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Everything posted by t96

  1. shut him down for the season, embrace the tank
  2. D could easily score another TD against Jimmy G. O will be lucky to put up 6 points, unless we're getting blown out they could get a garbage time TD like last game.
  3. Like him or not, he has every right to be, considering guys like Snyder are still able to own a team. He was a bad owner, I don't feel bad for him either being a billionaire, but in the context of NFL ownership he was done wrong.
  4. Ben Navarro would've been best, especially if Peyton Manning was going to be involved as was rumored for a little while.
  5. another example of this stat's flaws. Cam in 2017 was so much better than Teddy 2020. But yeah Baker sucks in every metric
  6. I hope the new staff keeps Campen around.
  7. He did pretty damn well with Kaepernick, who absolutely sucked ass after he left. Harbaugh is my #1 choice, Payton #2.
  8. Icky has definitely been a bright spot this season. He’s progressed every week. Huge to have LT certainty going forward at least
  9. Gettleman/Ron era is by far our best stretch of success in team history. Ron/Hurney was absolutely terrible, but Ron/DG brought us 4 playoff seasons out of 5 with 3 of those being divisional round or further... Those results speak for themselves. Gettleman absolutely had his issues, but he was able to give Ron a roster that he could have success with and they worked well together. I still wonder what might have happened if JR never fired the nippleshorts. Cam's downfall was likely already inevitable and DG did a terrible job in NY and picked a bad QB but just from the results I think there is a chance (small as it may have been) Ron/DG could've made things work together longer term. Oh well
  10. I think our roster is built pretty well, with a few exceptions (QB obviously, giving up draft capital, etc.) so I'd give them a shot to stick around with a new HC. However, if we want to go after a Sean Payton or Jim Harbaugh and they want full control and/or to handpick their own front office then by all means. I suspect either of them would be fine with Fitt/Morgan staying initially and if it wasn't working out after a year or two then they'd be replaced but for proven NFL coaches like those 2 I'd give them whatever they want.
  11. Just put him on IR and let him rest until we get a new staff.
  12. No good options but I'd probably go with Sean Ryan. Jeff Nixon was interim last year after Brady's firing but he wasn't particularly good.
  13. is that a valid excuse for Baker? would he know McAdoo's playbook?
  14. A legit coach and hitting on a top QB in 2023 draft could easily have us completely turned around and a playoff team next year. Easier said than done, but that's all it takes. The other pieces are there.
  15. I say no because I don’t want to throw a rookie QB to the wolves next year with zero weapons
  16. fug it just give Carson Strong the rest of the season. We either pick top 2 or he somehow proves to be a diamond in the rough.
  17. What was our record with Cam starting last year? Give it up people, jesus
  18. Defense is honestly rock solid. They’ve been great since 2020 when not being hung out to dry by the O turning the ball over and being unable to sustain drives.
  19. Clausen was god awful but he had poo around him. We actually have a great OL and some great weapons. Play calling is terrible but Baker is even worse.
  20. It’s flabbergasting. Total organizational failure on offense.
  21. Rhule better be gone tomorrow, along with his superstar OC. Period. Absolutely embarrassing.
  22. Our D is great but yeah everything else about this game blows
  23. hard to believe but yes I think he will do better than Baker with our OL improvements from last year. Still will suck though and this offense has zero hope this season.
  24. lol we all knew that was coming, I ain't the jinx, our damn idiotic coaching staff is.
  25. So this drive is going great, fully expecting a 15 yard sack coming up here out of the 2min warning
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