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Everything posted by t96

  1. Would’ve considered going to Germany if it was the Chiefs as rumored a year ago. Giants I don’t think so
  2. Nothing for whoever it was that jumped Necas. Bullshit
  3. Seriously, completely fuging absurd how easy these bitches go down. They throw a punch that we don’t flop on then we hit back once and they go down like they were fuging shot by a 50cal. Probably the most pitiful fuging flopping sports team I’ve ever seen outside of soccer
  4. And now the refs decide they need to get involved and we’re probably gonna be on the PK
  5. 1-0. Largely due to Svech’s physicality in the o zone there. Beautiful. Get the next one quick please
  6. Pathetic fuging call, the trash reffing continues into Raleigh
  7. I'll find the exact stats at some point but we have been the best PK in the league regular season under Rod since 2018 and bottom 5 in the playoffs since then. PP has been top 10-12 regular season and bottom 5 in the playoffs. Special teams falling off in the playoffs is 100% a trend at this point and enough that would cause me to seriously evaluate the coaching staff. There just aren't any excuses for this anymore especially adding the talent we've added in the past year. Special teams is the only reason we haven't won a Cup yet or gotten further in the playoffs, and that is completely on coaching not the roster.
  8. That’s a fuging penalty?… in what god damn world Jesus christ
  9. Shouldn’t be icing when 3 rags players watch the puck go right by their sticks.
  10. Orlov has been mostly incredible the last few months but my god dude wtf was that? Thanks Freddie
  11. ESPN needs to be fug8ng banned by our gov’t what a joke
  12. Putrid officiating. Not even mad just flabbergasted. Why even bother watching this poo
  13. Refs handing them the game yet again. Just disgusting. Joke of a league
  14. Freddie fuging sucks. We’d be up 2 with Koochie in net
  15. That’s not a trip lol. Worthless reffing, please kill it
  16. The pass was phenomenal but it’s something we’ve seen Aho do pretty much since he entered the league. The underrated part of that play was how strong he was possessing the puck on the boards for like 7-10 seconds there to have the time and space to make that pass. Aho has gotten way stronger the last 2 years and it shows on plays like that.
  17. fuging beautiful!!!! Aho and Guentzel fuging stepping up today, love it
  18. The league would’ve been a better place if Adam fox took the skate to the neck instead of Adam Johnson in the UK. Take that piece of poo out
  19. Lol you have got to be fuging kidding me right???
  20. Trouba should get 4 for the fuging cross check after the whistle, dirty piece of poo
  21. Awesome pressure there, great shift from Staal. Love to see it but need to capitalize with puck in the back of the net
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