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Everything posted by t96

  1. We have a top GM and a solid coach. We got to the divisional round last year after losing 2 pro bowlers and other important key players and actually gaining no pro bowlers. Not sure why fellas here want to keep complaining even when we as Panthers fans have a lot to be excited about.
  2. I thought Voth said that we never actually made him an offer, and that was a wrong report.
  3. Don't fuging trade for that contract. Let him be cut and then try to sign him to a low guaranteed contract and bring him in to compete. He was bad last year but who knows what could happen with him here. He was actually great when filling in as LT for the Bengals.
  4. This would be my dream first 2 picks. I still have a really really hard time seeing Collins drop to us but I fuging hope he does so badly. Our D would easily be top 3 again with adding him in addition to our other young guys improving. Not sure I'd be that happy with O'Leary but it's the 3rd round and if that's who DG and Rivera go with then I'm all for it.
  5. Team I see him signing with, if not here..... Cincinnati Bengals.
  6. He ain't OFFICIALLY gone until he signs with another team.
  7. Are you really this fuging slow? Peterson JUST GOT PUT ON THE EXEMPT LIST YESTERDAY, while the NFL appeals the judge's ruling. He did not fuging agree to being placed on it. Wow.
  8. Yes they can. They just did with Peterson. Are you this slow? Hardy did agree to be put on it but he really had no other choice because if he said no he'd have just been suspended indefinitely.
  9. No. Their new policy says 6 games for first offender. So they were not waiting on it to decide how many games.
  10. I don't have a clue what you're talking about, that's just my guess.
  11. It's completely fuged up. Gender bias in the courts is a major issue in the US that isn't getting the attention it should.
  12. We'll see what happens with him. There's 0 chance Hardy ends up with more than 2 games. He shouldn't get any, and it's possible he won't, but we'll see.
  13. No I'm looking at it from a facts standpoint. The NFL has shown that it doesn't use facts as a basis for punishment, and that it makes things up as it goes, so yes there will likely be punishment. I'm saying that it's not right or fair.
  14. Based on how the dozens of lawyers who commented on the case explained how NC law makes a guilty verdict in the bench trial basically guaranteed to happen, I'd say that the outcome of that trial doesn't say anything at all about the evidence. Holder was the only "evidence" in the bench trial. If there was other actual evidence, the prosecution would've continued with the trial without her.
  15. Well, yes and no. It's about getting the most possible positive yards. I've seen both Ginn and this kid numerous times run out of bounds to avoid contact when he could've easily gotten 5 more yards. and maybe even more or broken a tackle and gone all the way. And I can't see Agholor going down the middle and holding onto a catch with a hit coming. He plays kind of scared. Smitty's such a monster because he fight his hardest for every extra inch. Agholor won't get any yards after contact. Smitty made his career on it. I know I shouldn't compare him to Smitty, I'm just saying that's a part of his game that I don't like. Having that aspect of taking hits and getting more out of them is a big part of being a successful WR, in my opinion. That's why I liked Philly this past year, he's a small motherfuger but he fought for those yards. It's not taking away from me wanting us to get him in the 2nd, I just think if he embraced that contact and tried to break tackles and fight for more yards, he'd be more successful.
  16. Hardy was the only one who didn't admit guilt. People believed he'd be guilty because the media reported in every Hardy story that he was found guilty and then appealed. But they never clarify how NC law works to show that the original guilty verdict was a technicality. If Goodell actually thought he would be guilty, then he was way stupider than I thought someone making his kind of money would be.
  17. There would need to be some evidence of abuse. There wasn't in Hardy's case, otherwise the cops on the scene would've arrested him.
  18. Yes if a woman who is TRULY BEATEN calls the police, the man should be arrested. But that's not the case. The cops there found nothing to indicate that Hardy hit her, and didn't even arrest him when they arrived. And HARDY HIMSELF called the police, not her. If there's not evidence of a crime being committed, then why in the fuging world should somebody be arrested?
  19. Wow. So doing something that's not criminal at all, means he should've been arrested? Do you also think girls that dress skimpy should get raped and that anyone who thinks they shouldn't get raped is "childish and not facing reality?"
  20. Hanging out with "shady people" is not a crime and it is not something that justifies being suspended by the NFL.
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