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Everything posted by t96

  1. Less than 5 yards per attempt, color me shocked
  2. Back to back 10 yard penalties is a new one!
  3. Make the sidebar Nicole Tepper’s face photoshopped onto some disgusting naked old chick’s body until Tepper is gone
  4. What an absurd flag. Not Jones’ fault the dude’s head was at knee level. Bitch ass league
  5. Lol shoulda been picked. And we’re fuging punting. Pussies
  6. Way too many passes like that to be confident that Bryce can be our QB of the future. At least we have a great punter
  7. Will we see a blood and guts game like Smitty 2014??? Personally, I love DJ, but he’s not the type to get up for a game like this. I think he doesn’t do much, 50-70 scoreless yards
  8. Completely agree, Clifford has got to go. But the talent on the team is there even without Miles, if he returns looking like the same player from when we last saw him on the court, this team will finally have an extremely positive outlook. And I would think with the new ownership and young pieces in place, we'd be one of the more sought after coaching jobs in the league.
  9. I honestly don't have any clue who this dude is. What a pitiful time to be a Panthers fan
  10. pretty much what I've done too though so she's not alone
  11. I've heard this story before. Fully expecting 2 TDs 1 pick but still averaging like 5 yards per attempt, and win or lose we'll see some bullshit articles after about how Bryce is learning and getting better, whatever.
  12. If he does return and plays at his level from 2 years ago this team could be legit. He really could be the missing piece. He was that good that year.
  13. yeah obviously, and when you're missing 3 key guys you're going to have a thinner bench, that's true of any team. Of course having drafts like 2021 don't help and Kupchak deserves blame for the poor depth, but he's mostly done a great job of getting us young high potential talent across all positions. It's on coaching to make it work.
  14. Part of that is terrible rotations but also bad injury/suspension luck to start the year. Terry, Cody and Miles being added to the lineup should fix the bench issues for the most part. But yeah bench was absolutely atrocious tonight.
  15. Mark Williams IS our defense. Which is exciting to have at C but also a huge knock on the shitty coaching
  16. Clifford is the worst pro sports coach in Charlotte. This team has so much talent so horribly misused. Need to fire him immediately
  17. Belief is he'll play without limitations after the current suspension assuming he stays out of further trouble (not sure that's a fair assumption though). My expectations of him are honestly kinda low though, a full year off the court and having all those distractions I don't expect him to be as dominant as he was 2 years ago. Somewhere in between his 20-21 season and his 21-22 season. If he can play anything like 2 years ago that would be insanely huge for this team. We were looking like a legit 5 or 6 seed that year with healthy Melo and Miles carrying the team and many of the other same pieces still here with PJ, Terry, Hayward (albeit different coaching staff). Unfortunately injuries hit us and derailed our season a bit, dropping us to play-in round and ensuing blowout loss. And now this season we have most of the same pieces that had us playing great ball that year, but with LaMelo and PJ being better AND adding Mark and Miller. The talent is there, and if Clifford can't make this team a top 6 seed he's gotta be replaced. Never should've been hired really but here we are with him.
  18. I basically made this same thread a month ago. Catch up guys
  19. fuging trash refs robbed us of this game. fug the Mavs I'm gonna root so hard against those fugs the rest of the year
  20. "Nicole Tepper turns to amateur porn to inspire struggling Panthers"
  21. I would not classify myself as either a Bryce defender nor as hopeful, however 1 good reason here is that he's only 7 games into his career. We've seen others struggle badly early and turn it around -- recent examples being Goff, Allen. Do I expect him to turn it around? Personally no, I don't see much of a chance of that happening. However you can't write a player off after 7 games.
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