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Everything posted by t96

  1. Like it or not, he's a very public figure and the personal stuff becomes public. Especially when he's in the news for things like the drink thing. You don't have to engage in it and I agree it's a waste of time to discuss but public figures are not off limits, just comes with the territory and Tepper knew what he was getting into when he bought an NFL team. Also if you go that far you have to apply it evenly. I.e. separating the football player from the guy off the field like in the Hardy situation or a Miles Bridges situation. Do you expect fans to ignore things like those and basically take the stance that if someone isn't in prison they can play football and should only be discussed from a football perspective? Personally I would like it that way but I know it's not even remotely realistic as most can't separate the things.
  2. And only 1 of those teams won a SB with that 1st overall pick on the team and by that point in his career, the Chiefs could've easily won that SB without Fisher (won another without him a couple years later anyways). Pro bowl is also an absolute joke lately, seems like half the starters in the league have at least 1 pro bowl appearance since so many first (and even second and third) choices drop out each year. Looking through the list of those picks, I count 5, maybe 6 actual impact players out of the last 15. Best way to improve the odds of not drafting a bust isn't having higher picks, it's having a better GM and front office. Teams with sustained success hit on their picks year in and year out despite always picking later in each round. Yes it sucks to give up 1st overall pick, having a good GM would make that an incredible asset to have. But the important thing is getting the right GM and HC not any individual pick.
  3. The reality is none of us really know. The drink thing wasn't a good look. There have been some other reports/hearsay about how he treats his employees that don't shed the brightest light on him. Whether you believe those or not is up to you but it really doesn't matter because none of us know the man. I tend to not judge people I haven't actually known personally unless people I really trust have strong opinions about them. But all that being said, that just speaks to David Tepper the man. David Tepper the owner can absolutely be judged, as the truly embarrassing results speak for themselves. He is a terrible owner and has run this franchise into the ground, that's not really debatable. Could he possibly turn it around? Sure we've seen crazier things in this world. But odds seem pretty low and he doesn't seem willing to truly look in the mirror and change his behavior. My biggest concern has been him bringing his hedge fund mindset to the NFL. In his hedge funds things that looked like terrible decisions could be waited out and look genius when given time. That doesn't really apply to what look like terrible decisions in the NFL. Especially combined with his ego and lack of patience and ability to actually trust football people. As much as people love to hate on Rhule here, he was screwed from the start. He came in with a plan to rebuild the team completely from scratch which he said would take 5 years. He was given less than 2.5 years. Tepper fired him due to "lack of progression/improvement" but that was very short sighted as I think the team and roster did progress and improve under Rhule, it just wasn't readily visible. Wilks taking over made it more visible for a brief spell and it would've made sense to stick with him and keep building on that momentum. Instead Tepper decides to blow it all up and undo that progress by trading everything for a QB and overhauling the coaching staff while having his hands all over it. There was so much dysfunction with Reich's staff that it's pretty obvious Tepper was driving almost all the assistant hires, which is just absurd. And as bad as this year has been to throw in the towel on Reich before 1 season is even up is also absurd. Dude just has no fuging clue what he's doing
  4. I think Ben Navarro would've been good. Really passionate about sports (daughter is a pro tennis player) and the Carolinas (tried to get a huge tennis complex and big tournament moved to Charlotte) and seems likely to have has the humility to realize that he's not a football expert so he would be more likely to rely on truly knowledgeable football experts to help him hire front office and coaching staffs unlike Tepper who makes the decision himself thinking he's a genius and can apply his wall street knowledge to football. I partly blame JR for letting the NFL basically take control of the sale and choose who it got sold to. An owner who cared about the Panthers wouldn't have chosen to sell to Tepper.
  5. Such a great win, really encouraging play from this team of late. Koochie finally playing well and Aho and Svech just dominating. Team D also seems to have figured it out after being uncharacteristically awful earlier in the season.
  6. lol Mahomes put up one of the greatest seasons ever without Tyreek and one of like 3 QBs ever to win regular season and SB MVP in the same year, all without Tyreek. Great WRs help great QBs and vice versa, neither "makes" the other.
  7. I'm as down on this team as anyone here and hate Tepper just as much as everyone else and have just about zero confidence whatsoever that under him we'll ever have success. But I am an optimist and heart and it has dawned on me recently that as much as it may suck giving up the fuging 1st overall pick in that trade for Bust Young, the thing that matters absolutely most in this league for winning is not draft position as highlighted by 1st overall pick history. It's having competency/expertise at GM/HC. Do I think we're going to get those with Tepper pulling the strings, no. But as much as it sucks to give up 1st overall, it's not a franchise changing or altering trade by any means. Look at the list of 1st overall picks: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_first_overall_National_Football_League_Draft_picks Outside of Eric Fisher (a wholly average OT for the Chiefs in a terrible draft year who they got rid of right after he won the 1st SB with them) the last 1st overall pick to actually win a Super Bowl with the team that drafted him was Peyton Manning. Lot of busts, average players, QBs who never quite become truly elite/SB winners, etc. Yes Eli, Stafford won SBs but not with the teams that drafted them. Burrow made a SB but didn't win and seems quite injury prone. Point is, this isn't quite the disaster that it appears to be. Organizations with sustained success are pretty much never picking in the top 10-15 let alone 1st overall, and they still sustain that success, and that success starts with GM/HC. Yes getting a QB in place matters there too but we've seen teams/coaches continue that sustained success with multiple QBs. Reid, Carroll, Harbaugh, Tomlin, even K Shanahan... As much as Tepper sucks, it is conceivable that he could get lucky and hit on a GM/HC combo who could make this team a winner. The right GM would be able to build a team without that pick and without high picks in general (or just a few in early rebuild years). Maybe I'm just coping for rooting for a dumbass team that went 2-15 after trading away their upcoming 1st round pick but it's a different, more positive perspective. And with the current state of this organization I think we need some occasional positivity. Not blind hope like the whole offseason but some glimpses of positivity.
