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Everything posted by t96

  1. Smitty doing that with the QB play he had and in the offenses that he had (all run first throughout his entire career) really gives him an argument for being a top 3-5 WR all time. Only WRs I take over him honestly are Rice, Moss, Megatron.
  2. that's a name I haven't heard in a long damn time. he actually kinda balled out for us in 2015 after Bene and Peanut injuries
  3. ok seriously though, I agree with Pep. Or get a Smitty. Both will be hall of famers and were defining players for this franchise. It's really a shame that we don't have a single player on the roster right now that I think is worthy of a jersey purchase. Maybe Brown but I certainly wouldn't buy one until he's re-signed as it's entirely possible he walks/gets traded in the next year or 2.
  4. PJ was infuriating man, he'd put up 40 showing what he's capable of then score 0 the next game and have a stretch of 10 games scoring 10ppg. Appreciate his time here but it was time to move on, and the 1st is the main return. Grant could be a bonus or not, we'll see how he plays here. I do think there's something to this locker room needing a significant culture reset -- guys like PJ and Hayward were absolutely horrible veteran leaders, both just completely indifferent and lackadaisical. Both could be addition by subtraction anyways. I'm not really a fan of this cliche but here I think it applies well to this team -- we need some more "dawgs" and players who actually give a poo about winning and will play hard every minute they're on the floor.
  5. Trading that pick for 2nds made no sense and it's been frustrating with Mark hurt but I still am happy with Mark over Duren.
  6. yeah absolutely worthless player. we've mostly drafted pretty well lately under Mitch but my god 2021 was an absolute disaster with bouk and kai
  7. Hard not to consider every single move a win. Terry is a great scorer but to some degree an empty stats kinda guy with terrible defense and his age/contract didn't fit our timeline at all so to get a 1st and expiring for him was a win. Gordon my god you couldn't find a more worthless player the last couple years and we got 3 NBA caliber players (important considering we have been playing plenty of non-NBA caliber players lately, and one of those was a recent mid 1st rounder who has legit upside) and a few picks. PJ is just so inconsistent and I think both sides benefit from a change of scenery. That 2027 first we got is only top 2 protected and could be an incredible asset, and nice to bring Seth home. Grant Williams, although I can't stand the guy and didn't want us to touch him this off-season when it was rumored, will bring some defensive intensity and probably a welcome change to the culture in the locker room -- one of actually caring about winning rather than indifference. And love or hate Miles, he's a damn stud on the court and if we had traded him to the Suns for peanuts it would've been a completely retarded basketball decision. I still suspect he is traded in the next year or 2 but it'd be a sign and trade where we will get much more in return than if we traded him now. Really can't complain about any of these moves and it sounds like we'll have new front office and HC after the season. A fresh start for the team with new ownership and a lot of great pieces to build around in the next 2-3 years. Do I expect to be contending next year? Nope, but in 2-3 years I can see us finally being a consistent top 6 seed in the East and actually threaten to win a playoff series for the first time in many fans' lifetimes... Hopefully guys can stay healthy but we do truly have an exciting group of young talent in Miller, Melo, Mark, Miles and will have a high lottery pick next year to add to it plus a stash of 1st round picks coming up after that to trade or use. It's been a terrible season so far for many reasons but I do think the future looks very bright here and this excellent trade deadline is a great start.
  8. If you watched the games he has played you'd realize his talent is that of an elite shutdown #1 corner. There's no reason to give up on that this early because he's been hurt a few times. Maybe he never works out but what good reason is there to get rid of him now? Cap hit is irrelevant, we're rebuilding. We're not going to get any significant return with his value at its lowest point right now. There's just no reason at all to get rid of him. Let him play out another year or 2 and make decisions about his future here then. Convince me why it make sense to get rid of him now or to turn down the option.
  9. No one talks about him because this team is irrelevant across the league. Barely anyone talked about Brown and dude legitimately had one of the greatest seasons for a DT ever. Nobody talks about any of our other players like Luvu either. If we were good maybe we'd get more attention but there's also the fact that no one on the national level cares about the Carolinas and sports here.
  10. I didn't realize it was so low, only $11M makes it more of a decision. Was thinking no chance we'd pick it up but that was assuming it would be like $20M+ cap hit. I think we will and should pick it up honestly. We could trade him in a year too.
  11. nah bro that makes no sense, he fits so well with Brandon and is a legit superstar caliber player and we would not be getting one of those in return. just need to solve his ankle issues.
  12. CJ great QB and great leader. Nice job Tepper and your fuging idiot squad
  13. I was so wrong about him and man I'm so happy about it. Love me some LaMelo and Mark but Miller quickly emerging as our most important player (if not for LaMelo's injuries it'd be him but hard to trust his health at this point). Hated Jordan as an owner but honestly appreciative of him leaving us with Miller.
  14. ok and we'll likely never find out as he's not leaving Detroit for a different OC role
  15. A few teams with openings may be interested but no I do not think half the league would be firing people just to have a chance at him. That is absurd. He's done pretty well with Detroit but they've also had arguably the most offensive talent in the league the last couple years and Campbell's offensive acumen is overlooked and certainly plays a large part in their success. He's not just a meathead hype/rah rah guy. Worked closely with Sean Payton in NO as assistant HC and surely brought a lot of that with him to Detroit.
  16. t96

    Apple Vision Pro

    wouldn't pay $100 for one let alone 3 grand lol, but to each his/her own
  17. I'm not saying a team would give up more than that for Horn right now, just that there's no point in us trading him for that little of a return. The difference with Young and Horn is that Horn when healthy has shown he can be an elite #1 corner. Chase when healthy (which is only slightly more than Horn) has shown he's at best a rotational pass rusher. Obviously Jeudy is a bust and Bryce hasn't shown anything either. Horn and Otah are good comparisons, neither are like the other names mentioned. They are great players when on the field but can't stay healthy. Honestly Horn isn't that much different than McCaffrey his last few years here, we traded him and have now been kicking ourselves for it ever since. Except Horn is at one of the most valuable positions in the league and McCaffrey one of the least.
  18. Chase Young is absolutely worthless. Pro bowl means nothing considering half the league makes it by the time everyone drops out. That defensive rookie class was atrocious and he won it on name recognition and draft position alone. His career pace is 6 sacks per season and he has also missed significant time. It's very telling the skins couldn't get more than a very late 3rd (either last or 2nd to last in the round) for him.
  19. Horn has enough potential when healthy that a measly 3rd isn't a big enough return to make it worth it. And worth noting Jeudy has a cap hit $7M more than Horn so good luck signing free agents when wasting cap like that on a scrub. I decline Horn's 5th year option but keep him this year and plan to get him on a bridge deal after that or if he dominates this year without missing time, tag and keep or trade him for a bigger return.
  20. wouldn't lump in Horn with those others. Bryce, Jerry, Chase all have shown absolutely nothing at all on the field. Horn at least when healthy is pretty dominant.
  21. lol wtf, I wouldn't take Jeudy and them giving us a 3rd for just Horn.
  22. lol smitty would disown us if this happened
  23. 16 teams lining up to pay him? based on what lol, we don't even know if he's gotten a single offer.
  24. whatever I've long moved on from him and he was never top of my list anyways. Some of the horrible playcalling in the NFCCG turned me off of him as well
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