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Everything posted by t96

  1. Tepper can pretend he’ll give them a leash but if we don’t make the playoffs by 2025 I think they’re gone after 2. If not sooner.
  2. honestly, what I watched did not give me the warm and fuzzies. I fear both Dan and Dave C will be gone in 2 years
  3. Tepper should use his massive wallet to try to steal the Steelers' WR scouts/coaches away from them
  4. honestly I hate the 3-4 and hope we switch back to 4-3 permanently. If Evero can't run a 4-3 then find someone else to do it.
  5. Why was there no way that could happen? Terry Pegula bought the Bills in 2014 after they hadn't made the playoffs since 1999. They made the playoffs in 2017 and now every year since 2019 have been contenders. The Panthers under Tepper have only gotten worse and worse each year. And it's ultimately all on him, there is no context that takes the blame off of him. He's made poor decision after poor decision, has had no patience and by many reports is an arrogant unlikeable douche in the team workplace. Maybe he'll somehow turn it around at some point but this is by far the worst the team has ever been and it's all been under his leadership. Other potential owners absolutely could've done way better. The Bills were in no better shape in 2014 than we were in 2018 when the respective sales happened. I'd argue they were in worse shape. And Pegula got them turned around quickly.
  6. weird they let this be official while the Chiefs season is still ongoing. but cool, I'm happy to get anyone from Reid's tree, coaching or front office.
  7. I just can't bring myself to invest any time in learning about Canales or any other coaching staff, front office hires, etc. I'll follow camp news a bit and watch come preseason and regular season and hope he does well but otherwise it's just hard to get all that interested in this team. fug tepper for ruining it for us
  8. LOL. Regardless of outcome of the SB, Chiefs are obviously favorites again next year.
  9. I'm not giving up on Ickey at LT, need to scheme around his deficiencies while he develops though.
  10. I wonder what the results would've been if Tepper had set Rhule up for success from day one of him being hired. Rhule had to deal with the clusterfugs that were Hurney and Fitterer and constant power struggles and tepper involving himself in everything. Look, I'm no fan of Rhule and he definitely sucked, just saying we don't know how much of that was him sucking or the organization being a dumpster fire because of Tepper. After the way things played out I tend to lean more towards the latter. I doubt Dan Campbell would have had any success here the last several years if we had hired him instead of the Lions.
  11. t96


    Maybe the first month of his first season some people will tune in for brady, but after that nobody is tuning in to watch what he has to say either
  12. t96


    You contradict yourself dude. I agree with your last sentence and will take it a step further -- no more than a negligible amount of people will tune into a game because of any commentator, all that matters is the teams on the field.
  13. t96


    I won't watch any non-Panthers game that has brady calling it. And if he's calling a Panthers game I will mute it for the entirety of the broadcast. fug that douche
  14. also starting to think we may have judged Rhule a bit too prematurely as well... he's definitely a douche but I think if given time and legit trust from ownership to put his vision and plan into place he could've had success on the field here. We actually saw it a bit when Wilks took over and we started winning, that was very much a team that Rhule built. Don't get me wrong I'm glad Rhule and Reich are both gone but despite having their own issues I think Tepper's meddling didn't allow either of them to have any chance of success.
  15. happy to snag anybody from the Chiefs org. I know it's FO so a little different but Reid has an incredible tree of people from his organizations doing well elsewhere.
  16. Ben Johnson calling a run play on that last possession was the dumbest thing I've seen since the Seahawks SB choke. That timeout is the difference right now.
  17. LOL WFT can have Ben, he fuging sucks ass. Calling a run play there is the definition of fuging retard.
  18. lol nah he's aided by an elite OL and elite weapons in an elite system, absolutely a dime a dozen
  19. 49ers are a lucky trash organization and Mahomes is gonna fuging make them his bitch yet again. jimmy g when healthy was better than this prick purdy
  20. Lions D is embarrassingly bad, Chiefs are going to absolutely fuging demolish this bitch
  21. and Dan Campbell has sealed his fate, fuging imbecile
  22. Detroit getting too cute, fuging dumbass playcalling. 2 flee flickers in 1 game
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