexist/etc. and gets forced out because of it.
  20. Now that Snyder is out yes 100%. Worst owner across all sports not just NFL
  21. All things considered this was a great game defensively. Scored our only TD, allowed just 14 to a top offense, held Jefferson to 85 yards after he went for 149+ in each of his first 3 games. And all of that is with Shaq and Horn out, Luvu banged up, Donte banged up, etc. The Jamison kid who I had never heard of really has been great. Chinn looking great again too and the pass rush coming around with YGM showing some more promise. Embarrassing showing by the offense and HC yet again but the D with a great bounceback game after the ugly showing vs Seattle
  22. Uhhh our D has allowed just 14 points against a top offense and scored our only TD...
  23. if we somehow luck our way into a TD I am 99% sure we won't get the 2 point conversion. then they'll just get a first down and run the clock out on us
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