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Everything posted by t96

  1. He's a good QB. You were calling him top tier. In other words, on par with Brady, Manning, Brees and Rodgers. He's not even close to any of those guys, and his contract paid him more than all 4 of those guys at the time (now Rodgers is higher but he got extended after Flacco). Flacco probably deserved something similar to guys like Big Ben and Philip Rivers... $15M/year. He got $21M/year. And forget guaranteed money in these cases because all these guys will be seeing their entire contracts. That contract is what changed the market.
  2. Using team achievements to "show" that he's a top tier NFL QB... Come on man. Flacco has been inconsistent his entire career, has never topped 27 TDs or 4000 yards passing his completion % is all over the place and aside from the 1 postseason where he went 11 TDS and no picks he's been mediocre in the playoffs. I'm not going to tell you it's all defense, but you can't ignore the defense. Not to mention Flacco is playing for one of the most consistently good organizations since they came into the league. Harbaugh and Newsome are among the best HC/GM pairs in the league and before the past 2 years he had an above average to elite run game, o-line, and weapons. Flacco is a decent QB but very far from "top tier."
  3. The Flacco contract started it all. Got wayyyyyy more than he's worth because of one good playoff series and Super Bowl win. He's making more than elite QBs and now it's impossible not to give Cam, Wilson and Luck more than him.
  4. Come on man. What secondaries were each team playing against? Their secondary has 9 total All-Pro seasons. Ours has 0. And it was in Seattle.
  5. MJ being the greatest is not a FACT. To suggest he's the best "by a huge margin" like that fella suggested, or that him being the best is a fact, is absolutely absurd. I grew up watching the doctor, the stilt, kareem, russell, elgin baylor, etc. all play way before MJ, and I would accept arguments of any of those guys being better, though I myself would probably go with MJ-but only slightly. Nothing is fact when it comes to comparing greats. Everybody who grew up watching Jordan and none of the guys before him, think like you. Same with all the young fellas nowadays who think LeBron is "by a huge margin" the greatest ever, except with LeBron instead of Jordan. It's a generational thing that fugs up your thinking, and an arrogance that makes you so certain you're right. Have fun thinking that way sir.
  6. Hmm.... As I was a big Pistons fan in the '80s and '90s, I'm gonna have to disagree with you on that one.
  7. I would be content making less than a coworker if I was extremely passionate about what I do and if I wanted the company to succeed. I personally probably wouldn't give much more than a 5% discount or something like that, if any at all, but I don't understand why people think it would be absolutely outrageous for a guy like Cam to take less than he's worth. I think it's worth it to keep Cam at whatever his asking price is. Obviously $35M isn't but that's not reasonable for him to be asking for. I'd be absolutely fine with him making as much as whatever Luck and Wilson get. We'll just have to see, and I really really hope we can get it out of the way this offseason.
  8. No sir but I can observe his personality on the field, off the field, and in interviews and it's obvious.
  9. The thing about that though is one could take a contract for 10 years, $100 Million with $40M guaranteed up front. Set for life. Plus endorsements. It's not like you need every single penny you can get. $5M and you'd be set for life. $40M and you could have a dozen kids and all them and their kids and their grandkids could be set for life. If they're taught how to save money and not needlessly spend it. It's one thing if you want to have an extravagant lifestyle like Floyd "Money" Mayweather or Johnny Manziel, but if you're smart and low key (which Cam seems to be) then there's no reason you NEED an extra $50M or whatever. Not saying I wouldn't take as much as I can get but if one really really wanted to win, it would not hurt your financial situation by taking less than you're worth.
  10. You don't know a damn thing about him if you're really pondering that.
  11. 22-24 per year with 40-50 of it guaranteed would be above those guys... http://overthecap.com/position/quarterback/ He'd have more guaranteed than those guys except for Rodgers and would be making the most per year of anybody. I don't know what Luck and Wilson will get, but I guarantee you if G-man straight up offered 6 years $135M with $45M guaranteed today, he and his party would accept it, because it would be the best contract of any QB in the league (until Luck/Wilson sign). I don't know what the fug that article is talking about with Kaepernick's guaranteed because he has basically nothing guaranteed and if he's not an All-Pro or NFC Champion his salary goes down every year, and they can cut him any year after the first two without having to pay him another dime.
  12. Yeah I heard about that but I don't see it happening. He'll get a lot guaranteed, but not fully. Fully guaranteed for a QB as small as him who runs a lot would be absolutely fuging outrageous. One injury, and bam your team's done. Even if he were to get that I couldn't see Gettleman offering Cam 70 million guaranteed. He's not a guy to just throw out guaranteed money to a player who's not quite elite yet.
  13. 70 guaranteed would be the most in the league and I am fairly positive Cam and his boys would take that. Don't think G-man would hand out 70 guaranteed. Much more likely to be something like 40-50 guaranteed and total 22-24 per year with cap hits backloaded.
  14. I love this video. The Hixon TD catch had me on the floor bawling I loved it so much, but when we beat Crybaby and the Cheatriots it was soooo much better. That was Cam's coming out party, he was perfect against the best franchise of the past decade on Monday Night Football.
  15. He's better than Lattimore and Lattimore's injury was outrageously worse. Simple ACL tear is not that big of a deal any more. Getting a possible Adrian Peterson talent late in the 3rd round would be huge. There's literally 0% chance that he goes undrafted. Very very likely he'll still go in round 1 or 2.
  16. What I hate is how little credit Cam gets for how successful we were in 2013. He was arguably the clutchest QB in the league that year. Our defense was amazing and deserves all the credit it gets, but Cam was absolutely spectacular in all the close games that year.
  17. I didn't know about this place in 2011, but were there really people thinking we should've taken someone other than Cam #1 overall?
  18. -Better in the long run, much younger with key guys locked up and I think less holes. But I don't think our roster from the end of this past season has us in as good of a position to win a Super Bowl as 2013's roster did. -Don't think this can be answered considering the huge losses from 2013 to 2014 (Gross, Hardy, Captain, Ginn, Mitchell, etc.). In some areas there's definitely been improvement though and other areas probably not. -Absolutely. DG could be the best GM in the league if he continues at this rate. Amazing amazing amazing drafts and solid FA for the most part considering our cap space, and show business instinct by not overpaying. Think we're in a perfect position for sustained success.
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