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Everything posted by t96

  1. It's not impossible, but I wouldn't get your hopes up if I were you.
  2. Bell played better in the last 6 games when our line was finally solidified with Turner, Norwell and Remmers. I think Oher could be decent at LT with this group and Matsko. It's just a stop gap solution until we find our long term guy so I would be happy with this signing.
  3. The point is that he doesn't want to be a Viking. He'd rather make less and play for any other team than be a Viking. That's according to the recent reports that he's very upset with how the FO handled his situation. I'd be pissed too if my own FO was plotting against me and working with the league to get me off the field. I think there's a 75% that he's not a Viking next year. The Vikings don't want his cap hit anyways so if he doesn't want to be there, he's gone.
  4. Vikings don't have a chance to win next year. They're not that far off but they won't come anywhere near the Super Bowl next year, likely not even playoffs. Lions and Packers are both dominant and the NFC West and East will likely be fighting for wildcard spots as well.
  5. They haven't had a good run game in years.
  6. Think if Peterson ends up in Detroit.... That offense would be STACKED. And their D would still be top notch even if they can't keep Suh.
  7. I think it's valid to think that he has no idea what is on the 'video' and won't say that it's not, because he doesn't know and won't say that it is believed to be, because if there is none or it's not, then he fuged up.
  8. Maybe a few people had known about it and were working on it, but I still think it's impossible for it to have been circulating around the media (implying many knew about it) for months with nothing at all coming out until last week. We'll just have to see.
  9. I'm saying it's bullshit. Exactly like you said, nobody sits on anything. There is literally 0% chance that all these people have known of a video for months and sat on it, as Florio claims. Even if none of them had proof that there was a video there would have been stories about it. It's just trash.
  10. Florio said last week it's been circulating around for months (not the video itself but that there is a video). Bullshit. Somebody would've written about it then. Nothing was known to the public about this until last week when Florio said something about it on that radio show.
  11. (L x D) + W/G ------------------- Yaw^2
  12. No they actually said the opposite that they would bring in players who could be just special teams guys.
  13. I want him back. As a backup. Would come cheap and has chemistry with the guys.
  14. No one could see Smitty playing 1 year here after his Ravens contract is up, we've won back to back Super Bowls, and before he retires?
  15. They don't get to become a permanent mod, just for one season?
  16. I would love to hear Remmers' agent's take on this. Doubt he'll come in here and say anything though.
  17. Is there any chance Strong could fall to us in the 2nd? He would be a huge upgrade and I hope we can get Hardy in a later round. Would make it easier for us to pick defensive in the 1st. Need a OT somewhere though, hopefully atleast 2.
  18. Yeah I rememer hearing him in an interview saying running the 40 at the combine was the worst decision of his football career because he didn't plan to and didn't train for it and some team scouts or other guys kind of pressured him into running it. TD's way faster than his combine speed indicates. The two guys I want most at 25 are Shaq or Landon Collins. Our D will be elite again with either of them. Both can play OLB or SS and both are complete beasts. Would be happy with a guy like La'el Collins or even DGB or another top WR, but I am dying for Landon or Shaq, mainly Landon.
  19. Hold your horses there bud. You're making it seem like he's the best QB ever. It was a road victory against a terrible Redskins team without their QB healthy. And then he played just okay against an absolutely horrible defense against Atlanta. And when you said "they do this often in tight games" you don't have a god damn clue what you're talking about. Get Wilson's balls out of your mouth man. That guy was wrong but chill out. You seem like a Seahags fan.
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