  8. To even threaten to move the team he'll need to find a city willing to take him and the team (likely with $ for a new stadium included too). Good fuging luck
  9. Lol, not until we can dig up some real dirt on Tepper. the team sucking ass is a benefit to the other owners who will enjoy their near automatic wins vs us for the rest of his tenure. Rock Hill fiasco completely irrelevant to the league just the usual course of business through their lens. And the drink thing was just pathetic and embarrassing for Tepper, nothing more.
  10. Would be really nice to see us get a win tonight in MSG. I'm not sold on the Rags being nearly as good as their record suggests but they have had our number the last couple years. Win or lose this team is in good shape with mostly home games, many against easier opponents, this month. A month from now I think we'll be much more solidly in a playoff spot.
  11. Even if we fire him I really do not trust our current scouting staff in this upcoming draft. Most teams fire a GM but keep scouts in place through the draft as a lot of the work has already been done but I think there's no way it can be worse fully overhauling the front office starting now (or a week from now I guess) and having the new staff prepare for the draft on short time. Everyone involved in football ops in Carolina right now should be gone asap. And Tepper needs to remove himself from football ops, too bad we can't force the owner out, unless someone can dig up some misconduct history
  12. it's the unfortunate reality. and honestly I think this is something of a david carr or sam darnold case. Guys who do have the talent/brain/etc. to have success in the NFL but get immediately shell shocked by the sheer ineptitude around them at all levels that they can never fully recover from that PTSD. Bryce in a legit system with legit coaching and some talent around him could've been fine, but here he never stood a chance and now his development is just ruined. Stroud's success makes it even worse but frankly if we had drafted him he probably would've been ruined by this team too. Really a shame, and 100% of the blame is on Tepper for being the worst owner in pro sports.
  13. Fortunately, things can turn around pretty damn quickly in this league. Yes we're at rock bottom and won't be any good next year and likely the year after. But 2026 is really wide open for us to be anything. The question is can Tepper step the fug away from football ops and hire us a legit GM/HC combo who aren't stipulated to keep Bryce as starter (sunk cost fallacy). New GM hits on a QB in mid/late rounds or FA, HC instills a legit winning culture from day 1 and it does not have to take 5-10 years.
  14. Honestly Bears haven't been all that bad this year and Fields clearly ain't the answer to me so if he/they can get a QB and more draft capital by trading Fields to build out the OL and holes on D, maybe another WR I think Eberflus could have them in the playoffs next year. I never thought much of him when they hired him but I think he's done a good enough job with them this year for them to keep him around for a new QB era. He inherited Fields.
  15. Hate the Pats and Belichick with a passion and rooting for Belichick not to pass Shula but I found myself pulling for them against Payton, Wilson and the Broncos. fug that organization and those guys so hard. Hope they miss the playoffs for 25 straight years
  16. 2nd half was great, 1st half he missed too many easy throws. overall I'm definitely encouraged and happy about how he played but in these last 2 weeks I'd really like to see him put together a complete effort across 4 quarters.
  17. There are at least 5 teams that Lamar could be "dropped in on" and would not improve that team whatsoever. Chiefs, Bills, Bengals (assuming healthy Burrow), Eagles, Dolphins. Some others are arguable too, I don't think Lamar improves the Cowboys or Lions at all, he wouldn't fit in the 49ers scheme as well as Purdy, etc.
  18. McCaffrey has like 400 more yards and 9 more TDs. In a game where Purdy sucked ass, McCaffrey still dominated. Hill is great but he benefits from scheme and teammates just like McCaffrey. The significant gap in production propels Christian ahead.
  19. Aside from what several others have pointed out regarding the circumstances of his alleged "availability," the MVP race this year really is an absolute joke. Lamar is "leading the way" right now with 24 TDs and 13 turnovers and just barely over 4000 yards including his rushing... To compare to previous MVPs: 2022 Mahomes. 45 TDs, 12 turnovers, ~5600 yards 2021 Rodgers. 40 TDs, 4 turnovers, ~4200 yards 2020 Rodgers. 51 TDs, 7 turnovers, ~4400 yards 2019 Jackson. 43 TDs, 8 turnovers, ~4300 yards (although 1200 were rushing which is NFL record) 2018 Mahomes. 52 TDs, 14 turnovers, ~5300 yards 2017 Brady. 32 TDs, 11 turnovers, ~4500 yards 2016 Ryan. 38 TDs, 9 turnovers, ~5000 yards 2015 Cam. 45 TDs, 14 turnovers, ~4500 yards Staggering difference between all of those (even the weaker ones like Brady and Ryan) and Lamar this year. Even if he puts up 8 more TDs and 600 yards the last 2 weeks, it's extremely weak compared to large majority of those years, and he's pacing to add 3 more TDs not 8. MVP has become a team stat for QBs and the only reason Lamar is even in the conversation is because of the Ravens' record and a high profile late season victory over another top team last night. McCaffrey probably deserves MVP the most, or Tyreek Hill. But because they have to give it to a QB and others have either struggled (Purdy) or their teams have been losing (Hurts, Dak) it's Lamar as the favorite right now. His play is above average but 2nd tier this year. And he's got an elite OL and some weapons there, if he was here instead of Bryce he'd look like trash.
  20. damn maybe we do have Mahomes, fuged by refs again though
  21. Bryce is considerably better than Howell. Granted he cost them a 4th and Bryce cost us 1st overall and DJ
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