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Everything posted by t96

  1. it's a new england culture thing that's been made worse by how successful boston sports have been the past 20-25 years
  2. Well pats are playing starters and we aren’t so it’ll probably look just like that and mean nothing. Pats fans in my office tomorrow will come in talking about Maye being the next Brady for them
  3. I have a tv in my workout room and will be working out around the time of this game. Over/under for how long I am watching this crap team is about 20 minutes
  4. I understand that. My point is if you want to watch it you can watch it whenever you want since it's replays anyways...
  5. No Olympics events will even be going on during the preseason games...
  6. When arguably the best HC in league history is playing Patrick fuging Mahomes a full quarter in their first preseason game I think that means Bryce Young should be playing too... Such a joke.
  7. I seriously wonder if Canales is just biding his time until he can get “his guy” at QB. Which would be a good thing. Bryce ain’t it and wasting any time on him past this year would suck
  8. There was like a month long stretch where it felt we might be ok at QB even without Cam. Then the wheels came off.
  9. Yep, I understand those advocating for established starters to not play at all in preseason, even younger guys like Hurts, Purdy. But guys in year 1/2 who are only "starters" due to draft pedigree absolutely need to be playing. ESPECIALLY with an entire new coaching staff and system.
  10. link/direct quote? I missed it
  11. Sounds like pure meaningless coachspeak to a leading question. But nothing would surprise me with this team any more.
  12. then we miraculously become the Brock Purdy 49ers scratch that then we miraculously become the Kyle Allen Panthers
  13. he was good in year 1 then injuries hit and never ended and even when on the court he kinda sucked. oh well, we wouldn't be in any different place right now had we not signed him. hopefully new ownership and front office can avoid these types of deals going forward.
  14. Considering going and would be nice to meet up w/ some Panthers fans.
  15. I didn't even know we signed him
  16. lol, I'm hardly "taking up for Rhule." I acknowledged he sucked in my post. It's just that considering it's gotten considerably worse somehow since he left, maybe he wasn't quite as bad as we all thought. Scale of 0 to 10, 10 being Andy Reid, my opinion of Rhule when he was fired was a 0. Now it's like a 1 or 2. That's what I was saying. Either way, I'll never understand people on here caring about how Rhule does at Nebraska now that he's gone. Sure he was douchy and a terrible coach for us but rooting for him to fail when he now has nothing to do with the Panthers seems quite silly. But to each their own. edit: also, a source please on Rhule wanting to get of "Keep Pounding." that had Tepper written all over it before he saw the fan backlash and backtracked.
  17. My opinion of Rhule has grown in the past year or so. He was actually quite good in college before he came here and couldn’t overcome the Tepper stink. Don’t get me wrong, he did suck here and I’m glad he’s gone and don’t want anything to do with him anymore. But I’m not rooting against him nor do I even think he’ll fail with Nebraska
  18. I wish we'd start focusing only on route running and hands in our scouting. I've come around to that being really the only thing that matters for receivers. Obviously guys have to be quick and great athletes to be great route runners but the ability to get open is so ridiculously more important than sought after traits like size and raw speed. If you can create separation every damn play it doesn't matter if you can't jump over a DB for a contested catch or you can't get 40 yards down field in 4.3 seconds hoping to outrun the coverage. Steelers have been the best WR mill in the league forever now because of their focus on route running and hands. Like you said we just grab the size/speed guys who can't do the basic fundamentals of the position, with the exception of DJ. Maybe XL will be more like him but every day 2/3 WR (and fatty KB) we've taken since Smitty has been the former.
  19. yeah. when I posted that lol I don't know why but I had in my mind he was a later pick but obviously being the top RB picked in the draft I think fantasy players will be interested in him, even in re-draft with coming off injury. So prob won't be able to get him last round but maybe like 10th/11th round -- and still worth a shot there in my view.
  20. If I play fantasy this year I'm drafting Brooks last round and stashing him. Have a feeling he'll be a RB1 for like the last month or 2 of the season and win some leagues for people in the playoffs. Doubt we see him play any games before October and won't earn a starting bellcow job until mid/late November. But I'm super super excited for this kid once he's on the field and healthy.
  21. Big names but there’s a reason both are unsigned at this point in the offseason, and it’s not the same reason Gilmore isn’t signed…
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