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Everything posted by PandaPancake

  1. I think the real issue now is having a Panthers snuggie
  2. Come on man. You know Rodeo will defend the Patriots even if they become Isis because his mom's friend's cousin twice removed played 13 seconds for them
  3. Hey fugo, when we're you planning on telling the rest of us? You could have saved us a ton of heartache
  4. Is there anyway I can sue the Patriots for not honoring the values of our founding fathers?
  5. I find Brady to be much more likeable than our resident Patriots defender.
  6. I wonder if Fox is working on a Starjammers movie?
  7. Anyone else want to send a case of vitamin water to Jase's house?
  8. If you think a tree might be following you i would ignore it
  9. I didn't read all of your replies but I'm going to make you read my essay on it because fug you
  10. What i do on a Sunday night is no business of yours
  11. You wait until Mr Stark comes to power.
  12. Movies are mapped out to 2022. Keep your pants on
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