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Everything posted by t96

  1. Neither Winston or Mariota are worthy of the #1 overall pick, but they're going to take one of them. I don't have any worries about any NFC South team next season. Honestly feel it could be an easy 5 or 6 wins.
  2. I think I'm the only one who realizes there's work involved in being a mod. Everybody else here is a lazy motherfuger, you don't want them. i realize there's work, but I wouldn't do it. (still better than those other tools)
  3. Jeremy, if you make a Aints fan a mod I will never come to this site again.
  4. Torrey Smith is not our answer for #2 receiver. He is going to get overpaid, and frankly, isn't that good. Maclin would be a huge signing but there's literally zero chance we could sign him, and that's assuming the Eagles don't lock him up, which they will.
  5. He's not a "average kr/pr" he was a better WR for us in 2013 than anybody except KB this past year. And he's a top 10 return man easily. Main thing though is value. He would be one of the most valuable signings we'd get. Yeah I'd much rather have Cobb or Maclin but not for the prices they'll demand. I'm being realistic here. Ginn would be a great re-acquisition.
  6. Torrey Smith is a deep threat just like Ginn. Having them both wouldn't help. Smith is a better receiver but Ginn has the return ability. I'd much much much rather sign Ginn than Smith and would be pissed if we signed both. I want us to take a chance on Nicks, sign Ginn and draft 2 more WRs, then we wouldn't have to worry about it. Then we'd still likely have money for Free, Bulaga, or Dunlap or some FA veteran tackle.
  7. If I could choose any FA for us to sign (including all the tiffany's purchases) it would be Teddy Ginn. Next up would be Hardy (he would be first if he would truly come here for vet min.), but Ginn would be a huge re-acquisition for us this offseason, and relatively cheap. We'd still need a #2, which we could get in the draft, but then we'd have a beast of a speedster who Cam loves as our #3, a true return man, and a guy who actually has some chemistry here. I have a tough time seeing the Cards keep him with the emergence of John Brown, to be honest, so I really really hope this happens.
  8. He could be at the facilities but couldn't practice with the team or participate in any workout and he could not be at games on the sideline. Same as Gordon when he was suspended this year.
  9. It was a 'paid' suspension. He wasn't allowed to participate with the team just as a normal suspension.
  10. She's going to be really really fat in time.
  11. "Getting away with" hitting or raping a woman.... What are you talking about? Let the legal process play out and if he gets punished in court let that happen. Everybody makes mistakes in life. Now rape is a lot different than hitting a woman, as all crimes have various degrees, but lets say there was a domestic dispute with a franchise guy like Luke or Cam who hit a woman (but she was also hitting him), got probation, fine, etc. Would you then think he should never play in the NFL again or you'd never want him playing for the Panthers again? There's this thing in life called forgiveness. And everybody needs it for something they did at some point in their life. What Ray Rice did was absolutely unacceptable. But the courts made a ruling on what happened, he has not repeated the behavior, and he has shown remorse and that he's learned from it. Nobody's saying he shouldn't suffer any consequences (his consequences were his sentence from the court system), but he shouldn't be banned from the league for life, and teams should have absolutely no issues signing him if they think he's changed and has EARNED his forgiveness. Honestly, a two game suspension (the initial discipline) would be absolutely reasonable. Do you think Vick shouldn't be allowed to play? He made a pretty big mistake that was largely a result of how he was raised. He has learned from it, more than made up for it, served a large sentence of prison time, and hasn't done anything wrong at all since so if you think he shouldn't be playing football at all or wouldn't want him (or someone like him) on the Panthers, then you are a very sad man. I'm not saying winning is all that matters like the other guy, but to say that if a guy does one bad thing off the field (and is disciplined by the court system) that you wouldn't want him on the team you root for is absolutely crazy.
  12. Not many are saying "Brady sucks" or that the Patriots would be "nothing" if they didn't cheat. People questioning whether Brady can be considered among the GOAT have legitimate arguments. Many think he's overrated, and that is absolutely worthy of debate both ways. And they are questioning Belichick's integrity of the game and whether he should be allowed in the league if proven to have gone outside the rules numerous times. It's been proven once, and could be a second time. It's widely considered that he's an amazing coach and the cheating likely didn't have much of an impact on them winning or not, BUT that's irrelevant. Cheating is cheating whether it was necessary for them to win or not. Nixon probably would've won the election anyways but that doesn't make what he did fine. Anybody saying Brady sucks or the Patriots have only won because they cheated are idiots, but there aren't many people saying that.
  13. we all know you're a closet patriots fan and brady d-rider
  14. Schefter trying to turn nothing into a big story... That's his job. I bet the they find the Patriots balls were deflated but have no proof of Belichick knowing about it and they fine the team like $25k, end of story.
  15. Really all KB had that was great against him was the one 50 yarder over him and Thomas. Sherman is amazing, maybe slightly overrated, but absolutely amazing. And KB's performance says more about KB's potential than it does Sherman IMO.
  16. I would be ecstatic if we bring Free in. Whether it be at LT or RT I don't care much, all I know is it would guarantee we're solid at at least one tackle position. Love Remmers but he's not definitely the long term guy. I'd be happy and much less nervous with Free at LT than a rookie there. Free-Norwell-Kalil-Turner-Remmers would be solid enough to not ruin our chances of winning games. If we sign Free and go mid to late in the draft at tackle then we could get more secondary/WR help early in the draft or even a pass rusher (BPA) and I think we'd be in a really really good position. Gettleman's the man so whatever he does I trust.
  17. Strip is great but I agree Sirloin is better. Ribeye and flat iron though...
  18. Gonna go non-Panthers on this one although TD is 100% the most underrated player in the entire league. Underrated: Brandon Mebane Overrated: Arian Foster
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